
chapter 45

Tai stands up dusting her pants off, she sees her camp up ahead then quickly turns around staring in the direction of the marshes while balling her fists at her sides.

" I will see you again" Tai says out loud then turns walking to her camp, Len jumped down from her tree tent and runs up to Tai hugging her.

" I thought you'd return tomorrow, did you get what Carra said" Len said while walking beside Tai heading toward Carra.

Carra was surprised to see Tai back already and walks over meeting Tai, she pulls her into a hug and noticed a small scratch on her hairline.

" did a branch get you hun" Carra said while Tai reached up feeling her hairline, then shakes her head and shrugs.

" here I've gotten extra we can store and they are different affinity based deer" Tai said emptying the game that Fina got her, Carra seen a dozen fire affinity boar that Wei cameover directing his men to grab. They noticed that she caught eight deer of each affinity and also Lightning Quazzs.

" Wei make sure all the pelts and other items are given back to us, just store them in the cave after your done" Carra said.

Tai looked around for Emilia then sees her enter the cave, she quickly makes her way over to the cave ad enters.

" can you all give me time alone with Emilia please" Tai said to the others and they leave the cave to go over to the outside tables.

" Emilia can we talk about something, I've prolonged it for to long and I have to come clean with everything" Tai said while pulling Emilia over to a couch to talk about everything, she kisses Emilia gently then leans back against the couch sighing.

" I've learned a few things about myself and I still have a lot more that I dont know about yet" Tai said while taking a deep breath, Emilia already knows from observation and the conversation that implied things with Carra.

Emilia has already excepted everything, she even read up on mates and is happy she is the first one.

" I have other mates not just you Emilia and if you can't except this I'll try to figure everything out for you" Tai said scooting closer to Emilia when a sharp pain in her head made her squint her eyes.

" Tai what's wrong baby" Emilia said cupping Tais cheeks looking in her eyes, Tai lays her forehead against hers giving a small smile then a confused look.

" wait why aren't you mad" Tai said furrowing her brows together then kisses Emilia passionately laying her down on the couch hovering above her, then Cindy comes into the cave.

" Emilia I need help" Cindy said out loud causing both of them to jump, Tai raises up and Emilia gets up from the couch.