
Chapter 125

Alma not only killed the corrupted corpses but the others as well as they all burned up, fires burned across Alma's land and no one would believe she was the one who destroyed them.

Tai stood there while Alma helped her over to the couch and then studied the green goo that was on the arrow head, she had an angry look that Tai thought was cute.

" Tai we need to go to Qin to find out what this is, Harriet must have come up with it and it must have a purpose for her to have the corpse use it " Alma said pulling on her boots, Tai stands up kissing Alma passionately and pouted when Alma pulls away from her with a smirk.

" it's been a while but I can see what your trying to do, let's get going" Alma said walking through her cabin and looking back at Tai with a soft smile. Alma walks back over to Tai then kisses her, she snakes her arms around Tais waist then nuzzles her face against Tais chest.

" your human form does it also have this " Alma said cupping Tais member and she smirks up at Tai and bites her bottom lip. Tai smiles at her and kisses her lips, she shakes her head no while her hands are now on Alma's butt.

" no my human form is full female while I also like to use it as well but it's better to give you all more of my essence that will make you all stronger as well as another reason that I can't help but want to do" Tai said with a lazy smirk, Alma's eyes go wide then she laughs.

" you little shit...well you know we can circulate that and prevent you from impregnating us, even though a thought did cross my mind when you did " Alma said with a sad look, Tai lifts her face up by her chin then pecks her lips.

" well they'll be plenty of time, another thing I want to ask....will you leave with us as soon as we get everything situated and then we'll go back to where my family is waiting " Tai said pulling Alma out the front door, Alma turned around and pulls her staff out she does a incantation, the cabin disappears along with a barn that was twenty foot behind the house. Alma smiles at Tai then whistles, A large sloth look alike ran up to them it had long black fur with it's long claws digging into the ground coming to a stop.

" it's name is chewy" Alma said mounting the creature and reaching her hand out for Tai to take, they ride the creature back to the castle as Alma was telling her about chewy s agility, offensive and defensive skills. Alma agrees to get as many of them as Tai wants as she sent out a message through a wooden bird that flew away. Qin was standing at the front of the door along with the rest.

The only one that wasn't there was Leanna who was doing experiments with other crystals to see if she could make a similar crystal like the one in the back of Lois neck. She ended up making several powerful crystals that could fight off mind control or mind manipulation but not like that one.

Qin tilted her head when she seen how Alma let Tai get close to her and how the woman had a real smile on her face not wearing a facade.

" so Alma are you going to help us ?" Qin asked walking next to Tai and leaning in kissing her lips, Alma smiles widely not showing a hint of jealousy. Alma purses her lips as she thinks tapping her finger on her own arm, she then smiles again and nods yes.

" yes but I do have some things I want " Alma said staring at Tai with a soft smile on her face, she walks closer to Tai then kisses her lips.

" just let me be with all of you and Tai that's all I ask...You need to take Harriets and Lois's essence to infuse in the crystal then take it out. Harriet done some mind manipulation with Lois to get her essence, so basically Lois was stuck in her head while having a wet dream." Alma said while Tai was squeezing her butt cheek, Aliza was the only one behind them and seen this interaction between the two.

(' why does Alma get to be with Tai while Phrae and I have been here waiting ') Aliza thought to herself while her Aura turned dark, she walks around everyone to go inside the castle. Aliza went to their old bedroom in the regular part of the castle, What she didn't know was Tai is following her.

Aliza goes in the bedroom then lays down on the bed, ten minutes later the door opens and Tai enters the room.

" what's wrong Aliza ?" Tai asked leaning against the closed door watching Aliza huff in annoyance, Tai sighs then walks over and lays down beside her.

" Phrae and I have been by your side, I want to be with you so does Phrae....are you not attracted to me or her " Aliza said leaning her head up on one hand looking at Tai with a sad expression.

" your both wasn't ready yet and yes I'm very interested and attracted to you both." Tai said with a sideways grin, She pulls Aliza over on top of her and Aliza sits up straddling Tai.

" can I try something I read the other day " Aliza said with a mischievous grin, Tai had a bad feeling and still nodded yes.

" can you change into your human form for this " Aliza said as she drags her hands down Tais chest then rests them on her stomach, Tai stares into Alizas eyes then smiles at her.

" yes I will for you Aliza, when would you like for this to happen....I've stayed in my demon form in case we are attacked so I can protect all of you " Tai said feeling Aliza grinding against her, Tai was already feeling the affects of having this beautiful woman on top of her.

Aliza was soaking wet and just wants to take Tai immediately, but she also wants to be the first to try this with Tai before the others can.

" right now would be idea and we can go in the bath to start right after" Aliza said getting off of her then walking straight to the bathroom with Tai quickly following behind her watching Aliza strip off items while walking in.