
Chapter 53

A blur was all that went by as Tai is now racing toward the east, following the scent of the beast and Tai wants to devour it.

When she comes to a stop she sniffs the air and a snarl leaves her lips, she starts running again. Her form changed a while ago to her wrath demon that is more animalistic in its form.

" there" Tai said to herself as she watches the beast through several bushes and trees, she readies her broad sword. Blood circles up he blade forming teeth on both lower parts and just like the blood hardened to make the sword it done so with the jagged teeth on it.

The beasts long body curls up when it felt a strong force coming down on it, after the dirt debri settles down. A person is standing in a crater wearing a blood red armor, it flicks its tail at its attacker and knocks her through several trees.

" roar !! cluck, click, click" comes from the beast as it body bends through the trees, trying to attack from the side of where Tai is standing. Black wisps of smoke encircles the broad sword as she swings up in a vertical slash, slicing through half of the beasts shoulder.

A loud Yelp came from the beast as it flicks its snake like tongue against the large gash in its shoulder. Tai runs forward to attack again, the beast swings its tail and she does a back bend sliding on her knees under the tail. A large horizontal swing catches the beasts back hip, making another gash. The beast stomps its feet while its body curls and unfurls, digging its claws into the ground. It swings its tail hitting a few trees and sends them flying toward her, she dunks and weaves around the large debris flying at her.

A snarl escapes her lips, she jumps up and kicks off a nearby tree trunk while going straight to the beast with her sword straight out.

The thing moves out from her strike, it opens its mouth and red lightning shoots at her hitting the side of her abdomen.

" shit" Tai said while she lays on the ground with a hole the size of a fist in her side, the lightning went straight through her armor.

When she raises from the ground, blood closes the hole on her flesh and armor becoming harder. Then a large amount of blood encircles her armor, making it bulkier and thicker.

Tai raises her hand to the sky then slaps the ground, and purple lightning comes from the sky hitting the creature knocking it back several feet on it's back. The creature skin was burned in a large patch and several of its horns that covered its spine was broken away leaving a good size hole. Its skin started to shine different colors from the moonlight hitting its skin, the creature kept its head low sizing up its prey and suddenly flashed forward with its mouth open to bite her in half.

Tai spins to the side bringing down her sword decapitating the beast, it head rolls to the side and the body is left writhing on the ground.

Black tendrils leaves Tais hands and attaches to the beast bodie, then its head she consumes all of the blood from the corpse. Tai stores the rest inside her ring, she sniffs the air when a very pleasant scent hits her and when she turns she sees a woman standing there.

" it's ok come to me" Fina said while holding her hand out, Tai tilts her head and a low growl comes from her as she tightens her grip on the weapon.

"well I guess your not going to come peacefully then" Fina said a she points to Tai and slowly makes a fist, her face turns sad as tears leave her eyes.

Tais armor begins to constrict on her and breaks away in chunks hitting the ground, the parts liquify and reenter her body.

" AHHHHHH" a animalistic scream comes from Tai as the rest of the armor falls to the ground and returns to her, small cuts started appearing all over her body.

Though she had thousands of cuts her blood did not flow from her, but the exhaustion did hit her and she fail to the ground in her human form.

Fina runs over to her and cradles her in her arms while gently kissing her lips, up on a nearby tree branch stood a beautiful blonde haired woman with piercing blue eyes and a crimson red haired woman with matching eyes.

" Priestess I thought you said you'd never hurt our daughter" Lillian said while jumping down in front of the priestess, she walks forward and takes Tai into her arms.

Fina is crying while looking up at Tais face, she slowly rises to her feet and tucks the hair behind Tais ear.

" it was an accident with the crown, I couldn't let her mind continue forward like this and I had to make her body feel immense pain to snap her back. I love her and my trial with this crown will end tomorrow, the council will try to make me marry someone who they think is the next in line to free the 23 demons of the old world. I wont do it! she is the only one I'll marry and I will see her again." Fina said while staring at Tai, Lillian frowns at the mention of the 23 demons that her grandfather locked away. The world was a crueler place when they were able to reach out with their darkness and while being stuck in the underworld was the best place for them.