
Guardian sanctuary

our protagonist is a well-meaning, hardworking but lazy college student who gets dragged into a crazy life filled with danger, laughs, dangerous villains, good friends, deceit and a mystery no one was able to solve....just what is this place?

REDX12_AE · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

The kick

"how have you been? Have you been well? You're looking a little thin, have you been skipping out on your meals again?" Mrs Fuise unloaded her endearing questions upon her granddaughter.

" I'm fine grandma, however you look older and older Everytime I see you" The girl gave Mrs Fuise a warm kiss on the cheek.

" Sigh...yes I'm afraid these all bones just aren't as good as they used to be." Mrs Fuise sighed regrettingly.

" That's why you must work hard and find a good man so I can see my great grandchildren before I leave" she added lecturingly.

"Grandma, I'm still too young for that" The girl complained sweetly.

"Yes but your grandma is getting old see. At this rate I'll die without even seeing you get married." Mrs Fuise argued.

" Ok, ok. If I find a good guy then I'll try." The girl reluctantly agreed just to please her dear grandma.

Finally, the 2 remembered that there was another presence In the room besides them.

"Ahem... Little Jane this is a student in one of the classes I teach, Lliw Fancel. Child Lliw meet my granddaughter, little Jane." Mrs Fuise introduced the 2 to each other.

"Hello" the girl greeted Lliw kindly.

Lliw's brain had too much to process in too little time. It was constant shock after shock for him.

He found it difficult to believe that Mrs Fuise, The Dinosaur Mrs Fuise, could be so affable. He had figured that she always carried around her usual "smile that's not a smile".

Also the things they talked about were very strange to him.

And how was Mrs Fuise's granddaughter so freaking beautiful? Really, she was just a cut above the rest.

His brain felt mushy do he panickedly said the first thing that came to his mind.

"Hello little Jane" he said, his voice a little high due to his nervousness.


"What Did you say you bastard?!!" The girl flew into a rage a of a sudden and threw a kick at Lliw.


The problem wasn't that she kicked him.

Rather it was where she kicked him.

Lliw still had Mrs Fuise's bags so he couldn't dodge and even if he didn't have them, he doubted whether he'd have been able to in the first place.


A heart renching squeel escaped his mouth as he clenched his legs and hurriedly, but cautiously put down Mrs Fuise's bags.

Then his hands reached out to hold his aching "little brother" as he dropped to his knees and rolled about in pain.

"..😱!" Mrs Fuise was astonished.

" Jane!" She scolded reproachfully.

"G-grandma" Jane answered meekly, a vast difference to the demon that had just destroyed Lliw's future children.

" What have you done?! Why would you do that?! Don't you know you know how dangerous that is?!..." Mrs Fuise lectured her granddaughter for a full half hour before her vision turned to the figure of Lliw who was lying on the floor, unconscious.


" See what you've done to the poor child. Quick get him some ice" she ordered.

Shortly after, Jane returned with a packet of ice.

" Apply it to the target area" Mrs Fuise ordered.

"B-but grandma..." Jane complained when she was told that she had to touch "that" area.

"Do it😤" seeing that her grandma was unrelenting, Jane could only reluctantly do as she was told.

She cautiously held the bag of ice to Lliw's crotch while her face had a look of disgust.🤢

"Go on, take him to the infirmary." Mrs Fuise said to her as she awakened Lliw.

"Yes, grandma"

" Hmph! When did you become so violent?" Mrs Fuise muttered indignantly.

The poor Jane supported Lliw, who held a packet of ice to his crotch, to the infirmary.