
Guardians of Managas

Welcome to the world of Malintia, where almost every person has the ability to transform into ancient and mythical creatures. Well, everyone except me. My name is Jop, and I live in a small village in the peaceful kingdom of Managas. This is my story of how I became the savior of our world.( first time writing so it might be shit but i hope it will be at lest somewhat entertaining )

RandomJOP · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 9: Hells Gate

After my speech, I told Canji and Yen to rest. But they insisted they wanted to be useful so Canji joined up with the medical team and helped with the injured and sick with her ability. She was praised all over the camp and many people wanted her treatment. She made a positive impression on the soldiers as well. As of Yen he helped wherever he could get food helping to move the injured securing the camp. Patrol the areas around the camp. General Olaf was impressed with his dedicated working attitude and he praised Yen himself. Taking a break of 1 hour, I am preparing to move on to the negotiation. But before that, I needed to speak with General Olaf. So I summoned him to my tent.

(Ari) "General why didn't they grant you an audience with the prince of the underworld? " I asked.

(Olaf) "My queen, I did try but the guards just ignored me no matter how much i shouted or how our people begged them, nothing not even a batch."

(Ari) "ah, I see, let me try then and see if I can get a reaction from them" I walked out of my tent with the general and headed towards the wall entrance. I stood in front of it and shouted

(Ari) The Queen of the Kingdom of Mangas wishes an audience with the prince of the Underworld of the Kingdom of Olymp! At that moment I saw a soldier who looked like the leader of this post. He looked at me and started laughing. He shouted back at me (Officer 1) "Your Majesty, it is very unfortunate that we cannot grant your wish" then he burst into laughter. I was thinking to myself that this man had misunderstood my words. So I transformed into Anubis and jumped to the wall, surprising the guards and grabbing the officer by his throat before he could transform. I showed him my teeth and growled at him while choking him.

(Ari) You misunderstood me. I wasn't asking for permission, I was demanding an audience and I'm gonna get what I want one way or another. Either you tell your man to contact the prince or we'll assault the wall and force the prince to come out himself. After all there are only like 300-500 men and we have 2000, so I alone could defeat your weaklings so I'm gonna give you 5 seconds to make your choice. I rip your head off and we kill all of you or let us do it peacefully."

He whispers while being choked peacefully so I let him go. He started coughing and looked at his other man, saying contact the prince, telling him a queen of mangas demanded an audience. He looked up at me and said I will give you an answer from our prince as soon as I get it. I was happy with our talk so i jumped back to the camp and turned back into a human. I glanced at the General. He was shocked and said

(Olaf) Well, I didn't try violence and threats of an assault but if that works then well done my Queen

After that we got an answer within an hour and the prince granted me an audience. I was told I could only bring a limited number of guards with me. I called for Yen and Canji and instructed the general to watch over the camp while I was away. The gate of the wall was open and we passed through it. Soon after we were told the earth might shake a bit. And so it did before us. The ground behind the wall split itself in half and within it a staircase that led straight down. I thought to myself hmm so that the realm name is underground indeed. We proceeded to go straight down the stairs and after 30 min of walking we saw a bright light at the end. It was a giant free space with one single massive black gate. This gate looked like it would withstand an end of the world itself tbh it looked impenetrable to me. It has been a long time since I was feeling pressured and intimidated by something.

Yen and Canji were amazed by its size. Yen also noticed a single man standing before the black gate.

(Yen) "look there is a man it seems he is waiting for us" we walked toward the man

He bowed down and said

(???) Welcome to Hells gate, the main place in the Underworld realm. My name is Alpha and I am the leading general and protector of the Gate of this realm. Prince Inrot is awaiting you. After that that massive black gate opened and before our eyes was a big underground city full of people and soldiers. I could never imagine that a city could be built underground but it seems it was possible.

(Canj) "WOW, that's amazing a whole city underground!" After those words the general Alpha turned around and reached out to Canji and pushed her out of the way since a lightning bolt appeared and almost struck her and from that lightning bolt came out a person.

To be continued.