
Guardian sanctuary

our protagonist is a well-meaning, hardworking but lazy college student who gets dragged into a crazy life filled with danger, laughs, dangerous villains, good friends, deceit and a mystery no one was able to solve....just what is this place?

REDX12_AE · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

The wait


The students shuffled out of their respective classes to move onto their next class.

Lliw's dorm mates sought assistance from the other guys in their class. When thy heard that that were going to get back at Lliw, some volunteered right away. They were the ones he had pranked before and had always wanted revenge but were not good enough to successfully prank him.

"Ok, Lliw should be due to the old Dinosaur's class now. We all know how petty and unreasonable she is so we'll block him and prevent him from getting there on time. Then he'll face her wrath'" Kim Minjun explained the plan to the guys whose eyes immediately lit up in anticipation.

"Alright, make sure to cover all the sides. Let's go" Kim Minjun shouted and they all began to move. They took cover in some out of site places while Lliw's dorm mates waited by the door.

'there he is" Elias shouted excitedly but in the process, he alerted Lliw who then started sprinting in the opposite direction.

"Damn, after him" they chased after him with all they had.

The passing students witnessed a spectacle as the 10 students chased after a single student running through the school.

"Damn, why are village kids all so fast?" Elias cursed as he saw the distance between Lliw and their group increase. Pretty soon, Lliw managed to get through them with some amazingly confusing footwork and successfully made it to his class.

"Damn!" They all cursed.

"That sneaky rat!"

"Hold on, I think things aren't that bad" Kim Minjun said.

"How are things not bad? Has all the running made you stupid?!" Philip growled at him. Kim minjun's words just incensed him.

"You numbskull, what I'm trying to say is that, our intention was to get him into deep shit with the Dinosaur rght? " Kim Minjun explained.

The guys all nodded.

"Right, we chased him a around the school and even though he managed to attend, he is quite late. So mission accomplished" Kim Minjun said with an evil, triumphant smile.

"Oooooooh!!" The guys exclaimed.

"Right! There's no way the Dinosaur would let him off" Philip smacked his knee in glee.

"Hahaha! Right, he's fucked" Elias also joined the laughing session. Soon all of them were laughing.

"However, I'm still not satisfied" Sun Ditao said after a while.

"Yeah, me neither" the others agreed.

"Hehe, I've got an idea." A man with a thin frame and green specs spoke up.

"Oh, Kazuki, your ideas are always good. Let's hear it" Sun Ditao said excitedly while rubbng his hands in anticipation.

All the others also huddled in to hear the evil plot.

The man was called Hiragaya Kazuki, a fundamental analytics major student. He was well known for being the guy with the latest news. That was because of all the connections he had within the university.

"Ok, so most people don't know this but, the Principal's daughter is coming back today. " He began

"Oh, you mean the princess of the University? "one guy asked.

"Yes but stop disturbing me." Kazuki glared at him before continuing.

" Everyone knows how protective the principal is of her. So, I suggest that we write a love letter and get Lliw to give it to her." Kazuki said.

"Oh come on, he wouldn't do that" Philip retorted

" Well duh, well have to lie to him and convince him that one if us is in love with her and is scared to do it himself." Kazuki said.

"Hehe. Right, right. There's no way he'll say no to helping a friend." Everyone agreed.

"Ok let's write a very cheesy and dirty message in the letter" Sun Ditao said with an evil grin.

" Yeah!!" They all started to write some poetically horrendous letters. Finally, they compared the letters and made tweaks here and the, thus, the evil love letter was born.

Some went out to buy some chocolate and flowers then they all went to wait for him by the entrance of his class. Unfortunately for them, Lliw had been transported to the infirmary.

The guys spent a long time waiting yet they couldn't see him. Thus, they continued their wait.

~we now forward time back to the present~

Lliw was in the infirmary. He was sleeping soundly while Jane was on her phone just listlessly going through the school forum page. She found that a lot had happened while she was a way.

She found it interesting for a while before getting bored by it.

"Hmph! Lazy scum " jane say but her voice was low lest she woke him up. She didn't care about him but she wasn't an inconsiderate person either. She could tell that he was very drowsy and lacked sleep.

"He's just a normal university student, what could have made him so exhausted?" She thought curiously.

"Is he one of those hardcore gamers? the kind that stay up all night just to play games." She thought with a bit of contempt.

"Or maybe he could have a girlfriend and who knows, maybe she worked him too hard last night" She speculated, ultimately blushing at the thought as she imagined Lliw and an unknown girl going at it for hours and hours upon end.

"What the hell am i thinking about?! How can i have such messed up thoughts?Grandma would kill me if she found out" She chided herself.

"Ugh, this school is so boring. Nothing interesting ever happens here." She lazily rested her head on the space beside Lliw. Her face was facing towards Lliw's face. She stared at him for a while before reaching a conclusion.

"Tsk, he's not handsome at all" She clicked her tongue and turned the other way. Unknowingly, She dozed off to sleep.


"Ah, That was a good nap ... MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Jane had just woken up and stretched comfortably enjoying the feeling spread through her body when suddenly, she noticed that Lliw was not in the bed.

"Damn, if grandma comes here and finds that he's gone she'll think i neglected him and ignored her words." She thought out loud in frustration.

"Damn bastard! Wait till i get my hands on you!" She muttered with a growing rage.