
Guiding cosmos

Stafall1125_Star · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

First Mission.

Entity K12O2M3U Abbreviation- Komu

Status, Completed Training

Loading mission

I squint open my eyes, eager to start my very first mission as a system, I see a yellow square hologram in front of me, A list of names, ranging from 12 year olds up to 30 year olds, Probably around 16 year olds won't freak out that much once their told they've died and are being reincarnated, Hmm, Especially game geeks or an Otaku, I really don't want to listen to a child's crying or an old man having a panic attack- I'll go with…

Ryou Hatsu

James Vegas

Kinu Rikuso

Hmmmm, Ryou Hatsu, I'll pick that nerd, "Host elected, Ryou Hatsu"

Commencing Travel

Truck-Kun finished

Teleporting Host…




Host teleported

A young sir, with brown hair, common brown eyes, light skin, and a scared expression on his face, he scans the area, It looks like a void, "Where am I?" He said, He hears a beep infront of him and my yellow square appears, Words written and my voice reading them

"Welcome, you've died. You were elected as a host to reincarnation. I am your guide, otherwise known as system, Showing on this screen, is 4 species you may pick"





Me- the square reads,

The boy looks puzzled, "uhm- what?"

"pick one."

"Aren't you going to explain what's happening?"

"I already did that. Pick a species"



He sighs, "uhm, I'll pick elf, I guess?"

The square shines, changing to a stats screen,

"Congrats, you're a elf- noob."

Strength- 1 Agility- 1

Skills- 0 Race- Human

Other stats are blocked.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

(Srs, I’m stupid, So please)


Stafall1125_Starcreators' thoughts