
chapter 32

(Tais pov)

Tai was watching everyone cooking the three elks while she kept watch on the road for her god mother, Kel waks up beside her.

" Tai I would like to be able to speak to you later if that's ok" Kel said as she nervously moved her foot around over some small rocks.

I give her a small smile ten hold her hand then I see a wagon coming around the bend, I wave at uncle Wei landrum out to the rod dragging Kel with me.

we've already cleared more than enough trees to accommodate all 15 wagons, I see Carra running to me ad sh engulfs me in a tight embrace.

" oh thank the divine that you all are safe" Carra said then looks over to the brunette standing beside me.

" oh mom this is Kel and sh is now apart of our family, they are some new people I'll have to introduce you to them all" I saidas Carra smiles widely as Kel reaches her hand out, but Carra pulls her into a hug and whispers into Kels ear.

" honey you are a earth rank cultivator and I am much higher, have you told Tai that you're one of her mates" Carra whispered and Kels eyes become large like saucers, Tai rolls her eyes at them both and runs up to her uncle Wei pulling him into a hug.

" ahh I'm so glad we're finally here, the roads are dangerous wth beast attacks and we also picked up a wagon transporting a group of people to the town thts 30 or so miles from here. we will need to make them feel comfortable ok" Wei said as I look back I see a beautiful woman with electric blue hair, snow white skin, blue tinted lips and icy blue hair. The woman was the same height a me a perfect body shape and probably a c cup an long milky white legs, Carra walks up to me pushing my jaws closed and walks over to greet the woman. I see a man walk beside her hes got black hair, brown eyes, and a handsome face.

I watch him trying to hold the womans hand, but she pulls away from him and stares at me. I want to kill him for touching her I felt a warm liquid covering my hand, the woman quickly walks over to me and takes my hand then does healing spell. When she held my hand I felt sparks fly an warmth spread through my body and then the man appears by her side. I notice her jaw clenched when the man put his hand on her shoulder, I was about to push him away from her.

" sir all men must help set up camp and do chores before dinner" Carra said as the man walked away, cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders.

" I apologize for his behavior" the woman said then she looks down at our hands realizing that she was still holding mine and quickly lets go.

Carra pulls her with us and we make our way to the waterfall to meet with Sia andthe others. I feel someone holding my hand and look to my right seeing Kel looking away blushing.

" Sia and Kai get your asses over here and where is Emilia " Carra said as she seen Emilia exit a cave ad runs over enveloping Carra in a hug.

Sia and Kai was hugging her as well in a group hug, I look around for Len, Yu, Elvenia and Kels brother who are cutting up vegetables for the side dishes.

" Carra I'd like to introduce you to the rest of our new family" I said as I notice the woman with the blue hair staring at Kel holding my hand.

I lean over to Kel and point toward the table that had pitchers of juicy and wine.

" Kel how about pouring some glasses then we'll come over to the table, I'm sure they'd like a refreshing glass" I said Kel smiles at me then jogs over to the table filling glasses, some with juices and some with wine.

" I'm Tai by the way, what is your name" I said

The woman staed at the groundfor a few seconds, then sas "Taki" with an indifferent look on her face. Carras laughter made both of us look at her while she was talking to the others getting all of the introductions out of the way.

" Emilia there are things in which we need to talk about, I know your a smart woman and I also know that you've noticed some things, I really need to speak with you in private tonight and Taki you'll be sleeping with me in my tent." Carra said and Taki nodded her head yes.