
Chapter 126

Tai walks in pulling off her clothes while changing into her human form, Alizas face started to blush crimson while looking at Tais human form naked.

" you are so beautiful Tai " Aliza said walking closer to Tai then walking behind her to take the rest in, she moves Tais hair and starts kissing the back of her neck.

" the bath is ready let's wash up " Aliza said leading Tai over into the bath, they wash each other and get out of the tub.

This was the first time that Tai has felt nervous, she felt like she did the night her and Emilia lost their innocence to one another. Aliza mutters a spell while standing behind Tai, she feels something poking her and turns to look down and she did get scared at first until Aliza holds her face making her look straight into her eyes.

" I promise not to hurt you and if it's to much then we won't use this spell " Aliza said with a reassuring smile as she leans in Kissing Tai deeply, Tai further deepens the kiss and doesn't care about the now standing member that Aliza now has.

They are making out now as they make their way back into the room as Tais legs hit the bed and she falls back hitting the mattress as Aliza climbs up on the bed. Aliza lays in between Tais legs as she kisses down from Tais lips and then takes her nipples into her mouth gently biting it while kneading the other.

Tai was moaning under Alizas ministrations as her hand was now giving her clit attention, Tai started bucking her hips up and Aliza smiles at how feminine Tai is right now. Aliza lines herself up with Tais entrance then lightly pushes herself inside of Tai.

At first fear crosses Tais face until Aliza stays still looking in Tais eyes pecking her lips, Tai seen the love and gentleness in her eyes and kisses her passionately as Aliza starts slowly thrusting in and out of Tai as careful as she can.

Tai drags her nails down Alizas back as she speeds up while sucking on Tais pulse point, Tai smiles at how gentle and caring Aliza is being with her.

" Ahhh haah mmm HAAH AHHNNN OHHHHH" Tai moans out while panting harder with Aliza when she feels a fluid that is now entering her, she kisses Aliza deeply as she continues going faster and harder then before getting them to another orgasm when Tai bites into Alizas neck marking her as one of her mates. Aliza mutters a spell then bites into Tais neck as a yellow tribal sign appears along with the other marks from her Mates.

They laugh while kissing each other as Aliza let's the spell go and no longer has the extra appendage while they hold each other laughing.

" Tai I noticed how scared you was...if your not ready to tell me then I can wait, I love you and Phrae feels the same way. She longs for you and I know she is sad not being involved with you, it's been years for all of us to find someone we want to spend the rest of our lives with...can you at least speak to her or show her some affection, I'm not sure if she's ready for intimacy like this but I know how she feels about you " Aliza said with a kiss after, they wash off then go down to meet the others in Qins office where Alma is writing spells down and also pulling out maps where some powerful Artifacts are located.

Phrae looks at Aliza and Tai walking in the room and she gives them a welcoming smile then turns back looking at the map that's got marks littering several kingdoms.

" the Pyre kingdom...that's going to be a hectic journey inside of there, the dragon kin of this kingdom are all dark magic users who doesn't like intruders especially ones from other races and even dragon kin from other places aren't even welcome. They all have black and red scales with lava and dark attributes, they are stronger then other dragon kin they also are not aloud to mate or be with other races." Phrae said while tapping the map that has five markings for the treasures, Tai walks next to Phrae in her human form placing her hand on Phraes lower back.

" well let's get info on the ones will get first, we'll travel back to where my family is before making that journey and we need to get this place taken care of." Tai said as the others nod, a guard knocks on the door and has a panicked look on his face.

" my Queen all of the prisoners are dead except for Harriet" he said bowing quickly as Qin and the others look at one another, Alma grabs Lois placing her inside of a magic circle she drew and then looks at some of the others as she places large crystals around the magic circle as it closes white where no one can enter it or exit this circle unless they have the main one that is now being held by Tai inside of her storage where no one but her can reach it.

" Lois you'll be safe here where Harriet cannot reach you and when the time is right one of us will do a incantation that you must be willing to do...you can have anyone of us to do it for you so just choose one of us" Alma said with a apologetic smile, she has already filled them all in about it even Tai was told before about the process.

" I choose Tai for that " Lois said with a red face as she quickly looks away, Tai nods her head as she changes back to her demon form then looks at the others.

Fallon you and the girls will stay here with Suki and Raquel to protect this room while Qin and Alma will come with me to check this cell out.