
H.P: My Hogwarts Journey

Synopsis: Accompanied by the cry of a baby from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, a soul from another world arrived in this magical realm. ... What difference will this baby named Bell Minashel bring to this world? ... Bell: "I am not great. I am just an ordinary seeker, struggling on the path of magic." Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work inspired by the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. The characters, settings, and themes referenced herein belong to her and are used here for fan enjoyment and exploration of alternate storylines.

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71 Chs

Chapter 49 Unquenchable Flames

Half a month passed without Bell noticing.

During this period, Bell spent several hours every day practicing the casting of the Fierce Fire spell. His efforts paid off. Not only did he find the minimum anger value required to cast Fierce Fire (the power of Fierce Fire would increase with increasing anger levels), but he also successfully improved his proficiency in the Brain Shutdown Technique.

Now, Bell could compress the casting time of Fierce Fire to less than a minute. Although there was still a long way to go before applying it in actual combat, progress was progress.

For the time being, the level of Fierce Fire could only be improved to this extent. Besides, Fierce Fire wasn't Bell's ultimate goal. His goal was to improve Fierce Fire.

The advantage of Fierce Fire was that it incinerated everything, but its disadvantage was also that it incinerated everything. Because of this characteristic, it would burn everything around to enhance itself. And when Fierce Fire grew to a certain extent, even the magic used by the caster to control Fierce Fire would be quickly burned out, leading to Fierce Fire losing control.

Bell's plan was to set a clear goal for Fierce Fire, where objects other than the target would not become fuel for Fierce Fire.

"Kersha, replace the target with a regular one. There's no need to use high-end goods since they're all going to be burnt to ashes anyway."

Although Bell didn't care about money, there was no need to intentionally waste it. And if Bell dared to play with Fierce Fire to burn the anti-magic target, it would probably only take a week for his own father to go crazy and harass him, just thinking about it was annoying.

Bell's eyes stared firmly at the target not far away, controlling his emotions to become angry as usual. He concentrated his anger, aiming it directly at the target to ensure that everything around would not be affected.

"Unquenchable Flames!"

Black-red flames shot out, burning the target to ashes and then quickly spreading outwards.

The first experiment failed.

After the flames were extinguished, Bell took a deep breath and persisted. The taste of burning anger was unpleasant, and staring at the target made Bell's eyes bloodshot. So he had to take breaks every now and then, also letting the domesticated elves catch their breath.

Days passed, and Bell's improvement experiments continued steadily. He further confirmed the feasibility of his ideas. Through the feedback from the domesticated elves, in the past two days, there was a significant decrease in the magical power consumption required to extinguish Fierce Fire.

This good news motivated Bell, making him put 120% of his passion into the improvement work.

Meanwhile, there was another piece of good news.

As mentioned before, after the serious injury, Bell's body transformation speed had accelerated further due to a blessing in disguise. And after nearly a month, amazing changes had indeed occurred in his body.

Although from the outside, Bell hardly changed compared to a month ago, the amount of magic power in his body had increased by nearly half compared to a month ago, and the power of casting spells without a wand had also increased by nearly 30%.

And so far, this change showed no signs of stopping. Instead, because of Bell's recent intense use of magic, it was escalating.


Thanks to the blessing of his body's transformation, the progress of the improvement was much faster than Bell had expected. Originally, Bell expected the time required to be between three months to half a year. But now, after only a little over a month, the improvement was nearing completion.

Of course, there were problems discovered during this process.

Bell found a major flaw in his initial idea. Although it did prevent Fierce Fire from burning objects other than the target, and the power of Fierce Fire was not weakened, in one experiment, Bell unexpectedly found that if a third party intervened, it could easily extinguish Fierce Fire on the target.

Bell couldn't allow the magic he improved to have such a big flaw. So in the end, he had to choose to sacrifice a certain degree of safety and set the burning condition of 'Unquenchable Flames' as: 'When the target is not completely burned, Fierce Fire will consume everything it touches.'

This change significantly increased the difficulty of controlling 'Unquenchable Flames'. At least with Bell's current level of magic and amount of magic power, he would not cast 'Unquenchable Flames' unless necessary. Of course, judging by his current state of needing some time to brew his emotions to cast it successfully, even if he wanted to use it in battle, it would be suicidal.

"Unquenchable Flames!"

A black-red fireball flew out from the tip of Bell's wand and hit the target not far away in the blink of an eye.

By the way, due to the change in circumstances, in order to better observe the burning condition of Fierce Fire, Bell changed the target back to the expensive anti-magic target.

As for his father's complaints? If he dared to bother him, he'd just block him!

The fireball exploded, flames scattered everywhere. The burning Fierce Fire quickly consumed everything, and the target gradually disappeared at a visible speed. The domesticated elves had activated the 'End of All Curses Barrier', nervously watching the burning flames in the field, ready to control the barrier to extinguish Fierce Fire at any moment.

Finally, the target was burned to ashes. Under Bell's eager gaze, the scattered black-red flames stopped spreading outward and slowly dissipated into the air.

"Ah—! Success—! Young Master succeeded—!"

Just as the cheers were about to come out, before they could run out, they were blocked by a sudden scream from the side.

Bell looked speechlessly at the three domesticated elves who were excitedly hugging each other, crying and shouting. He didn't want to join their celebration, so he endured and pretended to be indifferent, almost causing internal injuries from holding back.


The busy magic improvement finally came to an end, and what remained was just continuous familiarization and speeding up the casting speed. Bell was exhausted during this period, so he decided to take a small break and rest for a few days.

It's worth mentioning that Lym finally returned a few days ago. With a score far surpassing the second place, she indisputably secured first place. As a result, every domesticated elf who trained with Lym was heartbroken to the point of separation.

What a great opportunity! If he had surpassed Lym, he might have replaced her and become Bell's exclusive domesticated elf! What a regret!

After the results came out, Lym was also crying excitedly. As soon as she saw Bell, she grabbed his leg and refused to let go, soaking his pants legs with tears.

It wasn't until Lym fainted from excitement that Bell finally managed to break free from her grasp.

So, domesticated elves were great in every way, but their characters were a bit too emotional, occasionally making people laugh and cry.