
Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands

Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and narcissistic——- Cut! Cut! Cut! Take two, and do it over. Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and wisest immortal in the realm of peace and harmony. Her two fathers doted on her, and she had a generous supply of resources and pills. Her life was perfect. However, her perfect life came to an abrupt end when Luo Huian, an immortal whose responsibility was to bring peace to those who had reached their ends and had run out of faith—— Watched a man jump down a building. Because of her inflexible beliefs and sense of justice, she did not save the bully. Unfortunately, that man was the son of the heavens. The loss of his life brought infinite trouble in Luo Huian’s life and she was punished by the heavens. She was sent to the world of humans where she had to rescue at least five hundred people by saving their lives when they were at the end of their wits. For an immortal this was an easy job, right? Wrong. Her grandmother sent Luo Huian to a world where Gloom Rocks had wrecked chaos. Beasts and monsters were given birth to by the Gloom Rocks that sucked every ounce of happiness from humans. This world was dominated by hunters who could kill the beasts with the powers that they had awakened. And in this cutthroat world, Luo Huian got the short end of the stick. She woke up in the body of an F-class hunter! Dang it. If that wasn’t worse enough, the previous owner had confessed to her cousin-in-law and was kicked out of the family. Double frog in the hot crock. With not a single penny in her pocket Luo Huian goes out to complete her mission. But what would happen when Luo Huian who was an F-class hunter annihilated the Z-class Glooms and Hollows that even the S-class hunters could not? Watch her fend against the dangers and at the same time save the lives of people. But in this small mission, there is a small obstruction —— The three alluring temptations. *********** Resisting the temptation take 1: “MMPH,” Luo Huian pushed against the mer who had pushed her down on the bed while sitting on her waist. “Get off.” “I can’t,” answered Qi Yongrui as he took off his shirt. “Daddy Shun said that he is envious of Uncle Wang. He also wants to hold a grandchild. So, wife let's work hard tonight alright?” Luo Huian: Dear Heavens save me, I am a woman of no desire! **** Resisting the temptation take 2: “Do you think he is good looking?” Fan Meilin questioned the woman who stood next to him. Even though he was the one who won the race and the trophy, his wife was looking at the other mer. “Well yes,” Luo Huian, who was an appreciator of beauty, agreed at once. “Why are you asking this though?” Fan Meilin’s eyes flashed as he smiled at her and leaned in closer to her body as he whispered in her ear, “He might be good looking but I am a better driver. Not only on the track but also in bed, do you want to try darling?” Luo Huian: Resist the temptation! At all costs! I am an iron-hearted woman. ***** Resisting the temptation take 3: “Is this necessary?” Luo Huian questioned as she sat on the couch, watching the mer trace his fingers on her curves while she sat in nothing but modern swimwear. The mer nodded as he wrote on his small notepad, “I need to trace every inch of your skin to create my finest creation, so don’t move.” After he finished writing, he handed the notepad to Luo Huian, his fingers brushing against the curve of her bosom, waist and ——— Luo Huian: My virtue is at extreme risk! ** Fl who is trying to do everything to save her virtue from being taken as it would slow down her cultivation X Mls who are trying their best to snatch it from her. *********** Trigger warning: though the book is set in a comedic setting, there might be some uneasy topics that would discuss depression and loneliness. ***********

fairytail72 · Fantasi
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223 Chs

Who kidnapped who?

Luo Huian had no other choice since she needed to finish this mission that was offered to her by the system. Her punishment was to help five hundred people even if she wanted to deny it, she couldn't do it. 

"I saw him four hours ago," Pan Delan answered promptly. She seriously stated, "My daddy left the house four hours ago and did not return, I have been trying to look for him ever since then." 

Pan Delan was really worried about her Daddy, he hadn't been the same ever since her mother got together with that evil mer. He was often lost in thoughts and sometimes he would cry when he was alone, her daddy thought that she did not know but she did. Pan Delan was a smart child and she was easily able to detect the changes in the house and her family. 

"Kid, are you sure that your dad is in danger? Maybe he just went to shake off his stress or something of the sort," Luo Huian could not help but say. It was just four hours and the girl was making a fuss. 

"You don't understand!" Pan Delan glared at Luo Huian. "Before leaving, my father told me that he was sorry and that I should not blame my mother. It was as if he was leaving and never coming back." Her eyes couldn't help but trickle with tears when she thought about how her daddy was looking at her. 

He was determined to leave! Her daddy might have told her that he would come back when she asked him where he was going but Pan Delan knew that it was a lie. Her Daddy was not coming back and if she did not find him then Pan Delan could forget about seeing her daddy again. 

The more she thought about it, the more wronged Pan Delan felt. She was just a child why should she suffer like this? 

Her tears finally fell like a string of broken beads and she cried. The more she cried the louder her cries became, 

"WAHHH!! Daddy!" 

Seeing that the child was crying, many onlookers turned to look at Pan Delan and Luo Huian. Upon seeing that Luo Huian was wearing clothes that were covered in blood many of the pedestrians paused and were about to contact police. 

In their eyes, this was a sure sort of case of child kidnapping. 

Luo Huian noticed the change in the gaze of the people in the park, she was afraid that the girl would send her to the police, so she hurriedly agreed, "I will look for your father,stop crying." She could not allow this matter to escalate any further than this. 

"Really!" To her surprise, Pan Delan really stopped crying it was only then did Luo Huian realised that she was being played by this brat again. 

'Damn it! If only I wasn't kicked out with no money in my pocket!' Luo Huian cursed as she pushed the bangs on her forehead back with a look of annoyance. 

Even the people were shocked by Pan Delan's change of expression. Seeing her smile at Luo Huian, they seemed to have realized that the two of them were indeed related and immediately turned their gazes away. 

"Good thing I did not call the police," a mer remarked while patting his chest. Just now he was about to call the police, if the officers came and it turned out to be a big misunderstanding then he would be the one who would be scolded and reproached. 

Luo Huian with her sharp senses heard what the mer was saying and sighed in relief. Luckily this girl stopped or else she would be one step away from becoming a kidnapper. 

"You did not answer me, are you really going to look for my daddy?" Pan Delan pressed when she did not hear Mo Qiang's response. 

"Yes, Your Highness!" Luo Huian huffed. Did she have any other choice? 

Pan Delan cheered. She immediately jumped off the bench and said to Luo Huian, "Then follow me. I will tell you where I last saw my Daddy." 

The two of them took a taxi which drove through the hustle and bustle of the city. Luo Huian looked at the interior of the taxi and was surprised, she had to admit that this metal box was rather comfortable. It was even filled with cold air when the outside was so hot! 

"It's an air-con, it gives out cool air in summer and hot in winter," Xiao Hei explained to Luo Huian as she did not have much experience with the human world. 

Luo Huian nodded. She had to accept that the humans were really smart. They even came up with such a wonderful concept. 

In the immortal world, she had to cultivate for ages before her body temperature started to adjust according to the temperature of her surroundings. 

However, humans could do it with just the tap of their fingers!

"This is technology! Technology!" Xiao Hei felt a headache coming. He could see that Luo Huian was going to create a lot of trouble in the future. How could she compare her cultivation to a small machine which could start malfunctioning at any moment?

"This can't even compare to the cultivating techniques that your grandma and parents taught you!" Xiao Hei rebuked Luo Huian who only scoffed. She did not remark on Xiao Hei's words and ignored him. 

Seeing her ignore him, Xiao Hei knew that she was still angry with her family and sighed. He could not understand why Luo Huian couldn't see that she was in the wrong as well. However, he kept his doubts to himself. 

The taxi soon came to a stop in front of a grand building and Pan Delan said to the taxi driver, "You can stop here, Uncle." 

The taxi driver looked at Pan Delan and then turned his gaze to Luo Huian. He whispered to Pan Delan, "Little girl if this woman is kidnapping you, just tell me." 

Luo Huian heard his words and curled her lips. She sneered and spat, "I did not kidnap her. She is the one who kidnapped me." 

"She is right!" Pan Delan agreed solemnly. 

Taxi Driver: "…" Where did the world have come to? Even a child is kidnapping?