
Guess We're a Party

An unfortunate turn of events leads three strangers to form a party, as they are being hunted. They roam seeking adventure wherever they go. A story with some people I know. Check out: PandazLB89, LogBot (has one chapter, but maybe he'll post more)

Zetro_1 · Fantasi
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60 Chs

Chapter 18: Panic [Jay]

Jay slowly got up, his muscles ached. Looking up he saw everyone striking the demon. Kai had taken a beating, so he was being healed by Daisy. Eunice seemingly couldn't get a good hit in, as it was focused on her. Everyone else was cowering behind a nearby wall.

"JAY get over here," Davis said motioning over to them. The demon began to hold out its hand to cast a spell, as Jay dived behind a different wall. With a blast of freezing air Eunice was knocked out of the spot she was in lying unconscious in.

Panicking, Jay began to collect himself and used illusion magic to show the demon that she had seemingly got up and ran away, hoping that it would follow it. The demon instead turned to him smirking almost and began to shoot multiple fireballs in his direction.

"HEY YOU GUYS GOT ANY IDEAS?" he yelled to the others. 

"How about we leave you to fight and honor your sacrifice!?" Valor yelled back.

"My ghost will hunt you down and kill you if you do!" Jay said in return. 

"Alright alright, I was just joking!"

Daisy screamed over them, "We need to save Eunice. If I can get to her I can bring her back to consciousness."

"Alright so I guess that's the plan! Bring Daisy to Eunice." 

"THAT'S NOT AN EASY PLAN TO PULL OFF," Kai said, while groaning through the pain.

"The demon has magical abilities right… so it might have a low defense?"

"If it's anything like Jay, a soft breeze will kill it." Valor jokes.

"Could you shut your mouth for a few seconds? Look..." Suddenly a gust of wind blew everyone back.

    "I can't tank that many shots, but it's more than what you guys can take," Kai stated. 

"Either we tank one of those shots or we're all fucked, so no real debating here." 

Davis prepared an arrow and said, "My arrows can pierce it's armor and with my speed I should be able to unrun most of its attacks."

"Problem: Eunice probably has the same if not faster speed and she's unconscious." 

"Well I won't make the same mistake she did and I have a longer range."

"Happy thoughts guys, besides this demon here isn't going down without one hell of a fight."

Leon, now out of the eyes of his eagle, stated, "The whole town is frozen in time ." 

"Ok… Davis don't die," as Jay began to cast [Illusion] on the demon, however used a flash of light to stun it. He then motioned Davis to move across the field. 

"I think the whole objective is to not die, pal." 

"Not the time," Jay said as he ran over to Eunice, however being weak was only managing to drag her to the location he was hidden under. "Sorry Eunice, HEY DAISY over here." 

The demon looked vaguely human, but more and more began to shape into the shape of an orc, with a large upper body. As it was transforming Davis was shooting a volley of arrows at it. Each one enchanted with an element.

Taking a chance, Valor rushed up the demon using the skill [Sol Slicer] to cut off its head. With a swift slash the demon's head fell over and disappeared, however the body still moved.

"Oh I mean it's a demon, I guess?" Daisy said as she was healing up Eunice. 

"This is going to hurt a lot!" Valor said as he attempted to run away, only to be launched by the demon morphing the ground. 

"Maybe it has some core? Like… a storage for mana to keep it running?" 

"Maybe? Even if that's the case, where would it be?" 

"Easy solution, I'll just destroy the whole demon[Adrenaline Flurry]!" Valor was bleeding from his forehead, and rushed the demon once more. His speed and strength exceeded his stats, as he cut the demon into chunks. 

"Did it work?" Jay wondered. He hadn't seen a core, but the demon seemed to stop moving. As they all got back together, Jay began to prepare a fire skill to burn the bodies. Valor had fallen over and Kai was now supporting him. Davis had run back over, while Eunice came back to consciousness. 

He lit the demon parts on fire, hoping that if the core survived it would be destroyed. As he did so a small orb was left. "UHHH HOW DO WE DESTROY THIS," Jay said, beginning to panic. Leon readied his knife and stabbed the core.

"Are you really hoping for a demon summon?" Davis said, looking at him.

Leon just smirked and replied sarcastically with, "ME NOOOOO."

"You dirty power sponge!" Valor managed to yell.

The core began to crack, flowing out of it was the presence of a sinister energy. It began to create many arms, legs, fangs, any type of body part and broke free from its containment. 

It was similar to the chimera they had fought before, but would be constantly changing, not staying in a consistent form for more than a few seconds.