
Guild of Marvelous Bastards

A man joins the most powerful guild on the continent. Unfortunately, there are no takebacks.This one is permanent.

Schneizel_Viktor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

A Joyous Welcome

"So this is it."

A man stood in front of a door. He wore a trench coat, one draped over his noble clothing, one hidden underneath as it fluttered from the wind.

Excitement filled his black eyes as he watches the guild hall shine from the afternoon sun, it's beautiful design filled with colorful paint one accentuated by gold.

He breathes deeply to remove his hesitation, which was written all over his pale face.

He looks up once more to see the sign, "G.M.B."

A name renowned across the continent. The guild that contains the strongest beings, one that saved the world from destruction.

He knows that perhaps he isn't worth it, perhaps they'll push him out the door the moment he arrives, but there's no way he'll be able to live with himself if he never tries.

With such thought in mind, he takes a deep breath before pushing forward and opening the doors for a new future.

Now, one should think that the guild upon which the continent pivots on is one of utter magnificence, one which would contain deep discussions about the continent's politics and where the fate of the continent resides.

Unfortunately for the boy, such dreams were shattered the moment he bore witness to greatness.

A seven feet tall, tanned, muscular, middle-aged man, wearing a shoulder strap thong, flexing his muscles upon what seemed to be a raucous audience.

"OH YEAH!" The man flexes.

His toned muscles moved. Each one more defined than the last, to the point one can see the minute detail of his movement.

Unfortunately, the same thing could be said off of his bulge.

It took a minute for the man to process what he was looking at and it took even longer to understand on why such a view existed.

A soft voice takes away his attention, "You seem to enjoy the show."

He jumps with a surprised yelp before he waves his hands quickly.

"NONONONO, I wasn't looking at all."

He looks over at the source of the voice, only to choke on his words as he took in the utter beauty the girl held. She wore a long yellow dress, unable to hide the slim figure underneath.

She squints her purple eyes at him in suspicion before shrugging as she walked back to the table, "Whatever you say man, though you sound pretty sus."

He takes her word in before he followed her. "WHAT! NO!", hoping to clear the misunderstanding.

Though as he walked, he sees the details of what he once thought was a roadside bar. He tries to ignore the screaming men and their muscle contest while marvels at the utter craftsmanship of each furniture, each one containing great detail and possessed magical strength, one greatly sought for.

Each one would cost a fortune, yet they stay here, like mere decorations.

The soft voice takes him off of his thoughts, "So, why are you here?"

The girls across the counter, one where he unconsciously followed. He coughs in his hand before giving a smile, hoping to reset his first impression.

"Hi my name is Zauriel and I wish to join your guild."

She looks to him in suspicion before glancing at the middle-aged man, which was coming down from the podium where he showed his physique.

"You sure you're not here to check the old man?" She replies as she lazily rested her head on the counter, her soft amused smile never leaving.

"NONONO, I really did plan on joining, I was just stunned." He quickly replied to her, hoping this would be enough.

Unfortunately, it wasn't, "Fine, if you say so, though I'm not one to judge, just so you know."

Zauriel only looks to her in defeat before a boisterous voice rang behind him.

A deep voice spoke, "I see, young man. You were in awe of this one's greatness."

One that filled Zauriel with dread.

He looked behind him only to see the middle-aged man, now close and personal. His muscles now close to the touch as Zauriel's stomach churn in utter agony.

The girl spoke with a smirk, enjoying the man's agony, "Come on old man, Zauriel clearly can't stand your utter magnificence."

"Is that true, young man?" The man spoke closer with a smile, his chest danced right in front of his face.

Zauriel stuttered, "Nnnno, sir."

"Then what is your reason for entering our guild." He looks to him in wonder.

Zauriel was about to say his reason was before another body slammed against the man, giving him a mouthful of the man's chest hair and suffocating him in muscle heaven.

(Heaven, if that's your thing, no judgement here.)

A few seconds pass but for Zauriel it seemed like an eternity of utter darkness. He foams in the mouth for a few minutes, entering a dead or alive state.

The man grunts as he rose up. He took the boy that slammed into his back, bringing him up like a cat caught in his jacket as he dangled.

"Now, Andu, what did I say about collateral damage?" The man spoke scoldingly.

Andu crosses his arms as he grumbles through his grey hair, "Dont do it with explosives."

"Good, now go and be free." The man spoke as he threw the boy forward.

Disregarding the weapons spawning out of his hands as he once more starts a bar fight.

"Now where were we?" the man ask as he looks back to the foaming Zauriel. The destruction ignored as shouts erupt behind him.

He points to him, "Is the young man alright?"

The girl only rolls her eyes before whispering to Zauriel who immediately woke up with a shout, "WHAT! WHERE ARE THE MILFS!"

He frantically looks around, only to once more come face to face with greatness.

"IM HERE TO JOIN!" He shouts quickly as he looks away, redness creeping up his expression.

Unbeknownst to him, the once raucous audience immediately turns silent as all eyes direct themselves to him.

The man widens his eyes before nodding, "I see, then would you mind answering a question?"

"Uh, sure." Zauriel peeks at him to see the once delighted expression turn grim.

"Why?" the question uttered felt heavy, and the silence turned unbearable as Zauriel thought deeply before looking back up.

"Because I want to?"

The resulting silence almost made him think he uttered the wrong answer.

Though before he could say anything else, laughter blasts all around him as the guild once more turn into a cacophony of laughter and celebration.

The man gives him a hug as he shouts, "Welcome to the guild, Zauriel."

Giving Zauriel another mouthful of muscle heaven.

He gives him a grin as he looks down the suffocating Zauriel, "The name's Adam,"

He takes a beer glass passed to him by the woman and pushes it to Zauriel's hands, "Your first quest is drink ten beers and survive."

"Survive what?" Zauriel asks naively before Adam points to a spot atop a table where men and women cheered as they watch him in anticipation.

"That." He grabs him up by his trench coat before pushing him into the podium with ten beers on the table.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" the crowd chanted.

He looked around in confusion before he sighs in defeat. He supposed that perhaps this was a normal occurrence and maybe he should break free once in a while.

Zauriel sighs in defeat and takes off his coat and untied his tie as he drank himself to unconsciousness.

The sounds of clicking were the first thing Zauriel heard.

"What? What happened?" He held his head in pain, only to be met by a melodious giggle.

He opens his eyes to see the beautiful purple haired woman looking down at him.

She replied, "Well, you've just been initiated in the guild."

She takes out a magic powered camera before a hologram appears.

One which showed Zauriel shitfaced drunk and stripped off of his clothing while singing a black metal song.

"Oh and yeah, the name's Tsu. Welcome to the Guild."


Schneizel_Viktorcreators' thoughts