
Guardian in Orario (up for adoption)

This has a similar setting as my first book. Izuku died and reincarnated as a baby. The world the baby was born in a very cruel and twisted. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what others could even dream of, he died. Now, on his third life, his cheat, the golden finger, came in late. In a world of monster, magic, and gods, he decided he will be at the top. I do not own Danmachi, I do not own anything but the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, everything I type is just things that come to my mind, so it will probably not be consistent or very good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who doesn’t really care about the lives and deaths of others, this isn’t the book for you, I hope you find a book or fanfic you like.

DaoistLvbLz6 · Lainnya
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22 Chs

Chapter 7

Author looked up at the market and he saw that the next caravan would come in eight days. Judging from the words of Roul, it was probably another caravan that did not belong to him.

He had the peasants plant the seeds in more fields he created. And a problem occurred. There were not enough water, there were over fifty acres of fields already and he had just created another one and a half hundred acres of fields.

Their already drying up well were going to be completely dried up. So Author did the most reasonable thing. He made a canal. Using magic he created a canal from the nearest river three kilometers away to the fields.

He then created a small lake, the water would flow into the lake from the river if something were to happen.

He had terraformed the land and created a canal and a future lake in just three hours.

"What do you mean they haven't come back!" Someone shouted, he threw his glass cup at someone that was kneeling before him. The glass slammed into his head and shattered.

"The group we sent towards Baron Author's land have not returned yet. It is likely they have been captured." The man said.

He had only private two hundred knights, two thousand squires, and twenty thousand trained villagers. The casualties might seem small, but each knight took well over ten years to train. Training them took over five thousand Valis a year, each. So they were expensive.

"At least the horses were not taken." He said to himself, the horses also took a lot of money. So at least he saved on that.

"How do I deal with that brat?" The noble said, biting on his nails. If he used full force to take out a small force, he would be a laughing stock, but if he fails to kill Author, he would also be a laughing stock.

"Send half the hidden troops to the village, be sure to kill the brat." The noble ordered.

"Yes!" The man said before he left.

Every noble had hidden troops. They made up any where from half to a fourth of a nobleman total military power. For the noble who ordered the attack, his hidden troops made up half of his force. The trained villagers are just people he had training for one month a year, they will be used if he was attacked, but other wise they were allowed to do their thing.

So he would send a fifty knights and a five hundred squires. A force even well developed barons would need to use their all to retaliate against.

It would take three weeks for them to fully form and for them to get to the Village of Marsh. They needed to get everyone that would be sent, they then needed to get carriages for the supplies they would use over the whole trip. Then they needed to travel a few hundred kilometers of plains and a few kilometers of forest to get to the place.

So a few weeks will be needed for them to make it to the Village of Marsh.

Author was expanding his core. Gathering the energies of the earth, he would use it and carve a stage into his core. The peasants farmed and cultivated the fields. Author suddenly felt his wallet increase in weight.

[ The week has ended, you have collected taxes and paid wages. ]

[ You have gained 1 gold and 37 silver coins. ]

"This is good." He said to himself, it should be noted that the ten gold coins he had on him when he came here were gained over the years, now he gained over ten percent of that in a week.

He walked out of his room and into the hallway, there on both sides were conscripts.

"How long has it been since I went in?" He asked the conscripts.

"It has been four days." They answered in unison.

'Alright, another four days before the next caravan comes.' He thought.

"Very well, how are our food reserves?"

"Our food will last another seven days before we run out." One of the answered.

Author decided to help the speed of crop growth. He had once worked with the Druids in a small kingdom. They taught him the ways of using the nature branch of magic. From killing pests, fertilize the land, increase the growth speed and more.

He was walking down the streets when he saw a notification from the system that had been untouched for a day.

[ Your forces have gained enough experience to level up. ]

This kinda shocked Author, mostly because no one told him of nor did he sense any battle. He then thought of a game from his first life, and one of the ways for the people to gain experience is by training.

And he used this option a lot when he had stuff to do.

He didn't sense any battles, but that didn't mean they didn't train, it was that or the conscripts left over five kilometers from him and hunted something, which is also plausible.

[ Upgradable troops: Domana Peasants x10 ]

[ Spend 10 silver coins for each level up to Domana Conscripts. ]

[ Upgradable troops: Domanan Conscripts x10 ]

[ Spend 20 silver coins for each level up to Domana Soldiers. ]

'System, upgrade all of the troops.' Light engulfed the bodies of twenty people. Ten of which were peasants, they turned into conscripts. While ten conscripts turned into soldiers.

From what he could see from one of the soldiers. They were even more muscular, full of scars and calluses. Their eyes were sharp, capable of scarring most people. On their bodies were heavy leather armor, but underneath them were iron scale armor. Their spears were now much heavier and larger, with a larger tip. They had shields that were now larger, and had metal coverings. Their short swords turned into normal swords.

They look like the normal army soldiers of a kingdom. But the best part of all of this is that they were no longer at the first stage of basic, but at the tenth stage of basic.

The difference between the conscripts and soldiers were like the difference between child and an adult. Sure six or seven children might bring an adult down. They would need to use numbers.

A hundred soldiers of Domana could take over a village in this small Kingdom of York. So these ten soldiers could easily defend this small village against any normal bandits.

Now, he would like to have some cavalry units, but no cavalry unit in Domana were even decent. In fact, almost no large kingdom had a good cavalry unit. And the smaller ones didn't have large cavalry units. This was due to the fact that once someone was in intermediate, horses would be unnecessary.

By then the 'ordinary' horses would be slower than the person. And trying to tame wild horses took too long and were very expensive. Even the best tamed and domesticated horse were the red eyed horses, which only had the developed core of basic. So the cavalry units of Domana were normally just used for small scale battles.

Now, he shouldn't use his previous perspective in this world, because even the worse cavalry in Domana would be better than any cavalry in York.

This was because the world in his past life cultivated strong bodies, not just in humans, but also other races, like halflings, dogs, oni, and other creatures. In this world, which can be considered peaceful, no one really needs to evolve.

But in this world, he was not in Domana or the other kingdoms. He was in the Kingdom of York. A kingdom praised to have the best cavalry. So if he plans to take over this kingdom, he would need some good cavalry or really good infantry.

He had a few ideas.