
Chapter 129

Tai was excited to finally spend time with both Phrae and Leanna as she that with both women on her lap, they've already have had the dresses they wore pulled open exposing their whole front. Tais tail was gently waving back and forth in the air at the girls side.

Tai gently started kissing the nape of Phraes neck sucking and nibbling while her arms wrapped Phrae to where her hands was gently squeezing Leannas bottom she had them tightly together where Leannas breast and core was flushed against Phraes.

" I'm happy you came Phrae" Leanna said in almost a whisper in the girls ear, her body shuddered feeling her hot breath hit her ear.

Phrae would be lying if she said she has never seen attracted to Leanna, she would always let her eyes wonder on Leanna when the bathed or dressed. Tai squeezed Leannas bottom tight making the girl buck forward rubbing against Phrae who felt the girls wetness and hard nipples rubbing against her back, earning Phrae pressing back wanting to feel that friction again. Phrae grinding her front and back against both of them, Tai lines herself up with Phrae and gently pushes herself inside of Phrae and with each stoke pushes herself deeper with each one. Tais tail snakes up Leannas thigh then slowly starts rubbing against her bundle of nerves, both girls started whimpering and moaning . Leanna was grinding her breast against Phraes back while she could feel each thrust Tai was sending inside Of Phrae when her Ass would hit and grind against the back of the tail that was rubbing on Leannas clit. Leannas moan would leave her mouth everytime she felt them together, Leannas hands slide around Phraes front as she caresses Phraes breast rolling and pinches between her fingers with each caress like Tai done to her the last time they were together.

Let's just say how loud Phraes moan was when she felt a orgasmic touch coming from the hands on her breast, she could feel the pressure in her lower stomach building while being pounded by Tai and feeling Leannas touch was making her go over a big climax.

* AHHHH HAAH MHMM OHHH AHNNN HAAH " Phrae moans loudly as her toes curl and heard Tais moans then feeling a warm substance enter her making her groan in satisfaction.

" AHHHHHN HAH " Leanna moans out while panting like crazy hugging Phrae tightly biting into her shoulder leaving a light imprint while Tai takes Phraes lips into a sensual kiss then doing the same to Leanna. Leanna smiles softly leaning forward pulling Phraes chin to where she is now looking over to her as she kisses Phrae passionately and gives her a gentle smile after.

They all clean up then go to see Qin and the others who have been putting up Runic spells and items to help with breaking Harriets spell and hold On Lucy, they'll be starting a two day ritual that will leave the poor girl to be praying for death like her soul has been ripped apart. Tai walks in seeing their progress as several floor deal has been sat in a circle around Lucy who sat in circular runic design that had a very strong spell cast onto it uses the power from the Elemental powers from seven different ones constantly absorbing these elements.

Lucy is starting to sweat and is laying on her side groaning in pain, Tai sits down on the outside of the circle Criss crossing her legs looking down softly at Lucy with a small smile.

" how are you feeling?" Tai said in a disappointed look on her face since she could see how bad the girl was hurting, She places her hand on the barrier that had red Small lightning streaks surge to where Tais hand was still pressed against it but her face didn't change not once as she softly looked at Lucy with a smile. The girl chuckled in pain reaching her hand up touching the barrier receiving the same sharp electrical pain touching it as her hand fail, Tais hand dropped to as Lucy looked over at Tai with her eyes a little wider than before like she woke up some from their interaction.

" you gotta stay awake for at least half of it than when you fall into your soul realm you can't fight without waking from not being strong enough to make it to the end, I'll be by your side, I'm going to send you Yang energy by meditating opening my meridians. I'll send it to you then you need to cultivate it within you making you stronger as this goes on, can I do anything with you if it helps save you or make you strong enough against it to survive, then I'll have to do something more physical with you...o-only with permission " Tai said looking straight into Lucy's thoughts and heart, she has been in awe with this girl and she knows she is open to any and many relationships so it hurt she couldn't claim her as only hers. Lucy backed off but you could see the longing in her look for Tai and she always wants to be near the woman and they've actually have grown closer after many talks and awkwardness between them.

" yes you can " Lucy said a bit weaker than she meant to, as Tai nods at her then looks over at Qin who does a spell as a white glow surrounded Lucy then a breath of relief could be heard in her exhale.

" we can give you relief physically and mentally throughout the process we just gotta be careful of how often or to much of them you receive so I'll be watching over you to see when you need them" Tai said now sitting in. a Lotus position as she starts spreading her energy through out her body then reaching them out to Lucy as she moves them through her body and meridians making them intake her yang energy as Lucy bites her lip as a look of ecstasy could now be seen over a pace of pain as low moans could be heard from Lucy as she started squeezing her hands between her thighs tightly.

Win excused everyone from the room knowing Lucy's personality, Qin then his in the shadows keeping an eye on Lucy to make sure she wouldn't get hurt by Harriet fighting back.

Qin also realized how Harriet acted when she was intimate with Tai toward the end she made a truly happy face then a sad face she quickly covered back up with that cold look, she now would look like she is Twenty after receiving Tais pure Yang energy. Qin seen that Harriet really liked Tai and in another time she would of chased this feeling since she's only ever felt it on e before in thousands of years.

A part of Qin felt bad but what they didn't know was Tai already granted Harriet youth again and healed any Ailments in her meridians anymore, she sat in her binding feeling a change in her body as she can feel a difference she no longer needed Lucy or Tai to ingest. Harriet still wants Tai physically with the emotional entanglement they felt when being physically since it's hard for Harriet to truly love.

This time she does but she is still a loner who only as a couple nights out of the week and if she felt extra needy sometimes then three if they both would agree, so she thought up a deal to make with Tai.

Harriet spoke softly to a guard saying she need the speak with her niece for a urgent talk, when Qin arrived she sat in a chair looking down on Harriet and to her surprise her aunt shrugged it off without a care. Qin looked at the woman who was a beauty with soft cold looks with a cold indifferent look in her eyes and expressions most of the times, shes only seen two or three times that she has screen the woman's facade break.

" I'll make a deal with the hybrid, I'll release Lucy and her life will no longer be in danger, I'll stay away from this place if that's any consolation to you and not attack or use our people anymore only strangers who wish us harm. I also want Tai twice a week a few hours a night I really don't want to dive into the specifics with you Qin." Harriet said with a smirk as Qin Glared at her knowing what she's wanting.

" what if Lucy and Tai are strong enough to break through your spell " Qin said as she cleaned her nails not sparing her Aunt a second look as Harriet cleared her throat trying to calm down.

" why risk it not being a 100% sure about the outcome in case you all missed a couple of signs that you didn't calculate in " Harriet said with a knowing smile as Qin believed every word she just said nodding to her aunt while leaving the room where Fallon and Aliza took her spot.

Lucy was panting while Tai stood up from her lotus position while Lucy stared up at her in half lidded eyes with a sweet smile with longing in her look, Tai was like that to all of these women they didn't care if they'd have to share or what knowing how Tais thought process is they seem to fall in love with all of the girls they want. Tai then looks at Win who motions her to follow her as they walked toward Harriets room where Tai is now smiling at the woman.

" well two to three times a week sounds ok for certain times out of the year but then again there might be once a month to every three months then a few weeks here and there of twice a week or more." Tai said as Harriet smiles softly up at her, Qin seen that look again and thought four times this has got to be a joke of almost a thousand seeing it once or twice.

" I guess your right and also if your ever in danger I'll be there eventually so I don't lose any of these nights " Harriet said as Qin gagged at her receiving a glare from Harriet.

" That's fine I'll work out a calendar and a just in case circumstances interfere with our schedule and yeah whatever Qin says to have you in the kingdom but in the outskirts protecting one of the borders into this kingdom. There will be a kingdom of over 75,000 troops to your call in case something you can't handle comes along and you need to keep them in shape build you a good army in case I'll need your call" Tai said winking then walking off.

" Harriet is strong I'd be a fool to not consider getting her on our side and she is Qins only family left so I want to see if there's any hope still left in her." Tai said to herself returning to the room as Qin makes a contract with Harriet who lifted the curse from Lucy, Tai was glad she made the deal because she didn't know it was a curse.

Tai walks up picking the sleeping Lucy up taking her to her bed then tucking her in while she takes the two calenders to Harriet.

" These don't start yet since I'll be busy this week will start next week before I leave, Harriet was about to speak then closed her mouth thinking as she glared at Tai.

" last week I don't think so I should at least get two this week and two the next then plan where I can teleport to you or you to me" Harriet said not missing a beat as Tai looked at the woman in disbelief, as Harriet sheepishly smiled at Tai that made her heart flutter at how beautiful she is.

" sure we can do that if they work out then they work out, um I do need to spend time with Lucy as well and the other girls.

When we leave this place I'll have to head back to the werewolf colony where my other mates are still working on tasks and getting ready to plan their next destination which we were thinking Pyre kingdom " Tai said as Harriets eyes have a sparkle of fear for a couple of seconds, Even Qin has heard old stories of a few kingdoms perishing or morphing into the now Pure kingdom.

Qin looked at Tai while thinking of who to put in charge for a while until she finds a suitor that is the best for this place and people. They all come from all outside kingdoms so they were a mixture of the world of now blended races and kingdoms, she'll need someone selfless enough until someone better is chosen as she looks toward one of the Lydia who was twenty nine and has the whole young innocent but sternnes as a teacher who doesn't put up with any smart remarks or rude behavior, even loves being called Miss Samson. Win smiles widely as she knows that Miss. Samson will be ables to keep a panel in shape to work as a well oiled machine. All she needed to do now was picking twelve more members, she looks over at Harriet and Tai then has an excited look on her face.

" we need to interview people for a panel to make decisions, we need to pick wisely and sort through having different types of behavior and emotions " Qin said kissing Tais lips as she runs out of the room, Tai shrugs then walks over pecking Harriets cheek then following after Qin.

" ok we need to go talk to Miss. Samson, I mean I know her somewhat since she was three years older than me and the only one who gave me a run for my money in fights or for titles. I want to make her the head magistrate and basically has the last say so but would have to be careful using that card to much, they would be thirteen votes to make one person's vote change the ties of the vote and will always fall on Miss Samson's vote to actually be able to win so she can start a vote or end it with her vote." Qin said walking arm in arm to the school for older girls seventeen to other older ages attend, she smiles at Qin when she walks into her room. Miss. Samson's eyes wondered on both girls then looks back at her papers.

" how may I help you" Miss Samson said with a quirk of her eyebrow as she looks from the papers to the girls, She noticed that the black haired girl was staring at her legs in her pencil skirt which makes her smirk. Qin rolls her eyes at them both knowing that Tai would have this reaction with a teacher seems like the youngest was very enthralled being in front of a hot female teacher.