
Guardian sanctuary

our protagonist is a well-meaning, hardworking but lazy college student who gets dragged into a crazy life filled with danger, laughs, dangerous villains, good friends, deceit and a mystery no one was able to solve....just what is this place?

REDX12_AE · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Finally Back!

" Hahahaha" The voluptuous woman laughed seductively.

She licked his ears and kissed his face, traveling down his neck leaving a flurry of kisses.

Lliw's temperature rose so high, he could feel the hot blood rushing through his veins, it hurt but the pain only increased the sensual pleasure he felt.

He felt ashamed.

" No way, I'm not an M, am I?" He thought.

Lliw's thought was were broken when he felt a wet sensation envelop his…

" What?! When did she take off my pants?" He thought.

" Ahhh…!" He moaned involuntarily.

~Slurp! Slurp!

He saw the voluptuous woman's head rise and fall on his lower half. The sensation he felt rushing through him was telling enough.

" Can't believe that I'm doing this" he thought flabbergastedly.

He felt a wave after wave after stimulating pleasure rush through his entire body from his Lower body.

Lliw felt his mind go blank.

Unknown to Lliw, the clock struck midnight and the whole world turned into a blur.

" Gasp!" Lliw woke up with a startling gasp.

He frantically looked around and found that he was in Yun Seora's office.

He left the office and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

After washing his face, he went back to Yun Seora's office.

He sat down heavily on the couch.

He closed his eyes to sort through the information in his head but found that it was quickly disappearing.

It wasn't entirely gone but everytime he tried to recollect anything about what he'd just experienced, the information would burrow into the reaches of his mind.

After trying and failing for a few minutes, he just gave up and rested his head in his arms.


The door to the office opened and a beautiful woman in a purple night robe that was loosely wrapped around her and underneath she wore a short purple dress that only reached up to the middle of her thighs.

Seeing her, something triggered in Lliw's brain and he could have sworn that he heard a popping sound. He remembered!

It wasn't everything, just bits and pieces. He remembered some information about the voluptuous lady who had played with his body.

It was too much information in a short amount of time.

His nose felt wet, he moved his hand and touched it.


He felt his vision fade as he blanked out once more.

" Lliw!" Yun Seora cried in shock.

She rushed to him and after doing a basic check up on him, she went to her personal bathroom and returned with a tub of warm water and a towel.

She placed him carefully on the sofa and began to clean him.

When she was done, the small tub of water had already turned a murky red in color.

She looked at her own clothing and went to change.

She returned wearing a white shirt and a black knee-length formal skirt.

She looked alluring no matter what she wore.

She sat next to Lliw and worriedly watched his calm sleeping face.

" What's going on with him?" She thought.

She was deep in her thoughts when Lliw finally woke up.

He saw that his shirt was off and he had what appeared to be a woman's shirt on.

" You're awake" Yun Seora's caring voice reached his ears.

He felt delighted to see her.

" mm" He gave her a faint nod.

" Are you ok? What happened?" She asked concernedly.

" nothing, it's fine now" he said as he couldn't tell her that he had accidentally recollected a piece of memory that had been suppressed In his mind. She'd probably laugh at him.

"…Well, so long as you're alright" She said

" oh, I've prepared some breakfast. Would you like to join me?" She offered.

"No, it's alright. I don't want to intrude" Lliw rejected

" no no. I've already prepared your share as well." She said.

" in that case, lets go, I'm starving." He said with a faint smile.

Yun Seora squinted her eyes lightly as she scrutinized him with her eyes.

She couldn't quite put her finger in it, but something seemed a little different about him.

The 2 entered her personal dining room and she made him sit whole she retrieved 2 bowls of porridge and 2 bowls of fruit salad.

" Wow that's some fancy porridge" Lliw clicked his tongue is amazement.

" it's not fancy at all" She said with a straight face as she picked up her spoon to eat from The decadently decorated porridge.

Lliw chuckled lightly as he picked up his spoon as well.

" it's delicious" Lliw exclaimed after the first bite.

Yun Seora smiled lightly.

Lliw finished his porridge rather quickly.

" would you like more?" She offered.

" No, it's ok. Thanks" Lliw rejected her offer.

" Mm. Ok, open the fridge and retrieve the 2 cups inside." She said.

" What is it?" Lliw asked as he placed the 2 cups on the table.

" it's a family recipe, It's a milk and honey mixture with a sprinkle of crushed nuts." She lazily described the drink.

" oh, milk and honey do go quite well together." Lliw Commented expectantly.

He took a sip and was quite amazed by the flavor of the drink.

It was really good.

" Wow, I'm impressed." He said excitedly and finished the rest of the cup.

" What are you in a rush for? Don't all your classes start late today? Yun Seora asked as she saw that he seemed to be in a rush to leave.

" I …have some things to do." He quickly ate a bowl of fruits and took his plate to the sink.

" You don't have to wash it, I'll do it" She stopped him

" Ah no no. I can Atleast do this much" He protested.

" it's fine, you'll waste water washing it separately anyway"

She asserted.

" Alright then, thanks and bye" He said.

" Hehe, what do you mean 'bye', you still have to come back later" She said teasingly.

" yeah, right"

Lliw went back to the university and after freshening up, he left for the library.

" you'd better go over the work you missed during the week today." Lliw was seated near the door waiting for the library door to open when he saw 2 girls coming towards him.

" Class rep, miss Kim Good morning" He greeted them.

" morning" Kim Asherdown, the class rep's best friend, returned the greeting but the class rep merely nodded in acknowledgement.

" How come you're Here… and so early?" Denise Everton, the class rep, asked weirdly.

" Why do you sound so surprised?" He asked feeling wronged.

" Well, it is you we're talking about here" Denise Everton rolled her eyes and Kim Asherdown covered her mouth to stifle her laugh.

" Well, what are you guys doing here so early anyway?" He asked back, he wondered why they'd be there so early, the library hadn't even opened yet.

" We're part of the Library Student Body committee." Kim Asherdown interjected.

" oh…uh, that's cool" Lliw said, impressed by his class rep's dedication.

While Lliw was still feeling impressed, Kim Asherdown reached into her bag and pulled out a set of keys.

Lliw watched incredulously as she inserted one of the keys into the keyhole.

The door opened and the 2 young women entered naturally.