
What Bad News?

Andrew closed the door behind him and lead the duo inside. Amber stuck close to her twin's side before going to meet her father and mother with him.

"So, how are you?' Nora asked casually.

"Hmm, I am not sure how to answer that but I guess I am fine for the time being," Jason replied.

"Ha…" Nora sighed. "Things have been weird as of late. Those belonging to the royal family have started internal wars inside the academy. Me and Andrew were their major targets since we belong to the four families."

"Were there any other people that they targeted?" Jason questioned.

"As far as I know, they are acting on the orders of the king, Julian Vancouver. I guess you already had your run in with him."

"Yeah, that too on multiple occasions. He isn't someone I would like to invite to a birthday party." Jason sighed. "There are so many people out there to get me."