
Guess We're a Party

An unfortunate turn of events leads three strangers to form a party, as they are being hunted. They roam seeking adventure wherever they go. A story with some people I know. Check out: PandazLB89, LogBot (has one chapter, but maybe he'll post more)

Zetro_1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Chapter 25: First Puzzle? Trial? Shit! [Valor]

"Well damn, looks like we're on a time limit. This is going to be pretty rough. Guessing we can't go back the way we came?" Valor asked. The chill was something he could handle since it was uncomfortable right now, but it would probably only get worse. Valor looked around and saw everyone grabbing the sides of their arms to keep warm. 

"Well we're in a room with an ice block and pressure plates. We probably have to find the right one." Davis remarked while walking over to the ice block.

"Can't be that hard. Hopefully the rest of this dungeon won't be too hard." 

'Honestly, I'm really hoping for the same thing, but something feels off. That might just be the cold that's bothering me though.'

"So how are we pushing this?" 

"Kai, wanna push it?" Everyone turned to look at Kai when Jay said this.

"Honestly, no...but I guess I'll have to."

"I can help! People used to call me a small bundle of...i..idiocy!" 

'Why is everyone looking at me like that? I didn't think they'd take me this seriously. It can't be helped that they think I'm an idiot. Although, I can't say that this isn't nice. I'm really enjoying their company. It's so nice to not have to sleep on the floor,' Valor thought to himself.

"Disgraceful, you of course have that barbaric blood in you. At least learn proper etiquette and how to behave. You bring nothing, but disgrace! You might as well-," Quickly Valor snapped out of his thoughts and buried the old memories in the deepest parts of his mind.

"O-Okay then, so you two are pushing the block of ice." Jay turned while seemingly stifling a laugh. Leon didn't even try to stifle it and clutched his sides while laughing. 

"Great! Let's get to it, Kai!" Valor smiled while Kai followed suit with a tired expression. The ice block wasn't heavy by any means, but the slippery floor made it extremely hard to push to the right area. A crevice in the floor caught Valor's attention, as he found it strange.

"Hey, Jay! What's that?"

"Probably the only way we fail this puzzle. We can't lose this ice block since none of us weigh enough to keep the pressure plates down, so be careful." Their feet kept almost slipping, as the ice block would be freed from their grasp.

"Hey Valor, I'll hold down the fort on this side. You can stop it on the other side, but be careful." They slowly, but surely made their way towards the first pressure plate. It got into place and a small grinding noise could be heard before monsters appeared.

"Looks like our luck continues to be complete shit, huh?" Jay only nodded before the monsters appeared.

"Ooh! Leon, teach me how to tame these things right now!" The ice golems and soldiers made of ice began to charge at them.

"Not possible." as Leon prepared a few wolves. "I'm not sure if I can even capture these guys."

The golems hit hard, but could easily be defeated. However at every slash at the frost monster, Valor could feel his sword getting colder. The ice block remained on the pressure plate as the ice monsters continued to pour into the room.

"Get the other pressure plates," Eunice cried out as she ran over to the other block of ice. Davis ran over to help push out the ice cube as the rest of the group defended them. 

Wolves not under Leon's control began to attack the party, as they tried to push the next one ice block onto the last pressure plate.

After a minute it didn't seem like the monster horde was stopping.

"THEY KEEP COMING," Davis called out.

"It's not getting any warmer here!" 

"The pressure plate isn't opening a door!"

"Should we remove it?"

"Maybe it's a time type of ordeal?"

"NOT IF WE'RE FREEZING TO DEATH!" Jay said, as he began to push the ice block off the pressure plate. As the group pushed off all the ice blocks and finished the last monsters.

"Maybe in a specific order?"`

"Let's try it?"

The group attempted to attempt this but everytime they would be swarmed with a different variety of monsters. The cold was starting to get to the group, as they began to shiver more. 

Noticing the hole from before, Valor began to look down. "Hey Jay! Is there any magical energy coming from that hole?"

"This whole area is a magic man. I couldn't tell you if it was with this amount of magic nearby."

"Do you guys trust me?" 

"Not with my life," Davis replied

"Well either my hunch works or we all die anyway. Trust me this one time and hopefully I'm right here. What do you say?"

"Sure?" Leon said with a hint of panic.

"I think this puzzle is based on subversion. None of the pressure plates work and it's not getting warmer here. We only really have this or freezing to death..if you discount the monsters here. There's really no other route we got, so can I put the ice block into the crevice?"

"Welp… I'll try to check it for any magic…. nothing else seems to be working."

Valor was already getting the ice blocks nearby with the help of everyone else, as Jay was checking the hole. 

'Gods, I hope this works.'

"Well compared to everywhere else in this room that single hole is radiating way too much magical energy. This might be a trap though..."

"I'm confident in my hunch and the fact that this situation could literally not get any worse. Trust me this one time and I promise we'll be fine. On my mark! 3…...2…...1…..NOW!" The group pushed down all of the blocks down the hole until all 3 blocks filled the deep hole. The sound of gates opening haunted them, as the possibility more monsters were coming was a high possibility.

Everyone began to panic, however the room's temperature stopped getting colder. A door in the center of the room had now been opened, but staying in this room wouldn't give them much safety as they would have to push on.