

Seorang pekerja swasta di sebuah kota, menemukan sebuah kotak misterius, lalu mendapat tanggung jawab menjaga bumi seorang diri dari invasi para monster.

yehezkiel_yolan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


In the outskirts of the southern part of Indonesia, the city is crowded with pollution dust, people every morning go to work to make a living to support their families, live monotone every day.

That day as usual I went to work as a laborer in a well-known company with UMR salaries (regional minimum wages). The sun right above my head was very stinging I even drove the speed of my motorbike so that it could arrive faster to quickly avoid the hot sun.

"Hey look at this who came ..... Hey Kiel how are you today, don't you permission yesterday because of illness?" A labor worker came to me.

This old man named Steef, has worked at this company for more than 10 years, and also a mentor at work.

"I feel better, if it's not because you give a traditional recipe to me, I'm afraid it won't go to work until now" I talked with the mouth.

"Well that's a good thing you entered now, you know I worked 2 times yesterday because you didn't enter work, now take your equipment and help me clean the warehouse." Steef spoke while turning his body towards the warehouse.

"What warehouse will we clean sir?" I asked while mbil equipment in the closet.

"The very old warehouse, which I heard the warehouse was never cleaned even when I just entered working 10 years ago, by the way wear mouth cover when cleaning, dust inside was terrible." Steef spoke while showing a serious face. "Good sir" I said.

Arriving at the Steef's warehouse opened the warehouse door, it looked a lot of items that piled like a small hill, "Move all these items first out, I want to take a vacuum cleaner machine first" Steef spoke while directing me what to do.

"Okay" I replied. When I cleaned the stacking items, I found a red box, it looked very old-fashioned and mysterious and there was writing on it "The One",

"Hmm? What is this box" because I'm curious I tried to open this box, but as hard as any I opened this box still not open, even beating it with a big hammer not working. Because I was curious I took a knife and gouged the edge of the box, but it was unfortunately my injured hand was hit by your own knife "Seenl" I said while grumbling.

When my hand was injured accidentally blood in my hands splailed about the red box, suddenly the box shined red, slowly the box opened, a burning light flew out very quickly, even I himself didn't blink when the light was about both my eyebrows.

"Ahhhhhh ... ahhhhh hurt" it hurts very terrible about my head, as if the millions of small needles pierced my head many times, "Arrggghhhhnnnnn, my face" my face turned red while showing my veins almost broken.

When holding back the terrible pain, a foreign memory that had great happened into my memory, I saw a man about 40 years old standing in a stack of mountains, wearing black clothes while holding a long sword in his right hand. If you note it well, good sumps are actually a pile of monsters that have died very much with slash swords, stacking like a sump.

"Who is you?" I asked nervously. The person looked at me coldly. "So you were chosen, I didn't expect after living a few tens of thousand years, I finally found the successor ...

"..." I paused not to understand what the man said,

"Naturally you don't understand what I say, but what I need to remind, after you receive this heritage ... The world will not live in peace again, the monsters will be boomed in the country, millions of people will die because of this disaster, Until humans towards the extinction "men speak without emotions as if what he said is a small child's dongen.

While trembling I strengthened my determination and confused to the man "My master doesn't know who you are, and stop talking carelessly, I know this is just a dream and after I realize, I will return to normal again" I said hard to try to motivate myself.

The person suddenly narrowed his eyes and saw me sarcastically, "You really haven't believed now, but soon you will realize what will happen" Then the person raised the edge in his right hand as if he wanted to cut me from the front then swung on my direction, even though the distance That person from me far enough, I felt like it was two because of the man's slash. "We will meet again" the person answered ... I closed my two faces by hand while closing my eyes because of the slash of the sword ...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh ..." When I woke up ... I saw myself spending a lot of sweat, even the bed I was in wet because of my own sweat. "Where is this ...., why isn't there any people" I looked at me and made sure I was in the hospital.