
Chapter 21

Hadrian was now curious about Uther's reaction to Nimueh and just like he thought the man was freaking out.

In Nimueh's cave,she chants a spell and then drops a flower petal into the water. She watches Merlin in the water. She pulls out the petal, now transparent, and puts it in a silver goblet

Nimueh enchants a silver chalice,it was poisoned .

While in the throne room,Bayard and his men arrive in Camelot, they meet Uther and his men in the Throne Room.Uther smiled and said"

Camelot welcomes you, Lord Bayard of Mercia.The treaty we sign today marks an end to war and a beginning to a new friendship between our people."

Uther and Bayard grasp arms. Both parties applaud while Nimueh stares at Merlin.While Hadrian and Morgana already sensed her was able to spot her.

In the upper corridor,Merlin passes Gaius in the Upper Corridor while carrying a heavy bag

Merlin questioned"Why do I always get landed with the donkey work?"

Gaius answered"You're a servant, Merlin. It's what you do."

Merlin tiredly said"My arms will be a foot longer by the time I get this lot inside."

Gaius simply replied"It's character building. As the old proverb says, hard work breeds... a harder soul."

Merlin knowingly asked"There is no way that's a proverb. You just made that up."

Gaius shrugged and replied"No. I didn't."

While Nimueh who disguised as a servant

fakes a fall right in front of Merlin and apologized"Sorry."

Merlin waved if off and said"It's alright."

Nimueh now started taking the things that had fallen and said"Excuse me."

Merlin crouches down to help her and catches Nimueh's eye and said"Let me give you a hand with that."

They stand up togther,while introducing himself"Hi. I'm Merlin."

He shakes her hand,while Nimueh gave a fake name"Cara. You're Arthur's servant. That must be such an honour."

Merlin with fake smile and replied"Oh, yeah. It is. Well, you know, someone's got to keep the place running."

Nimueh gave a smile and saidaThank you, Merlin."

Merlin hummed and looks down at the pillow he picked up for her,while replying"Oh, right. Yeah. Er, no problem."

Nimueh nodded and said"It was nice meeting you."

Merlin watches her leave,while Gaius didn't see Nimueh face.So he didn't recognize.So he only thought Merlin was smitten with the girl and asked"Shouldn't you be busy running the place?"

Gaius then laughs at Merlin,who blushed at yhe whole thing.

While minutes later in Bayard's Guest Chambers​,

Nimueh chants"Alysan duru ronne."

The door opens,Nimueh easily enters and opens a box with two silver goblets inside. She was just about to replace one of them with an identical one that she enchanted at the beginning.But she stopped by a voice"You don't have to do this."

Nimueh turned to face the person, but then recognized him.It was surprising as she said"You are Hadrian Black the first warlock?"

Hadrian was known as the First Warlock,Natures Champion and Death companion.

Hadrian smiled at her, while Nimueh in slight anger questioned"Why are you protecting him, Uther killed many of our people and he shows no sign of remorse for it."

Hadrian sighed and answered"Because his end is already fixed, we don't have to do anything."

Nimueh was confused, so he explained"Uther's bloodline and Camelot as whole is cursed by Nature herself, so you don't have to do anything as they will fall in a decade at best."

This was shock to Nimueh, while Hadrian frowned and added"Think about it, do you really think Nature will allow him to love happily after killing so many witches and dragons."

Niumeh muttered"No, she will not let him go easily."

Hadrian nodded and said"Just come with me to the Sanctuary to protect the druids and other witches, Nimueh."

Nimueh was thoughtful, but soon agreed and asked"What about Merlin?"

Hadrian sighed and replied"He won't be able to do anything to stop this,Nature herself as deemed this so."

Hadrian tossed Nimeuh a portkey ans said"Use this to get to the Sanctuary,I already told a friend of mine about your arrival."

Nimueh nodded and activated the portkey , then she teleported away with the poisoned chalice.