
Chapter 121

Tai was walking down a hallway with Farron beside her and still holding her hand as if she lets go that the other would disappear.

" I thought that we'd never see you again " Farron said while looking straight ahead, Tai gives her a small smile then gently squeezes her hand.

" well I'd find my way back sooner or later, How has Calista been when I disappeared" Tai asked now looking at the womans side profile, Farron turns looking Tai in her eyes.

" well angry she almost put her hands on Leanna, but we took care of that then Leanna out units to search several areas near the fog. I thought that I'd never get to see you again and the feeling of that is--well I wasn't to happy about that, also that kiss Leanna gave you...if someone else would like to kiss you, I mean will it bother you or the others" Farron said while coming to a stop, a faint blush on her cheeks, Tai steps in closer to Farron and places her hands on Farrons hips.

" well it's fine, would you like a kiss " Tai said

Farrons eyes flutter down to Tais lips and then back to her eyes, Farron goes in and kisses Tai with a sensual kiss that took Tais breath away.

Their hands started to move over each others bodies, Tai separates from their kiss and looked down the hallway and Farron glanced that way seeing nothing but closed doors.

Farron had butterflies in her stomach and her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest, she grabs Tais chin making her face her again then kisses her deeply and it turned into a sloppy hungry kiss. Tai had Farron pinned against a wall holding one of her legs up.

Farrons pale blue eyes flutter shut when Tai starts kissing on her neck while grinding against her, she pushes her hands inside of Farrons dress and kneads her breast.

" Ahh haah" Farron gasps out while kissing, both of their breaths are getting heavier and Tai raises up Farrons dress.

A door closing loudly causes them to calm down while Tai helps fix Farrons dress back, they give each other a suttle smile before walking into the main room to the front door.

" ok two guards will stay by the rope and every four hours rotate shifts, I'll show you all to the rooms you'll stay in and never go somewhere by yourselves and don't trust these people or think that you can easily defeat them....they are dangerous, just do as I say and stay clear of the residents" Tai said while two soldiers volunteer for first watch, Farron walks with Tai to the same hallway that Suki brought them to earlier. They put half the soldiers in two rooms that had the bedroom that the girls were inside, Tai pulls Farron to the bedroom across from theirs.

Tai pulls her in and then starts kissing her passionately while pulling off her dress, Tai traces her finger over the designs of the ink that's going down Farrons breast. Tai starts kissing her way down and takes Farrons nipple in her mouth while kneading the other.

" MMM ahhh haah ahhn" Farron moans out while her hand is caressing the back of Tais head, She pulls off Farron white panties letting them hit the floor as she picks her up.

Farron wraps her legs around Tais waist grinding against her, Tai takes her over to the bed and then kisses her passionately. Tai kisses her way down until shes in between Farrons legs, she swipes her tongue up through Farrons folds and then attacks her bundle of nerves.

Farrons back arches off the bed, it felt like a electrical current was rippling from her core to her brain, she grinds herself against Tais face.

" Ahhh haah mmm HAAH AHHNNN" Farron moans out, Tai takes her tongue to her entrance and takes it in and out of her as Farron clamps her walls around her tongue. Farron started to shake while Tai moves back to her clit, her hands was gripping the sheets on her sides and her back arching up further than before.

" OHHHH AHHH HAAH AHHNNN YES" Farron does a gutteral moan, Farron was panting heavy when Tai started to kiss her way back up and kisses Farron passionately.

Farron wraps her legs around Tais hips, pulling her against herself and she starts pulling off Tais shirt and pants. Tai kicks her pants off, Farron felt something poking her and her eyes go wide, Tai gives her a calm smile.

" I can change into my human form if you want that has the female form, if you don't then we can continue like this " Tai said, Farron started grinding against her again.

" I want you either way and both ways " Farron said, Tai smiles at her then grinds her head between her folds and causes her to whimper.

Tai lines herself up then slowly pushes in and stops against the hymen for a second before she pushes and breaks it, Farron hisses in pain while wrapping her arms around Tais neck. Tai stays there for a minute kissing her lips and neck, she slowly starts thrusting in and out of her. Farron stares in Tais eyes before hers roll in the back of her head, Tai starts going faster and harder.

" MMMM HAAH AHHHHHN Tai " Farron moans out with a smile on her face when she heard Tai moaning in her ear, Farron takes her nails down Tais back. Farron felt a warm liquid enter her and at first she was very surprised, happiness flooded Farrons heart as well.

Tai kisses Farron gently while tracing her thumb over Farrons cheek, they stay there kissing and giggling at each other.

Leanna slips out of the room with Phrae since the other two hasn't made it back yet, they started to walk down the hall. Leanna stops walking and walks to a door that's across from theirs, she could see their outlines with muffled moans.

" their fine...go back inside I'll wait here " Leanna said leaning against the wall by the door, Phrae nodded her head then goes back into the room with the others. When Tai and Farron was getting dressed Leanna walks into the room, Farron freezes while tying the strings on Tais leather corset.

" oh hey Leanna we were getting ready to come back...is everything ok" Tai said while Farron finished with her strings, she glances over at Leanna who is now staring at Farron. Leanna clears her throat then looks back at Tai, she carried a pissed off expression and tried to act normal.

Tai walks closer looking into Leannas eyes, she caresses her cheek while staring straight into them and she pulls Leanna in for a hug which was reciprocated immediately.

" it's ok I'm here and we'll leave tomorrow ok " Tai said, she rubs Leannas back soothingly.

" you have beautiful eyes by the way " Tai said poking Leannas ribs with her finger, the girl started laughing while Tai tickles her even more. Farron watched them with a smile on her face, Tai was straddling Leanna while tickling her. A knock brings their antics to a stop.

Farron and Leanna noticed how the fogginess wasn't in Tais eyes anymore and they all three share the same look.

" just a minute" Tai said as she leans down kissing Leannas lips and whispers in her ear before getting up then kissing Farron whispering the same thing.

" yes/en " they both answered following behind Tai, when she opens the door they seen Suki standing there with a scowl on her face.

" what is taking you so long, I've been waiting in the room for you and the others are worried about you " Suki said with a pout.

(' well she might be out of her mind, but I can't help to like her alot') Tai thought to herself hooking her arm with Suki's while all four go back into the bedroom.

A relieved look comes over everyone when they enter the room, Suki holds Tais hand and plays with her fingers.