
Chapter 15

[A/N:I am only wriritng some events of season 1 before moving on to Original family.You can comment which events you want to see.]

Hadrian went to visit Gaius, just to give Merlin a warning as the door opens and Hadrian steps in, while he heard a conversation between Gaius and Merlin.

Gaius with slight anger spoke up"How could you be so foolish?"

Merlin with a frown replied"He needed to be taught a lesson."

Hadrian spoke up"Gaius please let your guest undertand how dangerous that whole prank was."

Merlin was shocked seeing this stranger,while Gaius seeing it was Hadrian calmed down as Hadrian added"You are stupid enough to use magic so openly,it was pure luck that no one noticed it and if someone did Uther would have gone for your head."

Gaius nodded gesturing to Hadrian said"This is friend of mine,he also was able to pick up the fact you are a warlock during that stupid fight.Merlin be glad it was not someone else,since not only you,but also your mother would have been captured."

Merlin was worried about his mother,while Hadrian gave Gaius a nod and walked away.

Gaius then turned to Merlin and with stern tone said"Merlim,magic must be studied, mastered, and used for good! Not for idiotic pranks!"

Merlin in annoyance yelled"What is there to master? I could move objects like that before I could talk!"

Gaius sighed and replied"Then you should know how to control yourself!"

Merlin in anger spoke up"I don't want to! If I can't use magic, what have I got?! I'm just a nobody, and I always will be. If I can't use magic, I might as well die."

Merlin goes to his bed chamber and lies down on his bed.Gaius soon enters Merlin's chamber with a medical basket.

Gaius sighed and said"Merlin? Sit up. Take your shirt off."

Merlin gets up and removes his shirt, revealing bruises and asked"Gaius,who was that?"

Gaius answered"Hadrian Black,he is the nephew of the King of Azria,they are very friendly with the witch commuity,so it was easy for him to spot the signs of him using magic and he really wants to help you.Epecially since you used magic on Arthur a prince,if someone else piecef it togther and told Uther,you would have been beheaded and so would you mother with how paranoid Uther is."

Merlin gulped undertanding his prank could have gone so wrong.

The Merlin switched topics"You don't know why I was born like this, do you?"

Gaius simply replied"No,but I have heard many instictual magic users and there are also geniuses like Qetsiyah."Gaius slowly tends to Merlin's wounds.

As Merlin once again questioned"I'm not a monster, am I?"

Gaius looks Merlin in the eye and replied with a stern tone"Don't ever think that."

Merlin asked"Then why am I like this? Please, I need to know why."

Gaius shook his head and replied"Maybe there's someone with more knowledge than me."

Merlin spoke up"If you can't tell me, no one can.

Gaius looks at Merlin like he was an idiot and replied"There are masters of magic older than me and even immortals roam the land now."

Before Merlin could ask more Gaius pours apotion into a tiny cup and said"Take this. It will help with the pain."