
Chapter 59 Demons in Lillians heart

Len was sitting at the table in deep thought, shesees Una come in holding a sobbing Lillian in her arms and Carra right beside them.

Una lays Lillian in the bed, Carra kissesher gently rubs Unas back and then swiftly leaves the two alone. Len finished getting a few books about Cultivation and walks past them, Lillian raises up ad grabs Lens hand.

" I'm sorry for how insensitive I was to you, I know if you both would have a child... He would hunt down the child and what he does to children, even the demons in the abysall isn't as cruel. I've watched him skin his own baby alive...( crying), My child.....He..... what he did.....I couldn't do anything." Lillian cried and screamed out while squeezing Lens hand, a tear ran down her cheeks and she holds Lillian in a tight hug. Lillian cries on Lens shoulder, while both Una and Len comforts her.

" Lillian let's take a nap" Una said, Len separates from her and smiles softly at her.

" we'll get stronger first and then I'll give you grandchildren, I know what you did was for our best. Tai would have to leave us behind and if we are seperated for to long from our mate, our mindset will eventually break." Len said looking at Lillian, then she exits the cave.

Lillians thoughts drift to Evelyn, she was broken when Una saved her and took her to the fox demons kingdom. She always knew that the king was selfish ass, always wanting something in return. Here eyes start to feel heavy, Una gently kisses her lips and she falls to sleep dreaming about the past. The last time she saw Evelyn l

When they walked into the castle, Evelyn runs to Lillian And tries to hold her, Lillians eyes were different they held no emotion except for defeat and fear. Lillian pulls away from her, she curls into a fetal position on the floor and Una blocks Evelyn from Lillian.

" Right now, you have to let her get use to you" Una said

Evelyn smacks Una across the face, then stares at Lillian and her bond with Lillian is driving her crazy. She just wants to hold her, she even married into a contracted marriage to where she would have four heirs and when the youngest becomes an adult she'd be free from this marriage.

Evelyn went to war against the celestials and humans, but they could never get close enough. Even hiring people to sneak into the castle always failed and was always caught then killed, she feels as if she failed her mate.

" We need your help " Una said while picking Lillian up in a bridal carry and holding her tightly. Evelyn sniffs Una, anger flashes across her eyes and she shakes her head in denial.

"YOUR PREGNANT, I WAS SUPPOSE —"Ari screamed, but Una shook her head no frantically while glancing at Lillian. Evelyn bit her tongue, her husband walks over with an indifferent smile.

" I understand that you still have a role to play and cannot be with her here for long. I was approached by my father, we want more power. When your child comes of age a marriage will be done for our help with this....situation" Fiverr said.

Evelyn stared at the king, then back at Unas angry face. She has been in the Ice kingdoms territory for 18 years fighting against the Ice Queen, right now they are at a seize fire for the blood moon that lasts for 6 months. They feel the urge twice as much to mate, the children conceived during those months become stronger with a blessing from the moon goddess.

Evelyn has children with the king and actually conceived this month, they use a formation for her pregnancies. She won't let him touch her no matter how much he tries, she only will let her mate touch her.

Lillian kisses Unas neck, then starts licking her neck and Una restrains her moans, then sneers at Fiverr. Evelyn pushes her husband, then stands in front of Una, she has a disgusted look on her face.

" after everything Lillian has done for our kind, you disgust me and the only reason I agreed to this was to save Lillian !!!" Evelyn said with authority in her voice, the king laughs at his silly wife's words.

" Yes !!! I know that you sacrificed my mens lives in order to get this vixen and you still failed. Hell because of her mates she gave herself to Maximus and she is his wife, they took an oath to the moon goddess so they our bonded. That's why he tortures her and can't kill her, take the contract I've already lost over half of my soldiers because of my wife." King Fiverr said while placing his hands behind his back, Una looks at Lillian then steps closer to Fiverr.

" I agree to the contract" Una said while Lillian is now marking her neck, Fiverr smiles snapping his fingers at his servants.

" have my advisor draw up the contract, and you take them to a room, I know Una has to get back to Iceland before they find out shes gone. I'll give you a couple hours while I get things in order, she'll leave tonight by boat and I guess my wife is the one who knows where she is going." Fiverr said while Looking at Evelyn then smirks at her while she watches Lillian in heat and all over Una.

" I bet you are feeling the effect of your mate being in heat, to bad she doesn't want you near her. I can help you out, we have 18 more years to spend together" Fiverr said with a amused face. Evelyn walks away from him, flipping him off, she waves away the servant and looks at Lillian again and her tails lay against the back of her legs. Her heart is hurting for her mate, after 18 years she finally has her here now and shes broken.

" com I'll show you to a room " Evelyn said while showing them the way to her hall to a room close to hers.

Una nods at Evelyn then enters the room, she lightly kicks the door closed and sits Lillian down on the bed.

"Please Una I-I just want to forget about everything, I just want to make love to you and be lost in our passion" Lillian said while taking Unas armor off, Una leans down kissing Lillian passionately while her armor hits the floor. She then Rips the dress off of Lillian and throws it to the floor, Lillian lays on her back licking her lips.

(" ahh I only talked to her by her men and letters for a while, to think when I seen her at the castle. My core heated up right when I seen her and I haven't felt this in a long time. I know my minds not right, I need to start cultivating again and I cant be with Evelyn right now.) Lillian thought while Una was kissing down her chest.

A light shake wakes Lillian up, she scrunched her nose at her daughter and still gets up out of bed.

" I was finally at the good part of my dream and you wak me" Lillian said while stretching.