
Chapter 97 Lo

They ended up on the black sand with waves hitting below their knees, Lo looks around then quickly pulls out the map. Her face turns into a concerned look as she furrowed her brows, she walks closer to a few large boulders.

" we're on the other side of the island " Lo said as she sighs, she looks left then right and grabs Tais hand tugging her on the path to the left.

A few hours later, Lo still can't pick Shae up on her jade and pouts and Tai couldn't help to find Lo just as cute as she is attractive, she pinches Lo's cheek.

" so cute, don't worry about it and we'll be able to contact them soon " Tai said as she pulls Lo along with her.

Several hours later the sky began to darken as storm clouds moved in and blocked the sun out, a heavy rain began to come down as Tai pulled Lol under a large trees canopy to block out some of the heavy rain.

" we need to set up a tent...I didn't bring one for us and we might have to find a rock overhang or something to block out the rain to build a camp fire" Lol said as she squinted her eyes to look around them. Tai gently grabs Lol by her hand, she pulls out a small tent from her spacial ring, she thought the larger one wasn't needed because of the dense terrain around them.

" well let's find a good place to set up a camp we'll need a campfire since the weather will turn cold " Lol said as Tai pulled out a large robe to hold over their heads and pointed toward a bunch of large boulders off in the distance, One that was larger than the other four was slanted over against the other ones.

" this seems good let's set up our tent and fire, I'll go quickly grab some wood before it gets to wet " Tai said as Lo started working on the tent, Lo looked down at her wet clothes then pulled out a long rope to string up for their wet clothes.

(' well I didn't bring any clothes with me, I don't know if Tai did or not ') Lo thought to herself as she waited for Tai to come back, over an hour later Tai returned with the wood and also a large bird that had black and red feathers.

" I was about to search for you, come take off your clothes to hang up while I start us a fire " Lo said she placed wood into the middle of some rocks she already prepared for the fire, Tai smiled as she pulled off her clothes and hung them across the rope. Tai had extra clothes to wear, she wanted to play with Lo for a while and decided to ruff it out with her.

" I actually have a small bath house that has a shower we could put it near this boulder so we can clean up" Tai said as she walked over near one of the boulders and pulled out a 8x8 small shed, Lo turned up her lips into a small smile as she stripped off her outer clothes to hang up so that the heat could dry them. Lo sat close to the fire as she started working on the bird that Tai brought back.

Tai watched her for a while, she felt bad and pulled out some blankets, towels and clothing for them both.

" you don't have to give me clothing, mine should be dry in a couple hours " Lo said as she finished cleaning up the bird and placed it on a metal rod over the fire, Tai pulled out other things to make them hot drinks and some pans with veggies to cook with the bird.

" well I'll finish cooking while you go take a warm shower, they are elemental stones for water and heat inside so enjoy yourself " Tai said as she made some tea for them and waited for the water to boil, Lo nodded her head then walked inside the shed.

Tai noticed the towel and clothes setting on top of the rock, she got up taking them over to the shed. Tai walked in and sat the items on top of a stool, her eyes wondered over to Lo who was standing there.

" sorry I didn't mean to look, I brought your things to you " Tai said as she slowly turned to leave, Lo smiled at Tai then steps forward grabbing the towel to dry herself and Tai walks over to the campfire.

All the food was done so she went ahead making plates for them both and poured two cups of Tea for them both. Lo came out dressed in a large cotton gown that Tai has given her, she sits down on a small rock and takes the plate Tai was handing her.

They sat close together and finished their dinner, Tai grabs her clothes to go take a shower.