
Guozhao Hunters: The Next Generation

The story continues after Guo Baiyu and Zhao Renshu retired, they traveled the land with Ping'an, leaving behind the legacy they accumulated together for their disciples to continue to pass on.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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116 Chs

Chapter 01 Acquaintance

The north wind is always cooler than the south wind in Ocean City. Mountains that stretch for miles connect one mountain to another, making it easy to get lost. Walking on this lonely and desolate mountain road, a tall man dressed in black, carrying a wounded man in white on his back, followed another group of people, far behind them.

When the strong north wind blew through the group of people, the big hazel eyes were closed tightly, avoiding the dirt debris brought by the wind. After the wind blew passed the man's face, the man opened his hazel eyes and continued to follow the group of people dressed in white along the lonely and desolate mountain road. When the group of people encountered a stream, the leader of the group raised his hand to signal the others to rest.

It was past noon, when Guozhao Zhiqiang put Hu Dingxiang on the ground under the tree to rest. He stared at Hu Dingxiang's right boot soaked in blood, without saying a word. He sat quietly beside Hu Dingxiang.

Hu Jianguo looked at his juniors and said, "Everyone, lets rest here for the night. The nearest village will take a day of walking, and we will continue tomorrow morning." He glanced at Hu Dingxiang and then at the four female disciples. "Let's go see what's for dinner tonight."

One of the female Disciples, "Yes, senior brother." The four female disciples quickly left the area, leaving behind Hu Jianguo and Hu Dingxiang with Guozhao Zhiqiang.

Before sunset that night, Hu Jiangou and the four female disciples rested around a small bonfire, leaving the injured Hu Dingxiang and Guozhao Zhiqiang to rest under a tree far away from them.

Guozhao Zhiqiang stared at the group of people who ignored Hu Dingxiang's injures. He suddenly picked Hu Dingxiang up.

Hu Dingxiang asked in shocked, "What are you doing?"

Guozhao Zhiqiang did not answer but walked towards the stream.

Hu Dingxiang shyly said, "I can still walk."

Guozhao Zhiqiang did not speak. He carried Hu Dingxiang to the stream. He picked a flat stone and piled it on another stone. He picked Hu Dingxiang up again and sat Hu Dingxiang down on the stacked rocks. He took off Hu Dingxiang's two boots. He rolled Hu Dingxiang's trousers to knee height and began to wash Hu Dingxiang's feet and legs.

Hu Dingxiang looked at the dark brown muscular young man kneeling in the water and washed his feet. He stared at the corner of the man's big hazel eyes that only looked at the water and his legs. He wanted to know what mixed blood this handsome creature kneeling at his feet was.

Hu Dingxiang said politely, "You don't need to wash my legs for me, I will wash my feet and wounds."

Guozhao Zhiqiang did not speak a single word and continued to wash Hu Dingxiang's feet.

Hu Dingxiang reached out and held Guozhao Zhigiang's left hand. He smiled at Guozhao Zhiqiang and said, "Thank you."

Guozhao Zhiqiang raised his head and looked at Hu Dingxiang. Hu Dingxiang smiled at him. Guozhao Zhiqiang reached into his inner robe, took out a white handkerchief embroidered with peach blossoms at one corner, and wiped the wound. He took out a ceramic bottle and applied the medicine to Hu Dingxiang's wound.

Guozhao Zhiqiang said in a deep voice, "It will sting."

Hu Dingxiang jokingly said, "Wrap my wound with the lady's handkerchief, she will be upset."

Guozhao Zhiqiang still not making eye contact with Hu Dingxiang. He said, "She doesn't mind." He rolled Hu Dingxiang's trousers and washed the bloody boot.

Hu Dingxiang, "Then she is a great lady. Many ladies would mind if you gave their gift away to another person."

Guozhao Zhiqiang looked at Hu Dingxiang without speaking.

Hu Dingxiang smiled at Guozhao Zhiqiang, "You don't like to talk, you know you are handsome when you smile. You smile a little bit more; I believe many women will chase you from here to Ocean City." He chuckled softly. "With your handsome appearance, you must be a very popular women killer."

Guozhao Zhiqiang, "I don't kill innocent woman."

Hu Dingxiang smiled and said, "It's a metaphor."

Guozhao Zhiqiang, "I don't understand metaphor."

Hu Dingxiang shook his head. He finally understood that Guozhao Zhiqiang could not understand poetry or metaphors. He looked into the stream and saw some fish jumping up to breathe the evening air. He said excitedly, "Look at the fish. If my leg is not injured, I will catch a fish for you to express my gratitude."

Guozhao Zhiqiang was still washing Hu Dingxiang's boots, without even looking at Hu Dingxiang, he asked, "Do you want to eat fish?"

Hu Dingxiang sighed happily and said, "It would be nice to eat fish for dinner, I don't want to be hungry all night."

Guozhao Zhiqiang took a paper talisman from his inner robe and threw it into the stream. When the talisman sank into the water, a golden net appeared. A gold thread also appeared on Guozhao Zhiqiang's right wrist. Guozhao Zhiqiang moved his hand circular motion, the golden net got closer and closer to them, until the golden net was under Hu Dingxiang's feet, and there were twelve fish in the golden net.

Hu Dingxiang, "Your talisman's trick is amazing." He smiled at Guozhao Zhiqiang.

Guozhao Zhiqiang, "You said you want to eat fish." He walked up to Hu Dingxiang and bent down slightly. "I will carry you back."

Hu Dingxiang jumped on Guozhao Zhiqiang's back. Guozhao Zhiqiang grabbed the fishing net and Hu Dingxiang's boots and walked back to the group.

After returning to the camp, Guozhao Zhiqiang put Hu Dingxiang back next to the tree. He collected some wooden sticks and started a bonfire. He lit the sticks with a paper talisman. Guozhao Zhiqiang put four fish on a stick and started to grill.

Hu Dingxiang called out, "Junior sister Shaqing, come grab the other fish for you guy."

Shaqing walked over and grabbed the fish, "Thank you second senior brother." She smiled at Guozhao Zhiqiang. "Also, thank you this hunter." She walked towards the other three women and Hu Jianguo.

Guozhao Zhiqiang said, "They don't care for you, why do you care for them?"

Hu Dingxiang, "We can't finish it anyway."

Guozhao Zhiqiang asked, "What are you guys doing here?"

Hu Dingxiang, "The villagers in Golden Cliff Village want us to help catch fire monster creatures, but we happened to run into those wolves and lost the horses. The Golden Gate Sect and The Lotus Sect may have reached Golden Cliff Village by now. Look over there." Hu Dingxiang pointed to a mountain. "On the right is Golden Cliff Village and on the left is Mountain Village. You will reach Mountain Village in two days. At the intersection tomorrow, we will part ways."

Guozhao Zhiqiang looked at Hu Dingxiang and asked, "You are injured, do you still want to go?"

Hu Dingxiang looked at the burning flame and said, "I have to go. It is my responsibility as a hunter to answer calls of people seeking help."

The next morning, Guozhao Zhiqiang opened his eyes and found him alone. Hu Dingxiang and the others have already left. When he stood up, he saw the word "thank you" written on the ground next to him. He walked towards the mountain intersections.

Note: Artist; 陈瑞 (Chen Rui)

Song: 一生的等待 "Wait a Lifetime" inspired the writing of this story sequel.

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