
Guardian in Orario (up for adoption)

This has a similar setting as my first book. Izuku died and reincarnated as a baby. The world the baby was born in a very cruel and twisted. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what others could even dream of, he died. Now, on his third life, his cheat, the golden finger, came in late. In a world of monster, magic, and gods, he decided he will be at the top. I do not own Danmachi, I do not own anything but the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, everything I type is just things that come to my mind, so it will probably not be consistent or very good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who doesn’t really care about the lives and deaths of others, this isn’t the book for you, I hope you find a book or fanfic you like.

DaoistLvbLz6 · Lainnya
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22 Chs

Chapter 8

One would be to get units from another kingdom, like the Kingdom of Helmhon, a kingdom that covers the large plains. The plains themselves are not of value, for very little can grow on the land.

The cavalry they possess are the best of the continent. Having horses in the intermediate tier as the horse of the cavalry. They are also very powerful, not just the horses, the knights are almost as good as Domana's knights. One of the two reasons they are seen as lesser than Domana however is because of the population, there are two Domanan for every Helmhonan. And the other reason was because of hid past life, who was a grandmaster, which they didn't have.

But in the end, he was not a grandmaster and he did not have a large army now, so he needs the help of Helmhon if he plans on getting cavalry.

For the other one, infantry, he would need more Domanans. They were the best infantry, the reason for that is because the kingdom valued power above all. So young people are forced into training camps. Where over half of them do not leave alive.

And it became worse when he was the guardian, when he was the guardian, basically the king behind the scenes, he introduced a program all kids under five are forced to go into.

He would then brainwash them into thinking that death is not scary, that retreat is a dishonor, that death on the battlefield is honorable. And during this time, he also had the alchemists work over time, creating pills and potions that increase one's strength.

And like this, in just two decades the number of combatants increased by over fifty percent. And not only that, but their quality were also higher. And they fought with reckless abandon. During one battle, a group of one hundred Domanan knights fought five thousand knights of a nearby kingdom.

The Domanan knights charged forward and attacked without hesitation. Even when crippled, having their arms and legs chopped off, the knights crawled forward and bit their throats out.

Like this, the Kingdom of Domana had risen the ranks. Becoming one of the most powerful kingdoms in the continent.

"I really was a power greedy tyrant." He said to himself, he really wanted power in the past, because he knows that might makes right. And this is true even in this world. So gaining power should be normal.

The military of Domana can be separated into three different groups. The infantry, cavalry, and the mage corp. The infantry is divided up into the spearsman, swordsmen, and bowmen. Each doing their thing.

The cavalry is divided into the heavy and light, but also the sky and sea. What he wanted is the sky corp. A group of people that rode flying magical creatures. They had a few uses, for example their fast hit and run tactics, which is also enchanted even further by their use of bows.

In a world like this, this corp of cavalry is the best.

He then made it to the fields. The peasants were doing their jobs.

Author started to chant in a low voice. The air started to shake and quack. Nature was starting to bend to his will. He casted the spell, Magic Fertilizer. The soil suddenly got more fertile and the plants began to suck in the nutrients, making them very low quality magic plants.

He would then walk back to the village square when a soldier came up to him.

"My lord, fifty refugees are outside the gates, they wish to become a part of this village." The soldier stated while saluting.

"Very well, allow them in, be sure to give them food and water, I am also sure that they would like a bath." Author ordered the soldier. He ran off to the gates and told the refugees of the good news.

They were allowed in. The refugees cheered in the background as Author could hear the cheering even from the village square.

"They will be useful." He said to himself.

He needed more people. He only has a hundred fifty three people right now and only twenty three of them are combatants. At least, dedicated combatants.

He could use another twenty or so combatants. He the had a notification.

[ Quest: Revenge

Introduction: The kobolds that were here before have returned. And they want blood for their fallen comrades.

Rewards: Training Ground Building Card ]

'Yep, there it is, a place where people can level up without fear of death.' He thought to himself. Seeing this, he had a good idea what it was used for.

With this warning, Author used his magic, Third Eye and looked around the forest. But he couldn't see anything, he scanned the forest, checking every little thing that might indicate an invasion.

So instead of this, he used another power, demonic arts. Using this he used the demonic arts, Eyes of Ipos. It allows someone to see everything so long as enough energy is added.

With this he scanned the forests, he could see the kobolds walking down a small path. They numbered five hundred. A very small force if you asked Author, but his forces are even smaller. So he didn't really have any right to say that.

He used his magic and aimed towards the kobolds. It was a simple magic, Flaming Sniper Bolt. The flaming bolt shot out of his fingers. It flew into the sky, but it soon started to slowly arch down.

It aimed towards the kobolds. And it slammed into the kobolds as it fell back to the ground. The flames exploded out, the flames engulfed the nearby kobolds and it completely incinerated the kobolts, not even leaving ash behind.

That attack had managed to kill over forty kobolds. Another thirty kobolds were injured, these injuries ranged from missing limbs to first degree burns.

But this did not phase the kobolds, they just continued their march towards the village. It was like they didn't even know about the attack they just encountered, even the goblins would have slightly flinched.

It looks like something would happen if he didn't help.