
chapter 9

<p>The boys face began to get pale as his cheek bones were now visible, his eyes started sinking in as weight visibly was vanishing from him and his armor was loosely hanging on his body.<br/>The young man started to looked like he was 90 years old as a hoarse groan left his body, the metal armor hits the ground with a dried up body loosely laying inside of it landing by his gloves and boots.<br/>The older brother pukes as he looks at the dried up husk that use to be his younger brother as tears run down his cheeks.<br/>" now now how many families begged for you all to stop and how many times did you watch them rape them, also killing them...your hands are just as dirty as theirs" (Tai) the demon said as it stretched out it's wings.<br/>" w-what could I do" the man sobs as he thought of something his father did to a girl he fell in love with when he was younger,as his father raped her over and over. This man did nothing but walk out of the room and wait til his father was done, after he told the girl that if she or her family cause trouble that his father will do the same to her sisters then kill all of them.<br/>" You are pathetic man, I will look for this girl in the next town over and see if she is ok...she is a beautiful girl that you LET SOMEONE VIOLATE!!!!" the demon said as she screamed the last part as the tendrils flew out quickly stabbing him in the face,neck and violently plunge in his ears. the man screams out in pain as she violently sucked out his life force sucking his life force out killing him quickly.<br/> Tai felt stronger after eating and felt relief killing these assholes, as she starts walking back toward the camp she sniffed the air then smiles, as she flies off going closer to the camp to where she left her nightgown trying to ignore the pain in her stomach and chest.<br/><br/> When she gets closer to the camp the pain in her stomach and chest starts becoming unbearable, making her hit one knee to the ground as her face contorts in pain, as she let's out a painful growl. <br/>" girl I dont knows who you are but you need to run I dont know what this is" the demon says in a hushed tone since they were a few miles from camp.<br/>The shadow goes over a few trees ad higher up while she dropped a barrier around the upper trunk of the tree, in case this demon decides to attack.<br/>(Tai) the demon grips her stomach as she notices her shadow growing larger and dozens of white eyes swimming through the large shadow, then a animal looking claw with ash black leathery skin grips the dirt as a humanoid looking beast pulls it self out with large protruding teeth in its mouth and goat looking legs that had hooves but no hair on them stands up as drool drips out of its huge mouth. <br/><br/>The unknown female looks at the creature in disbelief as she watches more leave the ground from the demons shadow.<br/><br/>Over a twenty of them come out different sizes and different shapes were now standing out from the shadow, some more animal looking than the others while some wak on all fours, some on two and some with four legs. all different sizes some over 12 ft tall while some was as short as 5 ft tall.<br/>( Tai) the demon tried to stand up to stop them from leaving as she fell back on her knee from the pain the creatures looked at her with their white eyes tht held a pink hue then turn scattering throughout the forest, she sends out a killing intent to the creatures letting them know to stay away from this area and the woman that is here.<br/> Tai turns back into her human form then staggers to where she left her nightgown hanging, as she felt and smelled somones presence still around she couldn't help but smile as she felt the womans eyes roaming her body.<br/>" ahh you didnt leave nor try to kill me, I have a beauty watching me, her scent is driving me crazy...I'll definitely meet her later" Tai softly says out loud as she takes off going a few feet to where she left her night gown.<br/> She uses a water spell to clean the blood off her body then dries herself with a wind spell, she gets dressed then sneaks back into her tent and lays down holding Emilia.<br/>The woman read her killing intent towards the creatures to stay away from the people at camp and her which confused her.</p>