
Guardian in Orario (up for adoption)

This has a similar setting as my first book. Izuku died and reincarnated as a baby. The world the baby was born in a very cruel and twisted. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what others could even dream of, he died. Now, on his third life, his cheat, the golden finger, came in late. In a world of monster, magic, and gods, he decided he will be at the top. I do not own Danmachi, I do not own anything but the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, everything I type is just things that come to my mind, so it will probably not be consistent or very good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who doesn’t really care about the lives and deaths of others, this isn’t the book for you, I hope you find a book or fanfic you like.

DaoistLvbLz6 · Lainnya
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22 Chs

Chapter 12

"What are the total damages?" The leading knight asked.

"A hundred thirty squires dead, twelve knights dead, twenty squires injured, three knights are injured, forty horses are gone." The squire said while bowing, the knight really felt like killing the squire before him.

"Very well, go back to your unit." The knight shooed the squire away.

"Yes." He went back to his unit.

"At least we are almost their, once we are, we can get our vengeance." The knight said to himself.

They were around three to four hundred meters away from the village, and thus they were quite close to the village.

The army marched to the village. It took five minutes before they were at the parameter of the forest when they were met with a barrage of rocks flying their way. The rocks slammed into their armor, damaging their armor, shields, and weapons.

However, only a small amount of the army were affected by the attacks, since only the front fourth of the army was being bombarded.

"Raise the shields, the cavalry will charge!" The leader shouted. The infantry made way for the cavalry, which is now much smaller than they first started. Now only forty five cavalry was present, at the start, there were a hundred fifty cavalry. The reason the leader had the cavalry charge is because even forty five cavalry could easily destroy seventy infantry.

He at the lead of the charge, raised his shield. "Charge!"

The cavalry then started to charge with the infantry following behind. The stamps of the horses created thunderous booms. But this did not cause any fear for the infantry. After all, if they used horses than that means they were not very capable.

Author had already told them about the forces of the army thus they prepared a few tricks, once they were around forty meters away ropes appeared from the ground. They were raised to be around a foot off the ground. The horses tripped on the rope and started to tumble, the cavalry couldn't stop themselves from charging and thus all of the cavalry tripped.

At this the troops of Author charged forward. Their shield were raised like walls, their spears were held like ballistas. They charged forward. They soon met up with the fallen cavalry.

"Wait, if you kill us you wi-" The leader tried to scare the soldiers off but the soldiers skewered him and the rest of his cavalry. Killing them in a few attacks.

The infantry charged forward, not totally aware of what happened and assumed they were to charge soon went over the horse pile and saw the scene of the Domanans killing their men.

But the people at the back pushed them forward. And they found themselves being slammed into the spears and shield of the soldiers.

The soldiers without a leader could only do what they were last told. They charged forward, but soon someone shouted.

"Run! The cavalry was killed, run!"

The squires and knights who heard this took a while to comprehend this and then started to run away. But, when they did, they found themselves being attacked from behind, by another group of soldiers. The soldiers from the rear soon slammed into the bodies of the squires.

The squires were skewered, their bodies destroyed and killed. This brought fear to the enemies. Anyone would feel fear if surrounded by enemies. And thus they started to panic.

The squires tried to escape, but were unable to, they were being shoved around as they tried to move, and as they did, they were skewered.

Fear steered their minds before acceptance washed over, it was just one person, one person weaker than the others. He fell to his knees with dead eyes. He had accepted defeat.

After the first, the second and third appeared, the knights and squires just went down on their knees, accepting defeat and what ever fate were to come to them later.

The troops, tied their arms and legs together. And had them walk to the warehouse, where they were placed. They did argue, they knew death would come if they did, after all, they would have done the same.

The mightly five hundred fifty knights and squires turned into three hundred prisoners. And soon, they would be sold as slaves.

Author felt some saliva leave his was he thought of all the money he would have after he sold the prisoners as slaves, actually, he could calculate, it is around one gold for every four people, so three hundred people will get him seventy five gold. He might get a bit less since most of these prisoners are a bit weaker than the bandits from before.

But in the end, they were money. And money he will never say no to.

[ Quest: Nipping a bud is complete

Reward: Hero coupon ]

[ Evaluation: You did quite well, your soldiers repelled an enemy many time larger than your own, and all without and deaths, good job. ]

[ The people spread word of your feats ]

[ Gacha Pulls: + 3 Reputation: +30 ]

"I will use the reward right now." He said.

A chest made of gold and silver appeared before him, it shook and shook before it burst open, showing three cards, one of the showed a building, a very large building with brick and glass and smoke raising up. It was a factory building card. The second card showed a crossbow, it was a small hunter crossbow. It was a crossbow given to the first half units of soldiers. The last card was showing a mine.

[ Empty Factory

This is an empty factory that can be turned into any type of factory. The products produced within will increase by ten percent in both quantity and quality. ]

[ Soldiers' Hunting Crossbow

This is the crossbow given to the soldiers of some Domana. It is a weak crossbow, but still mightly useful, especially if used in large groups. ]

[ Mine

This is a mine, the mine cart will enter once a day, and come out with treasures. The quantity and quality is random. ]

'Holy shit, he thought, the three cards he got were all great items, a factory, one that magically increases speed and quality. Another is a crossbow given basically for free. The last one is like a random lottery ticket witha guaranteed victory.

'Use the coupon.' He thought.

An image of a coupon appeared before him, it then ripped and a card made of light appeared from the coupon.

The card had the image of someone, someone he was very familiar with, in fact, one of the most familiar with.