
Guardians of Managas

Welcome to the world of Malintia, where almost every person has the ability to transform into ancient and mythical creatures. Well, everyone except me. My name is Jop, and I live in a small village in the peaceful kingdom of Managas. This is my story of how I became the savior of our world.( first time writing so it might be shit but i hope it will be at lest somewhat entertaining )

RandomJOP · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: The Warrior Princess and The King

Meanwhile, in the capital city of Managas, Webtoo, the city was under attack by the predator race. It was a surprise attack not only on the villages but also on the big cities in the kingdom. But unlike only one ship, the capital was under attack by five giant warships of the predator.

My name is Ari, and I am the princess of Managas and the leading commander of Managas' army. I was drinking tea with the queen, my mother, when it all happened. A giant explosion rocked the city, with massive metal objects floating in the sky, shooting beams at our walls, houses, and unsuspecting soldiers and civilians. One of those beams hit the palace, and my mother and I got buried under the rocks. I lost consciousness for a minute. When I woke up, I started yelling, "Mom, Mom, are you alright? Can you hear me?" But there was no response. I knew I needed to find her under the rocks, so I decided to transform into my Anubis form (Anubis, one of the Egyptian gods, is a giant human-like black dog). When transformed, it was easy enough to free myself from the rubble and rocks and search for my mom underneath them. I found her, but it was too late; she had been crushed by the rocks. "No, Mom, I'm sorry for not protecting you," I said while crying and holding her crushed body in my hand. "Who are they? Why did they do this? It doesn't matter; they're going to pay!" Filled with anger, I rushed to the throne room to check on the king, my father.

I spotted some weird knights jumping from the giant metal objects into the city and the palace, fighting the soldiers, killing and capturing people, and taking them to the flying objects. Some of these knights spotted me and tried to ambush me. They shot a beam at me from their weird spears, but I dodged it. My nose could smell the weird armored creatures from a mile away. I stopped running and looked at three of them in their helmets. I said, "Bad move, you bastards." I ran straight at them, dodging their beams. I was fast. I bit the head off the first one, and then I spit the head out of my mouth, covered in their green blood. The other two looked at me and turned their spears around, switching from beam-shooting ranged weapons to very sharp spears for close combat. They rushed at me, and I caught them with my hands, even though my hand got cut. I didn't care; I just wanted to kill every single one of those bastards. I picked them up with their spears and slammed them both into the walls, ensuring they were dead, squashing their heads with my giant dog feet. "That's what you get, you bastards." My hands were useless now; I couldn't clench them. The cuts were deep. While in this form, my ability to heal was greater, but it would still take time to heal the wounds. So, I moved on to the throne room.

When I got there, I saw my father sitting on his throne. My father was sick; he had been getting weaker every year from a mysterious sickness. He couldn't maintain his transformation for very long anymore. He looked at me and said, "My child, as your king, I'm going to give you an order and a mission that you must fulfill, no matter what."

I replied, "Yes, my king, what are your orders?" The king showed me a golden box and said, "In this box are six keys to the dungeons located on the dark continent." I was surprised and asked, "The dark continent? That place was abandoned by the gods; it crawls with barbarians and monsters. Why do you have keys to dungeons there?" The king explained, "I know it is a dangerous place, but the dungeons there hold powerful artifacts and weapons that can turn the tide of the invasion. Let's be realistic; our kingdom is doomed. Our army was blasted with their beams from these flying objects before they could even fight back. I need you to find strong and motivated companions to help you reach the dungeons and acquire these artifacts."

I was torn but asked, "As you wish, Father, but what about you and our people? Should I run and abandon everyone?" The king replied firmly, "You won't abandon our people; you will save our world, the people who got kidnapped, and you will avenge me and our kingdom as well as rebuild it after the threat of these invaders is dealt with. Now go, and let me show you how a king dies in battle." After hearing these words, I couldn't cry; instead, I got chills over my fur. He handed me the box, and I held it under my armpit. Then he stood up, shaking, and sprinted toward the window. He jumped out to transform into King Kong, a giant ape, and then he grabbed me with his giant hand and launched me toward the destroyed walls. Meanwhile, he rushed to attack the giant objects. He double-handedly brought one object to the ground. He was being shot at from all the objects with their beams. He was an easy target, being so big, and he bled from all over his body. However, with his dying breath, he managed to catch another object and threw it toward a third one. The great king of Managas died destroying three of the five objects attacking the capital. Meanwhile, I reached the walls and ran with the keys to fulfill the last order of my king.

To be Continued