
Group Battle Tower - End

"The Group Battle Tower Event is getting heated up folks, as England, Mexico, Canada, and Central Country are neck and neck for first place! Who will be the one to come out on top?!" Amber cried out with excitement while displaying the current results of the tournament. 

1st – England: 34th Floor, 0% 

2nd – Mexico: 33rd Floor, 98%. 

3rd – Canada: 33rd Floor, 92%. 

4th – Central Country: 33rd Floor, 91%. 

5th – Italy: 32nd Floor, 67%. 

6th – Ghana: 31st Floor, 34%. 

7th – France: 31st Floor, 23%. 

8th – China: 30th Floor, 76%. 

9th – Japan: 30th Floor, 75%. 

10th – India: 29th Floor, 55%. 

The crowd too were enlivened, wanting to see more of their own countries blazing through the floors on their way to the top. 
