
Hadrian Peverell in Shadow and Bone

Harry Potter after the war tried of the Wizarding world jumps through the veil to a new world of Shadow and Bone.

Just_for_fun1997 · Televisi
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63 Chs

Chapter 29

[A/N:Please do vote for my story.]

Now Fjerda was having a very rough situation as the number of Druskelle killed during the destruction of Ice Court was not small.Jarl Barg who recovered from his wounds wanted blood and attack Shu Han,but there was an issue they have pass through Ravka to attack Shu Han,even if they take the sea route it still has issues.

While Hadrian was now planning an attack on Fjerda ship who was going to Shu Han,Hadrian through his listening charms found that Druskelle were getting intercepted by the Black Dragon's in the borders,so they couldn't get any new Grisha.This increase in raids wad because of Fjerdan's wanting to rebuild Ice Court,which is impossible without any Grisha helping them,but with their belief the only way is through kidnapping Grisha from Ravka or other places.

Zoya who was getting ready to go army camp in Kribirsk is the ramshackle outpost city,it is on the east coast of the Shadow Fold spoke up"So you are going to intercept the ship in True sea, right"

Hadrian nodded and replied"Yes,we have reports about a Ship with 100 Druskelle heading to Shu Han,We can't take chances with them,since they could easily cancel their attack on Shu Han and raid us for Grisha."

Zoya frowned,but nodded she was unable to come as she was needed in Kribirsk.Zoya knew Nina would be their with Hadrian,especially since Nina now was Tidemaker too and with her amplifier which is a Great Eagle.

Hadrian and Nina with their group went to complete their mission,while Zoya went to Kribirsk.But before going Zoya did give Hadrian a passionate kiss.

Now group of Fijerda Druskelle having a conversation on the deck of the ship.One of the Druskelle was boasting about his accomplishment id capturing Grisha"So there I was, and I was like, 'You know ..."suddenly he yells as a large water whip emerges from the surface and coils around his body, dragging him off the ship. The other Druskelle run to the source of the incident in shock.

Slowly, magnificently, the ship rose out of the water, gleaming in the moonlight. It had a strangely none of Fjerdan's noticed anything and portholes looked like ghostly eyes. Finally, with a great sloshing noise, the ship emerged entirely, bobbing on the turbulent water.The ship was enchanted by Hadrian to make it such that normal people will not be able to detect it or even notice,they will ignore it.

Now Hadrian with his group appear out on the deck and Nina used her Tidemaker abilities creating two huge waves at the Fjerdan ship.

The other Druskelle,who were searching for there companion turned around to see the torrent of water flood the ship, washing them overboard.

All of them climb on to the deck. One of Druskelle had managed to stay aboard the ship rushed with his sword drawn at them as Nina pushes him away with a gush of water.

They make their way through the corridors of the ship,Nina has an expandable bottle on her hip filled with water for emergency attacks.

One Druskelle bursts from his cabin, a sword in hand only to be stopped by Hadrian and thrown back back inside by overpowered banishing spell.

As Hadrian ordered"Check for an Grisha prisoners in lower deck.While Nina and I will deal with the captain."

Nina nodded as other group goes down below deck,Nina follows Hadrian to a large doorway, where they abruptly halt.As Nina sends a powerful stream of water toward the door and it was knocked down by the impact of the .

The commander tried to shoot Hadrian,only for him to cast invisible shield in front of him.This shield could block and reflect the incoming bullets,the commander was shocked asked"Who are you?"

The commander prepares to shoot once more, however,Hadrian to use a Disarming Charm forcing thr gun to fly out of Commander's hand.Then quickly cast Incarcerous as cords shot from Hadrian hand this time, and next moment,Commander was wriggling on the floor, bound and gagged.

After making sure to extract any useful information,Hadrian slit his throat with severing charm as the Commander tried stop the bleeding,but couldn't as the light in his eyes dimmed.The ship was destroyed and chances of people coming out this alive was low as the True sea was really danger like sildroher are magical creatures who inhabit the waters off the coasts of Fjerda.

Hadrian was able to spot some if them,but none of them saw his ship.They were similar to siren from his world world,but just more powerful from what Baghra explained,they had have smooth limbs and silver tails. Baghra spoke about having half sildroher daughter,Hadrian could hear the longing in Baghra tone and even Kirigan showed sadness.