
Daddy Am I Your Slut?

Adah's P.O.V

It has been 30 minutes since I received the mail from Siya but I haven't touched my laptop. I was scared no doubt because I know when I do such things, I am dealing with some pretty messed up people and it's the first time in a year that I have received such a message.

All I could think about was Siya at that point I was contemplating whether I should tell her that my friend couldn't do it or just tell her to rely on the cybercrime department. I just decided not to give much thought to it and do it for the very last time be very careful about the smallest detail and try not to leave any traces behind.

I opened my laptop screen and started doing my thing my fingers were moving at the speed of lightning I didn't want to spend much time on the website I took all the videos down almost instantly and sighed a breath of relief when I finally shut down my laptop and gave a call to Siya she picked it up on the first ring I could hear the stress and nervousness behind her voice "Did your friend do it? Are the videos taken down?" I said in a hopeful voice that yes they were taken down but what concerned me the most was the Rape threats she was receiving "So what about the threats?" I asked with a concerned tone "I am going to file an FIR if they don't stop" Her voice sounded normal which was a big relief. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked in an unsure tone. "Can we meet up Tomorrow after your club? I will explain everything to you and I can also meet your friend to say thank you please bring her along" "I haven't seen her yet she operates anonymously so I don't think she is going to accept the request and she doesn't accept anything in return you can just write a thank you email" I immediately lie to her, it's not that I don't trust her but the more people know about this stuff the more into trouble we all get. "Okay that makes sense, I want to say thank you to you too for hooking me up with her so my treat tomorrow" I just smiled and said " No need for that but I won't turn down free food" Then we both started laughing we talked for some more and I told her about Abhi and Aaryan she started laughing at their dumbness and surprisingly I also told her about the little make out session Aishwarya and Tamas she made a gagging sound and we again bust out in a fit of laughter after an hour or so we hung up.

I started doing my Homework when my phone started ringing again I thought it was Siya and maybe she forgot to tell me something. With a fake annoyed tone, I answered the phone and said "What did you forget to tell me, Siya" but the voice I heard in response was not Siya's it almost sounded like an AI-generated Voice and it said "I told you to stay away from everything, Meet me at the Bookshelf Cafe by 8:00 you will regret it if you don't come to meet me and I am not someone who you should be taking jokingly when I say I will make you regret not showing up I mean it" I could feel all the blood drain from my face, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears my heart was thumping at a rate which I didn't know was humanly possible as soon as the sentence ended the line went silent and that person hung up. I got up from my bed and started pacing around comprehending whether I should go or not but did I have an option? I was not asked to come there I was threatened my only option was to go and meet up with that person...but why the bookshelf cafe it is the busiest at this time That gave me some relief that I was not going to be sitting with a completely anonymous person in a desolate place. I don't think that person meant any harm if I was going to meet them in a busy cafe so I decided to go but before that, I had to make sure my father was not home and even if he was, he was in his room so opened my door a little and peaked around and I saw no one but I heard Television voices coming from my parent's room which only meant that he was in the room my brother was upstairs and my mom was still at work.

I quickly grabbed an oversized hoodie and put on some leggings and quickly got out of the house without making a single noise once I was out I turned my location, I decided to wear a hoodie because I was carrying a bottle of pepper spray and a fruit knife with me so I could hide this thing in my pockets. At the cafe, I was having a mental breakdown thinking about all the things that could go wrong once I reached the cafe and checked the timing it was 7:56 still 4 minutes from 8:00 so I decided to take a seat and ordered a black tea for myself. I was so paranoid that I thought every person was staring at me which made me squirm in my seat I slowly sipped my black tea it was already 8:15 but I found no one, I was growing more anxious with each passing second I had already finished my tea and I was playing with my tea cup when I heard the waiter call me when I looked up and saw him holding a piece of paper he just passes me the piece of paper along with a Brownie I politely said I didn't order a brownie he just warmly smiled and said "yes you didn't but a guy did and he told me to give you this note" I just gave him a prompt nod and opened the note it said "I am sorry I have to leave I can't meet you today but I wanted to say please stay away from this work, you don't know the people you are dealing with they are some very powerful people and you don't want to get involved with them they can ruin your life in seconds and I am not your enemy I am working against them just like you but I have my ways to do it and be safe and sound while doing it which you don't. Please stay away from this and maybe I will contact you if you are capable enough to do this work and join my team, see you later enjoy the brownie and sorry to threaten you that was the only way to bring you here" I was so surprised reading this note I know I was getting involved with some powerful people but I didn't think that they were this powerful and who was this guy? Why did he warm me? And what group? My head started to ache while thinking about this stuff so I just decided not to get involved and stop thinking about it completely I am already dealing with my bad mental health I don't want to worsen it.

I looked at the brownie before my eyes huh? A brownie? That's my favourite dessert but how would he know maybe he just ordered the first thing he saw on the menu or maybe he too likes brownies well who doesn't like brownies? I took my first bite and almost moaned at the taste then I didn't take a bite out of the brownie because I just inhaled it whole. I asked the waiter for the bill and he said that it was already paid he must have noticed my confused face "The guy who ordered the brownie for you paid your bill" I was surprised, to say the least why would he pay my bill? That's creepy.

I got up and left but, on my way, out I slammed into a wall oh no not a wall it was a person and it was not an ordinary person it was the person I hated the most on this earth of course after my father. I looked at him and he was already smirking did he just always smirk or was his face crooked? "No, my face is not crooked but thank you for your concern" Did I just say that out loud? Well, oops, I was about to leave when he commented "Nice hoodie" That's when I looked at myself in the mirror right beside me huh? What is wrong with my hoodie? It's just a black hoodie with some words on its front but when I read those words I felt myself get pale and I could feel my cheeks and ears burn up the hoodie said "DADDY I AM YOUR SLUT PLEASE SPANK ME" that's why everyone was staring at me, OH MY GOD I hid my face in my palms from all the embarrassment out of everything I had I choose to wear this but it was not my fault I was stressed on my way here and this hoodie was never meant to be worn in public I had bought it to take some pictures.

I heard loud laughs from behind me I couldn't even face him I just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me. he was standing there holding the door with one hand for support and his other hand was on his stomach which must be painful from laughing but what caught my attention was his smile and his laugh they were so contagious I could see why everyone said they loved his laugh I almost wanted to laugh but then I realised where I was and what I was wearing and the embarrassment came crashing down on me again in his gits of laughter he managed to get a singular sentence out of his mouth "Have you seen the back of the hoodie?" I looked confused at him and turned my head to look at my backside WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME IN EVERY WORST EMBARRASSING SITUATION?? there was a big ass hand print right on my hoodie and as the hoodie was big the hand print was right on my bum I was so embarrassed that I dragged the door open and ran out of the cafe but Tamas held my hand and said "Sorry I didn't want to embarrass you but it was very funny-, hey are you crying?" No, I have a cloud in my eye Idiot. Yes, I was on the verge of crying my eyes were filled with tears and they were slowly gliding on my cheeks all I had was anger written on my face I saw Tamas get tense and he was about to reach for my cheeks but I swatted his hands away and was about to storm off when he dragged me again towards himself now this was becoming irritating I was about to scream at him when I saw him removing his jacket what is he doing? He said "Change into this I know you don't want to go home in that" I just shook my head saying no "Come on Adah don't be stubborn just wear this or else I am not letting you go" I took the jacket and ran in the cafe's bathroom to change into it I thought Tamas would be gone by now but he was waiting outside I walked towards him and muttered a small 'thank you' he just smiled and said ''I am sorry for laughing at you, I didn't mean to make you cry it's just that I like teasing you'' I was going to blush at that sentence but my mood completely shifted when I remember theirs make out session so I just gave him a nod. "Do you need a ride home?" I shook my head No I told him I didn't need a ride home and ran away before he could say anything.

On my way home all I could think about was the note that I received and after much thinking, I finally decided to stay out of this for a while. I was about to step into my house when I saw my father standing right in front of me and he seemed pissed Oh No.

Author's Note: This is the kind of stuff I like to write, I am such a bad person for making my characters going through such embarrassing stuff then again I hope it gave you a nice laugh and be ready because some of the upcoming chapters are way embarrassing than this one.

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