
Guild of Marvelous Bastards

A man joins the most powerful guild on the continent. Unfortunately, there are no takebacks.This one is permanent.

Schneizel_Viktor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


Zauriel woke up with a start!

He looked around in a panic before he noticed his hands locked in a rope as it held himself up.

The tight rope leaving him dangling through the ceiling, the painful tightness around his wrist was something he took as a sign that his unconsciousness took for less than fifteen minutes.

His eyes then roam his surroundings, trying to determine what could happen to him next. His thoughts then turned to the pink mist and his mind was now certain.

He knew what it was and what it would do. A dreadful outcome for any who come across it.

Then, before he could move, a coarse and gravely voice spoke, "So, you're awake."

"I am." He glares as he spoke to the shadowy figure.

"What did you do with my companions!"

"I made sure they had a safe stay within my mansion."

The figure then stepped forward, a face reveals itself to show a beautiful small girl, one whose skin was white as snow and lips red as roses and a face to die for.

"Ha?" Zauriel looks back in confusion.

The girl only looks back, "Is there a problem?"

"No, its just that… Nevermind."

She then clears her throat, her voice changing to a soft melody.

"So as I was saying, I made sure they are safely hidden away."

"That… that doesnt sound as bad as I thought."

"Well… You might think that now but!"

A tentacle rose up beside her, her smile turns menacing, "I have plans for you as a sacrifice to my goddess."

The tentacle then wiggles closer to him, his eyes stuck to a small orifice spurting a white mucus.

She readies her hand before a tentacle slithers up her leg. She slaps it away, it recoils back, almost hurt more by her thought than her actions.

"Stop, this isn't the time for this. And you can't just force a bodily function!"

She then stops, listening to something whispering in her ear. A tentacle wiggling beside her.

"Can't you see I'm fucking busy here! I have all this things to do, but I can't start if you always poke me like this! Asking me for that at every moment!"

The mansion rumbles, the wood creaks from the magic emitted as the tentacle beside her light up in a red glow, seemingly enraged.

She then swipes her hand at the air, "Well maybe if you weren't so needy of sacrifices then maybe I wouldn't be using all of my time getting them for you."

The tentacle wiggles back, an expression of disapproval, seemingly disappointed.

Her expression was then angered. "You always do this! You interrupt me in the worst times and tell me it's my fault! Like I decided to do this!"

The tentacle beside her then wiggles faster, its movement more erratic, distressed and hurt.

"Yeah! I said it! This wasn't my dream! I never suddenly woke up and decided to be a warlock for a nasty and disgusting tentacle!"

The tentacle recoils in shock.

She points her finger, "It was you that took me away from mage school! It was you that seduced me into following the dark arts! This wasn't part of my plan! I never desired to be with you!"

The tentacle then stiffens, before losing all its strength, the white mucus stopping as tears fall.

"Oh great! Here comes the tears!" She shouts as she wipes her own tears.

"Well, this time I won't cave! I won't let you get away taking whatever you want!"

The tentacle then recedes, disappearing from sight as the girl falls down to her knees, sobbing and hurt by the words the two exchanged.

Zuariel watched it. He watched it all happen in vivid detail. He watched a girl talk to a tentacle as they entered a domestic dispute.

He groans, It was times like this that perhaps torture would have been a better alternative.

Is this what kids with divorcing parents feel? Damn, I kinda wished I just died instead.

Zauriel felt like absolute shit for witnessing such a personal moment. He even felt sorry for the both of them, as weird as it sounds.

Though with the time he bought, he loosens his rope as he stealthily fell down. The girl's sobbing masking whatever sound he had as he fell from his bindings.

He then tries to leave, only to hear her sobbing, one filled with grief.

He then sighs before muttering to himself, "I am such a fucking idiot."

"Hey, hey there, lady. You alright?" He carefully asks.

The girl looked at him in shock, ready to take her staff before Zauriel raises his hand.

"Wait! I'm here to help!"

"How! how are you going to help!" she asks, her tear-stained face even more beautiful up close.

"Look, I don't really know what's happening here, but the tentacle seemed quite important to you. Or you wouldn't be here bawling your eyes out."

She sniffs before mumbling, "Her name is Hent~ai, and she is a beautiful goddess. We just fight like this from time to time."

"Uh, she sounds great and all, but you guys just seem to be in an argument. And this doesn't seem to be the first time you did it."

He sits beside her, "Do you guys need counseling? I can help you guy with a few favors?"

She sniffs before wiping her nose with her robe. "Maybe. But I just can't take her! She just wants me every time! I mean, c'mon man, it can't possibly get hard every time she asks."

The world stops around Zauriel.

The words echoing in his head as he repeats it a million times. Trying to discern what was real and what was not, it took an eternity before he could ask,

"What's hard now?"

The girl blushes red, "I mean, you know. That thing you use for."

"AHHHH, I get it. I get it."

He nods sagely at her or maybe his words before screaming in his mind



Get it? Trapped


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