
Chapter 96

Tai takes the rings back to camp, she hands them over to Calista as Shae and Lo walk into the tent. Calista narrowed her eyes at both the women, she looks over at Tai and Larissa comes into the tent.

" Fauna said to pack everything up we need to leave as soon as possible, we'll make our way back to the first camp and then use a transportation array to quickly get home. Fauna sent them the coordinates to where the first camp is and the dragonflies will come home with us a well " Larissa said, she walks over kissing Tais lips then smirks at the others and leaves the tent.

Lo keeps glancing over at Tai, then Shae giggles at Lo's antics and Shae walks over to Calista.

" look through the rings and see if we need to get anything else while we're here and Lo take Tai to the first to get the sap from the rotting tree just in case we'll need it " Shae said walking over to the table pulling out some books for Alchemy, Calistas eyes bulged seeing those books that Shae has.

" I always thought those were destroyed or forever lost " Calista said as Shae hands her one of the books, then looked up ingredients that the under realms have that they might need.

" so how far is those trees " Tai said as they walk into the rain forest, Lo keeps blushing when Tai talks to her.

" about a couple hours, we'll have plenty of time and I have a jade in case they need us to grab other things " Lo said, she trips over a tree root and Tai pulls her to her.

" I think I'll carry you the rest of the way " Tai said as she kneels down in front of Lo, she climbs on Tais back as they make their way through the forest with Lo pointing out the way for her to walk.

After an hour and a half they come to some dead looking trees that's leaking white sap and Lo taps Tais shoulder to let her down. Lo takes out twenty large vials as she fills one after another and then Shae sends them to another plant.

" Lo I need screachers, dont forget that if they sound their screams beast will flood toward their screams. I'll do more research and then tell you what to look for, we need all we can get we'll b leaving in the morning. " Shae said as Lo takes out a dozen more vials to fill, Tai looks around finding bugs that shes never seen before and puts them in jars.

" those are good for alot of things but thebright red and yellow spiders are highly toxic, be careful touching them " Lo said as she helps collect different bugs as well. They head another half an hour out and come to a clearing of dull yellow flowers that are shaped like bells with several red vines coming out from the flower and lazily laying on the pedals. Lo takes out a sharp dagger then slashes her arm out, Tai couldn't see the flick of her wrist an over a dozen flowers hit the grass to where she gently picked them up placing them inside a box.

" that was a fast slice you done, it's like no air moved from your action " Tai said as she looked at a red plant that had dark brown pods on the branches.

" Dig those up by the roots and store them insudeyour ring, they are called dunlopes. " Lo said as she done four quick swipes cutting down over thirty some screamers, Tai dug up over fifty dunlopes and other flowers just to keep herself busy.

" well I have over two hundred, let's see what else they'll want " Lo said, handing Tai the jade and collects other plants.

" Breathezars, they are mushrooms that have spores on the tops that look like their breathing " Calista said, Shae chuckles and takes the jade.

" pick all the ones that you see " Shae said, Tai sighs as they walk another forty minutes to where a water fall is, they see a large water hole with an iron tree in the middle that had red flowers that were white on the inside.

" I think we made a wrong turn, were at the reincarnation tree " Lo said, Tai was fascinated by the tree, she walks toward it and Lo follows after her.

" they say only ones who have lived and died can pick these flowers " Lo said grabbing Tais hand away from the flower. Tai felt a pull to touch the flower, she wanted this flower for some reason. Lo walks over o the mushrooms then starts picking all of the different varieties and Tai reaches out retaking the flower then stores it.

They hard a low growl coming from across the water where fog obstructs their view, Lo knew of a guardian who watched the tree and only appears if someone touches the flower.

" please tell me that you didn't touch the tree " Lo said keeping her eyes on the fog across the way.

" no I didn't touch the tree, I picked the flower " Tai said with a small shrug as shepulls out her double bladed axe that had earth attributes.

" it's a wonder you didn't disappear, I told you to not touch them " Lo said with a sigh as she pulls out a staff that has a nature attribute to it, Lo stands in front of Tai who pulls her by her waist to her side.

" no we will face it together or not at all " Tai said as they watch a large water dragon step out and both their faces go pale.

" or not ! " Lo said holding onto Tais hand, they slowly back away from it and Tai pulls Lo closer to her and pulls out a teleportation jade for emergencies.

" wrap your legs around me " Tai said picking up Lo then uses the jade that sent them over 50 miles away from where they were landing on the other side of the island.