
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasi
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66 Chs

10: Pride Of The Colony.

While the heroes were struggling between life and death at the Guardian Planet, those at the colony were worried sick about them.

Piper was training alone on the mountains. He was still thinking about that crappy feeling he had the other day, when he thought Master Lang died, for some reason. He hasn't seen his master in a while. So why did he sense him all of a sudden? He was sure that if Mason returned, he will have his questions answered, so he remained patient.

From a distance, he heard footsteps approaching him. A figure appeared behind a rock.

Piper: "Who's there?"

"Hey, it's only me!"

"Kane? What are you doing here?"

"I came to join you, of course. Let's train together like we used to."

"Great idea."

As they started training, they heard a sound coming from the sky. Several huge space crafts landed on the grass and created a cloud of smoke around it. Then the door opened and touched the ground. Inside the ship was bright and barely anything can be seen. A dark figure stepped out and his foot soldiers followed him. He was dressed as a general, with a cap of honor, red cape, and badges on his chest. He was also armed with metal boots, metal knuckles and metal armor that covered one side of his body.

Piper and Kane watched them from a distance and wondered who they were. "Who is that?"

Kane: "Good question. I wish I knew."

Piper: "Let's ask him."

Kane: "No! We don't know what he's made of...he might be sent by Dark Spectre."

Commander Radamaker: "You're right. I am."

Kane: "Ahhh! What the? I thought you were over there."

Radamaker: "Fools! No one can hide from my senses. You must be a rebel, right? I'm here to destroy your colony."

Piper: "What do you want with the colony?! It's practically destroyed!" Radamaker: "Yes, but not completely. I was ordered to get rid of any remains of the colony...now, enough talk."

Piper: "Let's do it!"

The mighty commanderattacked them viciously and hurt them badly. While they lay there helplessly, Radamaker ordered Erblitz, a Draconian with purple skin, to attack the remains of the colony. Erblitz obeyed and headed towards the colony.

Piper: "No!"

Kane: "Piper, go stop him! I'll take care of this guy!"

Piper nodded and ran after Erblitz.

Radamaker: "Fool! You need all the help you can get!" Kane charged fast at him, and Radamaker remained calm. He put his palms together and formed a bright red energy ball and threw it at Kane. It hit him and hurt him severely. "Hahahaha! You're no match for my psychic powers!"

Kane: "Psychic powers?"

"Hahahaha!" Without moving a muscle, Radamaker lifted Kane up and tossed him into the air, then slammed him onto the ground, making an impression. "Hehehehe, no one can beat my powers, no one!"

Kane: "Uhhh, he didn't even lift a finger! He's doing this with his mind!" Radamaker did this again a few more times, and this time he threw Kane into a large pile of rocks.

Piper ran after the purple alien as fast as he could. He was right behind him, but not falling behind or getting ahead. Suddenly, Radamaker appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

Piper: "What...what did you do to Kane?"

Radamaker: "Hmmmph. That bald guy couldn't even touch me! Now it's your turn! Didn't anyone tell you it's rude to run away from a fight?!"

Piper: "Yeah, but someone also told me it's rude not to save my friends." He leaped and attempted a punch, but his fists seemed to go right through Radamaker's body. "Huh?"

Radamaker teleported and reappeared behind Piper. He was moving so fast that what Piper saw was only the light of his body of where he was. "I missed! How did he do it?"

Radamaker: "He he he he, I got you!" Piper turned around, and saw Radamaker's fists buried inside his stomach. He let go and kicked his face. Piper lay still on the ground, barely moving a muscle, paralyzed from the pain.

"Just as I thought. Rebel sayans are weak."

Meanwhile, Erblitz had already reached the colony and ordered his Dark Soldiers to attack. The remaining sayan rebels were caught by surprise as they tried to fight back.

After Jerrell realized the colony was under attack, he ordered his troops to fight back. Leila followed them, but Jerrell stopped her to prevent any danger from coming to her.

"Leila, go hide somewhere!"


"It's too dangerous!"

"Fine." She ran down the large empty hallway and found a door in the middle. She opened it, revealing a closet inside. She went inside and slammed the door shut.

The rebels entered a large room and saw the soldiers on the other side, some hiding behind walls and columns. They shot lasers from their guns continuously.

Jerrell: "Fire at will!"

So his troops fired back. Lasers were shot everywhere throughout the room, and not one spot was safe. Once in a while a troop from either side was shot down, and the injured were quickly taken care of. Jerrell realized that this gun fight was getting nowhere. He dropped his gun and powered up. He released a huge wave of energy that blew all the enemy soldiers away. Within seconds the battle had ended. All the soldiers are down on the ground, except for one, Erblitz.

Jerrell: "Shoot him!"

The sayans shot at the alien non-stop but the lasers didn't hurt him at all. He shot a beam at the sayans and BOOM! The explosion knocked out everyone except Jerrell. "Noooo!"

Erblitz: "Jerrell, the leader of the rebels. You defeated my troops and I defeated yours. It's only fair."

"You're not gonna hurt my colony! I'll make sure of that!"

POW! WHAM! POW! WHACK! BAM! Suddenly, Erblitz took out a small metal ball and tossed it at Jerrell. It hit the ground, and seconds later black smoke steamed out of it and surrounded him. Jerrell coughed and suffocated.

Erblitz: "You will fall asleep in about three seconds."

"Noooo..." As the smoke disappeared Jerrell fell asleep. He lay still on the floor like a rock.

Some of the remaining Dark Soldiers searched around the building for any other rebels or their allies. One of them found the closet that Leila was hiding in. He slowly opened the door and discovered her. She was holding was long wooden stick with both hands, in a position ready to make a move.

"Surprise!" WHACK!

"Ahhhhh!" The other soldiers heard his yell and quickly captured Leila. She struggled and screamed and did all she could do. "Let me go! Get your filthy hands off me! Let go!"

Erblitz: "Now I got you!" He carried the fainted Jerrell and left the colony.

Almost immediately after, Kane entered the large room full of non-moving bodies. "These are all Dark Soldiers, but where are all the rebels? And Jerrell?" He searched around the room and realized that he might have been captured. "Jerrell! Leila! Piper! Where are you?! Anyone here?"

After searching, the Dark soldiers reported back to the mother ship. The bad news was that most of the rebels escaped the colony, and the good news was that Radamaker has captured Leila, Jerrell and Piper, leaving Kane to fight by himself.

Jerrell slowly opened his tired eyes and found himself inside a prison cell. As he fully recovered consciousness he found himself unable to move his arms and legs. He looked around and saw his hands and feet chained against the wall tight. He also found Piper and Leila also chained to the same wall next to him.

Jerrell: "Hey, they got you too?"

Leila: "Well duh! What does this look like?"

Piper: "I thought you were never gonna wake up."

Jerrell: "How long have I been asleep?"

"About four hours."

"Four hours? Oh no! My colony! What happened?!"

"I can't be sure, but I heard that the rebels escaped and are scattered throughout Fuchsia Forest."

Leila: "What about Kane?"

Piper: "I don't know, maybe he's in the forest also."

Jerrell: "If anything happens to Kane, I'll have their heads."

With his last word Radamaker entered the dirty room. "Did you say something?"

Jerrell: "Who is this?"

"Commander Radamaker at your service. I hope you three enjoyed your stay."

"Yes, in fact we enjoyed it very much. I think we over stayed our welcome...so if you just let us go...we'll forget that any of this ever happened..." said Leila nervously.

Radamaker: "No, I can't do that. Since you like it here so much, I'll let you stay here longer!"

Leila: "NOOOOOO! Let us go!"

Jerrell: "Why don't you just kill us?"

Leila: "Don't say that! I don't want to die!"

"Because I know that you're the leader of the rebels, Jerrell. I want you to see all your comrades and allies killed one by one."

"Don't you dare touch them!" Jerrell yelled.

"And what if I do? Who will stop me? You? Ha ha ha ha ha!" He left the room laughing loudly.

Meanwhile, deep in Fuchsia Forest, Kane fought for his survival as the extermination troops were after his tail. Kane ran as far away from them as he could...but they were right on his trail. He was almost out of breath from the running, stamina decreasing. But if he stopped even for one minute they'll catch up so no mistakes could be afforded. The soldiers continued chasing him and shot lasers at him. Kane quickly hid behind a rock, a place where the soldiers couldn't find him.

Soldier #1: "Where did he go?"

Soldier #2: "I don't know, but he can't be far from here..."

They continued looking for him while Kane caught his breath. "I can't t-take much m-more of this...there's too many of them. I have to rescue Jerrell and the others...before it's too late."

Kane crawled on top of a mountain to get away from being killed. He looked down and saw the mother ship and two other ships next to it. (That must be where they are.) he thought. Suddenly, something hit him and he fell into a large trench on the mountain top.

As he got up, the ground in front of him blew up. BOOM! Kane was knocked out again, this time into a wall. He got up again, confused and frustrated. He looked around, and all he saw were the skeletons of what used to be people. There were also rows and rings of sharp spikes everywhere, like a dungeon. "What is this place?"

"Your grave!" yelled out a voice from above.

Kane: "So, you're the one who attacked me - twice."

Erblitz: "That's right, you were so careless. I have to obey orders. Just surrender and you'll feel a lot less pain than you have to..."

"Sorry, that's not in my vocabulary."

"Then do you know the meaning of pain?! If you don't, I guarantee you will!" POW! WHAM! BANG!

Kane gathered energy and threw an energy disk it at him, but he missed. Erblitz extended his arm and moved a sharp spike without touching it. "HUH?"

Erblitz: "This is called telekinesis, the ability to move things with your mind! Only those strong enough can do this!" He controlled the spike, and sent it flying at Kane. It stopped just halfway there. "What?"

It was Kane, who was also controlling the spike. "No thanks! You can have it back!" They struggled to push it to the other side...the spike stayed in the air, moving back and forth. Sweat slid down of Kane's head, and the same goes for Erblitz. They both grunted painfully as if their heads would explode. They thought they would literally lose their minds if they continued any further.

Suddenly, it flew straight at Erblitz and went through him. He was nailed on the wall like a painting. "You lose." Kane said with finality.

Erblitz laughed despite the pain and the streams of blood running down his stomach. With his last breath, he murmured his final words... "You have defeat-ed me...you are a great warrior, be-but...no one...can defeat Ra-da-mak-er, you hear m-me?"

Somehow, Kane managed to sneak inside Radamaker's spaceship without getting noticed. He searched for the cell that his friends were imprisoned and located it without any trouble.

He broke the door open and finally reunites with his captured friends.

Piper: "Kane! Are we glad to see you! We thought you were a goner."

Kane: "Who, me? Not that easily! I'm a sayan, remember?"

He quickly unchained them and they prepare to leave the room, until Radamaker arrived.

Kane: "Radamaker!"

Piper: "He's back!"

Radamaker: "No one is leaving this place - in one piece!"

Jerrell: "I've had it with you!"

They began fighting against the mighty commander. It was a three on one, but Radamaker was a powerful foe. They blasted him out of the mother ship, leaving a hole on the wall. Radamaker got back up angrily. The heroes jumped onto the ground from the ship and resumed fighting. Piper was first, he charged at him, Radamaker jumped above him and dropped his cape. The cape covered Piper's head and blocked his vision.

"What?! Huh?!"

Radamaker seized the chance and hit the undefended Piper.

Kane was next, he charged some energy and shoot at Radamaker, but it bounced back at him. BOOM!

Now it was Jerrell's turn. "I won't let you win!"

They exchanged fists and kicks, then the commander used his psychic powers. He lifted Jerrell up into the air and slammed him on the ground. Jerrell got up and ran wildly at him. Radamaker lifted him up again and suspended him in the air. Jerrell was floating in the air, unable to move. He struggled violently but he couldn't resist Radamaker's powers. With Jerrell right where he wanted him, Radamaker attacked him. POW! WHACK! CRACK! POW! He knocked Jerrell on the ground and made a loud splat. Jerrell was critically injured, lying still on the cracked ground.

With torn clothes, blood dripping from his nose and mouth, scratches and bruises on his face, it was certain Jerrell had lost. He helplessly watched the general approach him and step on him. Radamaker pushed his foot into Jerrell's stomach. Jerrell screamed painfully while Radamaker laughed at his pain and misfortune. "Is the best you can do? The strongest of the rebels is at my mercy! So much to you...pathetic rebel, die!"

Jerrell: "No!"

Suddenly, Leila ran wildly at him, with a large piece of stick on her hands. She lifted it up and smacked it down, Radamaker blocked it with his hands, and the stick broke in two.

Radamaker: "How dare you interfere?"

Leila shrank back nervously. "Ummm, it was just a joke...get it?"

A surge of energy flowed through Jerrell's body.

"What?!" said the surprised commander.

The energy was so strong it pushed him into air. As he maintained his balance, Piper, Jerrell, and Kane charged up energy and shoot a beam into the air at the same time. The beams combined into one, larger, more powerful beam.

"Nooooooo!" Not even Radamaker could block this one. The beam hit his body and exploded. Within seconds the great general was no more.

Jerrell: "We did it! We won!"

Leila: "You guys did great!"

Piper: "Thanks Lees. We couldn't have done it if you hadn't distracted him."

Leila: "Ohhh, I just did what I could..."

Kane: "You came to help us, knowing you were no match for him..."

Piper: "That's what friends are for."

Kane: "Friends forever!"

Leila: "Friends forever!"

Jerrell hesitated at first, but he joined them. "Yeah..."

They put their hands together and shouted at the same time, "Friends forever!"