
Guardians of Managas

Welcome to the world of Malintia, where almost every person has the ability to transform into ancient and mythical creatures. Well, everyone except me. My name is Jop, and I live in a small village in the peaceful kingdom of Managas. This is my story of how I became the savior of our world.( first time writing so it might be shit but i hope it will be at lest somewhat entertaining )

RandomJOP · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 5 : The Awakening

It's time to go back to Max and Jop still imprisoned on the predator ship

Me and Max spent around 2 days in imprisonment. We were well fed, but what worried me was when the dark knight commander told me that they would make me transform no matter what I did. I had an uneasy feeling about it and it turned out today I was right. Finally some of the soldiers dragged me to the lab and they imprisoned me in some kind of big metal chain. And they decided to force me to transform they used electro torture to force my transformation out so that they could sell me ofc since i was apperelently worth alot the torture was doing 24h a day it was day 2 after my imprisonment where they began to be frustrated that i didnt transformed tbh i could barly speak i lost conciusness from the pain many times and they decided to not to feed me as well i was hungry tired and in pain allover i wanted to transform but i just couldnt i wanted to transform and pay them back or at least to make them stop. I was close to breaking mentally and physically. On the 3 days of torture they decided to change they tactic if torturing me wouldnt force me to transform then maybe torturing my freind will make me do it and so they thought they got max into chains right in front of me he looked at me and said.

(Max) "Jop don't worry no matter what happens to me just remember i'm gonna be ok let these bastards do what they want even tho you can't transform they don't understand it those pieces of shit" and so max screamed as they suddenly began to remove max finger nail from each finger slowly to maximize the pain. During his torture, he told them they would die, threatening to kill them all personally. After the finger nails they decided that Max talked too much and started to remove his teeth one by one. He was bleeding from his mouth. I couldn't watch anymore i pleaded with them to leave him alone and come torture me. In my desperate state, I started crying and told them over and over again

(Jop) please stop, I can't transform, I can't!

They ofc didn't stop. In fact it was more extreme, they started to heat up a metal stick and with that they burned one of Max's eyes he screamed with mouth full of blood his teeth were lying on the floor and he fainted and his body was lifeless. My heart pounded as I tried to escape from the chain, I was breathing deep from anger and pain. I looked at Max's lifeless body and said " Max hold on, I will save you please don't die. I can't lose my best friend. I will kill everyone of these bitchess and make them pay for what they did to you ! At that moment I felt like something wasn't right. I could feel my heart stop beating and everything around me turned dark. I could sense some power calling to me and i heard a whisper, "It's time to wake up from your long slumber my boy" And so my Transformation began. I became the myth of Grim Reaper. My flesh began to melt from my body so that only bones remained my eyes turned into dark red burning eyes.and my body was covered with an all black cape of darkness. I looked the two predators soldiers in the eyes they were happy to succeed. But they underestimated my newly found power. With a swipe of a finger I was able to summon massive spike bones as sharp as real spears piercing them and making them bow in pain unable to move and stand. Next i free myself with my soulless breath freezing the metal chain and breaking myself free. I looked at them. They were scared and unable to do anything. i said to them

(Jop) "It's my turn now." as I began to break their fingers one by one snap by snap.

( Jop) "that's for max's finger nails"

After that i decided to use my bones fingers and pierce their eyeballs with them making them blinded they screamed with pain and i knew i dont have much time before others show up so i decided to finish them and with my Ice breath i froze their heads and crushed them. After that i freed max and took him out of the lab i was trying to find an exit and escape from the ship the predators soldiers were shooting at me with they beams but they couldn't break my bones i knew fighting with one arm would be hard but still i needed to prevail and i summon my spikes to pierce through many of the predators and finally i saw something that looked like an exit i was going for it but i noticed before me that the dark knight was standing guarding it he looked at me and said

(Dark Knight) "And where do you think you are going, my priceless possession?"

To be Continue