
Chapter 20

Hadrian informed Gaius about the plague being caused by a Afanc.

Hadrian,Gaius and Merlin look at a book of spell and Gaius soon finds it,he spoke up'Here. It was an Afanc."

Merlin confused and curious asked"An...a what?"

Gaius explained"A beast born of clay, and conjured up only by the most powerful sorcerer. Now we have to find a way to defeat it. But where?" as he looks at shelves of books.

Hadrian spoke up"Since it is created by the elements of earth and water.So it can only be killed by the opposing elements of wind and fire."

Gaius and Merlin looked at Hadrian in shock,Hadrian just shrugged and added"Like I said before it is common thing."

Gaius and Merlin nodded,while Gaius muttered"This would work."

Hadrian spoke up"You might want to take Arthur with you on this,I mean Uther might now fully belive you,since he will probably blame Gwen for the creation of Afanc.But if Arthur saw it and slayed, he might listen to him more and slayed it chances of Gwen getting out of this is much better."

Merlin nodded and said"I will get Arthur."

Hadrian spoke"Maybe take Morgana with you,she is better at convincing Arthur."

Merlin nodded and ran away,while Hadrian took out and shows Gaius a cracked egg shell saying"I know for a fact this belongs to Nimueh,she was was a High Priestess of the Old Religion."

Gaius frowned and nodded,while replying"I will talk too Uther about this."

Morgana and Arthur walk into the Square where Merlin meets them. Arthur draws his sword. They open tunnel door and Arthur lights a torch before they descend into the water cavern.

Arthur spoke up"You'd better be right about this, Merlin."

They hear low growl. Morgana hearing that commented"Well that confirms it."

Arthur looking back at Morgana said"You should stay here."

Morgana frowned and retorted"I'm coming with you."

Hadrian cut in"She can handle herself and we could cover more ground with more people.Also, you know she won't back out of this."

Arthur relctantly nodded and muttered"Father will slam us both in chains if he knew I'd endangered you.It was best, if you go back."

Morgana smirk and replied"You could too... if you don't get out of my way."

Merlin and Hadrian were amused at the banter, while Arthur rolls his eyes

Morgana asked"How are we going to find it?"

Hadrian replied"We will have to do it quickly beacause time is not luxury for us."

Merlin nodded and added"I just hope we do before it finds us."

Arthur spins around ordered"Stop."

Merlin questioned"What?"

Arthur shook his head and answered"It's just a shadow."

They keep moving. The Afanc creeps out of shadows behind them. They reach the water source as Hadrian spoke up"It is best to spread out."

Hadrian telepathically told Morgana"This might be a great way to test your powers."

Morgana subtly nodded,while everyone agreed and they split up.

Arthur hears a growl and Afanc swipes at him from behind, then disappears.

Merlin, Hadrian ,Morgana hearing the noise and sensing Arthur rushes to him.

Morgana looked around and asked"What is it? Are you alright?"

Arthur nodded and replied"Yeah."

Merlin questioned"Did you see it?"

Arthur answered"Yes.It... it's quick."

The Afanc come up in front of Morgana, who jumps back in instinct.While Hadrian was ready,if things go south.He was just keeping watch until then.

Arthur goes for it, but it disappears again as he looks around and asked"Where is it?"

Hadrian using focusing magic into his eyes was able to see the Afac retreating said"I think it's gone this way!"

They walk. The Afanc creeps slowly out around corner into full view.

Morgana was able to pull Arthur out of the way.

Arthur swings at,but it was quick and moves away.It also tries to swipe away Morgana's torch, but Morgana was quicker moved away from it.

Morgana tossed Arthur the Torch and said"It seems to be afraid of fire."

Arthur circles it with a torch in one hand and sword on other, while Arthur swings the torch,Morgana eyes lit up and she used a binding spell causing Afac to be unable to move,Arthur seeing a chance cuts one of Afanc arm.

While Merlin muttered his spell"Lyfte ic þe in balwen ac forhienan."

Merlin's spell blows blows flames into the Afanc, incinerating them.