
Satisfied? Very much.

Ye wanna use the tool Liu: "….." 

His face turned red and he hurriedly gritted his teeth as he replied with a scowl, " I am not looking forward to anything, don't say nonsense!" 

There might be some slight anticipation but that was only because the mer he met in the store said that it felt really good, other than that he wasn't excited to use it. Not at all! Just a little, a little bit.

Chen Mi saw through Ye Liu at once, he rolled his eyes but he didn't say anything else to tease Ye  Liu, he knew how much of a hypocrite his brother Liu was, clearly he wanted to use the special tool but didn't want to look to perverse that was why he pretended to act so shy and livid. 

But the shyer a mer was the wilder he was in bed, surely once Brother Liu gets hold of their wife, he will be shamelessly crying under her! Who did he think he was? Did he look like he was so easy to fool?