
Chapter 27

Tai couldn't meditate properly to cultivate, she doesn't know if it's because shes been devouring souls and that the only way for her to get stronger now or its becoming a addiction.

Its night time already she dives into the water then makes her way over then notices Kel meditating, she looks at her and heartbeat starts beating like crazy.

" why would she hide it from me and why the hell do I have so many mates for" Tai mumbles out loud, then turns noticing Elvenia watching her from the cave entrance.

Tai quickly looks out into the forest picking up over a dozen presences and killing intent, the girl that's been following her might be in danger.

" Elvenia get kel and get into cover no one is to leave outside the barrier" Tai said as she ran into the forest pulling out her armor that's black and red dragon scales covering her body then pulls out a black katana that look like smoke is rising from the blade.

Tai runs through the forest and sees a hole in the ground with a body on two of stakes, she jumps over it. Then looks for tracks on the ground then follows several of them deep into the dark forest, she hears a sword fight about 20 feet in front of her and runs toward it.

Tai sees a woman with black hair and red eyes in the armor she left, noticing her scent too.

A man was about to take her from behind And Tai throws her dagger hitting the man though his eye and his body hits the ground.

Then two men run at Tai with their swords held high and parried both men as she does a vertical slash across ones chest and kicks the other in the chin sending him to the ground.

Then buries her sword deep into his chest then she quickly pulls out her bow and shoots two arrows into the other two surrounding the woman.

Tai runs over to her noticing a deep wound in the womans side and does light magic healing her, as she pulls her onto her shoulder she feels a sharp pain in her leg.

Tai ignores the pain and does a dark spell to shroud them in the dark then makes her way deeper into the forest. The woman points over to a tree canopy as they slide under while six men run by them.

" so friends of yours" Tai said as she pulls the small blade out from her leg and the woman shifts closer to her.

" why didn't you tell me your injured" Len said as she licks the knife then spits on the ground.

" what's your name, I think you've known mine, but I cant keep saying that woman or hey woman" Tai said as she watches her pull out a small vile then pours it over the wound on Tais leg.

" its Len I was sent here to watch you and report back where you go, so that my well the people from my village can kill you for a price" Len said as she wraps a piece of cloth around Tais leg.

" ahh well why are you going against them, I'm sure that you have people back home that you want to return to" Tai said and Len gives her a dirty look, then turns her eyes back out watching the forest.

" I dont and there is more to you than for me a payday that the elders will receive" Len said

Tais vision started to become blurry and her body becomes hot from the poison that was on the blade, Len puts her hand over Tais mouth then pulls her closer to her.

Tai pulls Len closer to her then hugs her tighter, Tai starts whimpering incoherently as Len muffles her mouth.

" shit I have to get us out of here before they hear her" Len whispers out loud and Tai pulls her hand off from her mouth, then pulls out a small chrystal ball.

" no they're trained assassins and those damn things are out there, we'll jut wait until morning then move" Len said

Tai lays her head on Lens chest as they lay under the canopy and Lens heartbeat starts going crazy.

Tai smiles up at her and snuggles deeper into her chest, Len was about to push her off and stops when Tai grabs her hand interlacing their fingers together.

" dont you think you have enough mates" Len said with a frown on her face, and Tai raises her head looking into her red eyes.

" I dont know how that works and if all of you are mine I will receive all of you then" Tai said getting an eye roll from Len.

Tais fever was getting the best of her and her being very lustful wasn't helping her either, one thing that was bothering her was about her cultivation and since she started feeding on souls she can't cultivate anymore.

Len hasn't seen anyone since an hour ago, but she knows that they can wait days for a target to appear and its best to let Tais fever break before moving.

Tais hands started rubbing Lens back leading further down to where she was rubbing her butt, Len kept moving her hand off and Tai would take it even further grabbing a handful now.

" will you please stop and pay attention to our surroundings" Len hissed at Tai and Tai wouldn't stop, instead she started rubbing her thigh now.

" were getting ready to leave " Len said as Tai cupped her hand over her mouth, then Len seen a blackish grey skinned hoofed animal legs right in front of them, the thing started sniffling the air letting out a low growl.

The fear in Lens body made her shiver, Tai pulls her closer to her and then she gently kisses Len and they both kiss each other for a few minutes. The sparks of electricity took Lens mind off of the beast that was in front of them, she leans into Tais nape hiding her face.

A scream was let out near them as ripping sounds was echoing around them and also bones cracking, Tai looked in front of them seeing the same hoofs that was there earlier standing even closer to the canopy they're laying under..

Blood trickles down its legs also around its hoof, then a mans arm drops on the ground and Tai makes sure she holds Lens head to her nape so she cant look.

Len has excellent smell though and can smell the iron in the air, her being a werewolf makes her senses ten fold better than another's. All she could do was not look because she might alert the thing of their presence, for some reason these things make your fear take over you and she also thinks that they can smell your fear.

It keeps coming back here for some reason it knows we're near, I even used a potion to disrupt our scent. Tai pulls Lens face up making her look into her eyes, then kisses her again.

" I put a calming spell on you, we're going to move in a few minutes" Tai said holding her hand tightly and all she could do was shake her head no.

" you still have a fever and you have to have another antidote here in a few minutes, you'll be to weak to fight or flee at this point" Len said as she cupped Tais face in her hands with worry across her face.

Tai smiles at her and hugs her tightly then kisses her cheek, they both look around the area and Tai slides out from under the canopy.