
Chapter 47

Emilia looks around their camp, but doesn't see Elvenia or Tai here, when she walked by Carra a hand lands on her shoulder and she turns around to meet Carras worried face.

" where are you off to" Carra said looking at Emilia while the others were talking about different fire spells, Len was looking directly at them and the other two were in a deep discussion.

" I'm looking for Tai, I need to ask her something" Emilia said while glancing around the camp, she seen Mao and didnt see Wei with him.

" shit, I told her to speak to you, she left with Wei and Elvenia to go hunting for tomorrow's Tribulations that some of you will go through.

The deer she brought back has Wei going nuts and he made her take him to where she found them.... That little shit, I knew she was a little to eager to go, when he asked." Carra said crossing her arms in front of her. Emilia smiled patting her back and clears her throat.

" No we did talk some, but Cindy came in and wanted some help with learning about the Mortal Realms." Emilia said

Lens face turned red, snapping her head toward the cave where Cindy was standing in the entrance, when their eyes met Cindy ran back inside. Lens slow walk turned into a jog going to the cave, while everyone else stared at her back.

Carra rubbed her temples in frustration and sighed looking up at Emilia.

" well if its something I can answer I'm happy to do so" Carra said while the other two women stood a couple feet away from them, Emilia looked around to make sure no one else was around.

" Cindy showed me in her book something about Lust demons, eh even if the human form is female and um the demon form is a Intersex" Emilia nervously said, Kel and Thea start coughing behind Carra quickly turning their faces away from Emilias view. Carra takes Emilia elbow into hers leading her away from the two guilty girls, hoping Emilia won't read to much into it.

(" I guess they already know about it") Emilia thought to herself as her heart ached and she found her self a little jealous that she might be the only one left out.

" Emilia, yes she and her mothers demons are intersex, I know that she is scared that you'll be scared of her demon form. The lust demon isn't that bad, they love to mate and her wrath demon is the one that is scarier of the two" Carra said as she faced Emilia with a sympathetic smile on her face, she brushed a piece of hair behind Emilias ear and hugs her.

" you are also one of her mothers mates, how'd you put up with it" Emilia said while looking back at the two other girls, the two refused to look Emilias way right now.

" well I wasn't her first mate, but I was fine with it as long as she was mated to them. I wish to tell you the story, but it is not mine to tell and the others are going to be here soon. That way you'll get to meet my sisters and the wives of Tais mother" Carra said as they watch Cindy run over to them with Len on her tail, the girl puts Carra and Emilia between her and Len.

" Cindy get back here right this second" Len said while they both run in circles around the other two, Carra grabs Cindy pulling her to her side.

" what is going on here" Carra said while holding Cindy still, Len glares at Cindy then glances between Emilia and Carra.

" she, she knows why I'm mad and I asked you not to bother them" Len said while staring at Cindy, she puffed out her cheeks crossing her arms on her chest.

" well I did and I'll do it again" Cindy said

Carra shook her head when pointed to the outside table.

" you will go finish what I told you to study by yourself, I'll see later if you did what I asked of you and Len we will talk later about this." Carra said while walking with Cindy to one of the tables.