
chapter 13

Sia got up and gently lays Silvys head against the log they are leaving on as she slowly walks closer to Ron , ashes about to scream at him. " y-you promise me I'll get to see them again "Ron said

Sia tried to see if anyone was in front of him but all she seen was the dark of night, she pulls her bow out steadying her arrow right when she shot the arrow she hears Ron slowly say yes, as the arrow flies by his head then at loud roar could be heard from the shadow.

Everyone runs out of the tent as the guards come over beside Sia. Silvy walks over then sees Ron standing near the forest as sh tries to step out of the barrier Sia jerks her back beside her.

" What are you doing" Silvy said as she tried to jerk her hand away from Silvys grip, as she furrows her brows at Sia.

"Ron I need you to turn and talk to me" Sia said as she pulls out her sword as she still holding onto Silvys hand.

Ron starts to sob with his back still to the group as Silvy starts to try and pull away again. " Sia this is ridiculous its Ron for divinity sake" Silvy said with a click of her tongue since Sia would not let go.

" I'm sorry Silvy I can't be here with you anymore" Ron said in a hoarse voice as silvy looked at him with confusion, then they see his whole body start to shake as Sia hits Silvy on the back of her head knocking the girl out then placing her in someone's arms.

" take her to the campfire and watch over her" Sia said

as she puts her sword back in its sheath then draws herbow casting a fire spell on the arrow stepping to the edge of the barrier right when she does Ron's body stops shaking. Then does a back bend as his head turns up side down making a bunch of snapping sounds. They see those same black veins on him as they did all the corpses as Sia takes a step back as she draws her arrow hitting the creature in the shoulder since it stat weaving running towards them, Cai does an earth spell as a bunch of spikes come out of the ground impaling up through the ground hitting the side of the creatures leg as part of it hangs off by a piece of meat as arrows hit it multiple times as Sia hits it dead center in it's back as fire spreads over its back and Cai brings up several earth spikes impaling the creature. The creature swings its arm breaking off the spikes as it runs on all fours in the forest.

A few of the men start to run after it as Sia throws her arm in the air then shouts.

" do not leave the barrier and do not listen to its false lies, I heard Ron moments before speak to something andit promised him tht he'd see his family again" Sia said as she look over at Silvy laying on a blanket near the campfire. " I also want everyone to keep an eye on Silvy but do not merit obvious if your told that I gave her permission if it's not personally from me then I did not" Sia said as she motions for Cai to take over getting the second rotation fo watch going.

Sia Walks over to Silvy s she does a healing spell on her and Silvy sits up quickly as she looks around.

"Wheres Ron Sia, what hs happened" Silvy said as Siapullsher into a hug

Sia buries her fcein the side of Silvys head as she kisses her cheek, then looks her in the eyes

" I'm sorry Silvy but Ron is dead a creature has taken over his body, I tried to give him peace but failed" Sia said

Silvy slaps her across the face as tears ran down her cheeks, but Sia still pulled her into a hug holding her while she cried. Silvy pulled away from Sia laying her hand on Sias cheek caressing where she smacked, then leans in kissing her softly.