
Guardian Alphas

Both Gael and Adrian are alphas. Born at the same era and for the same goal. Nature wants them together but will one alpha bow to another? They will fight, love, cultivate and grow stronger together as they build a family but will they build this family together or apart? It is a story of resilience and love. We laugh as we cheer them on. It's a boy love story like never told before.

Cate_mae · Fantasi
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55 Chs

14. So, He Can Also Get Nervous

He drove straight to my house like someone who had been here before. I looked at him and wondered how the hell he knows this place! Isn't he from the rich part of this city? How come he knows these suburbs so well? Or, wait... could it be that for the time that he has been following and nagging me at school...? No, no. That's farfetched. He could never be following me home. Could he?

"Have you ever been here before? How come you know where I live?" I asked because it all seemed weird.

"Can I be honest with you?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Promise me me that you won't get mad," he continued as he parked in front of my house.

"Just get it over with," I said almost getting irritated with him.

"Please promise me that you won't get mad at me," he insisted and I complied.

"Okay. I give you my word. I won't get mad at you," I said.

"I might have followed you home a couple of times," he said as he stared at anywhere but me.

"You what!...," I started but he stopped me.

"You promised not to get mad," he pouted and I just couldn't believe him. Sucha big guy behaving like a child... Oh heavens!

"Why did you follow me?" I asked trying as much as I could to hold my anger in. The look he had on his face made me think that I was bullying him for no reason.

"I wanted so badly to know you but you won't give me a chance so I wanted to know all about you. My plan was if you don't give me a chance, I would befriend your dad and sister and eventually get to you. There is the whole truth. I'm not a creepy stalker. It's just that I wanted to know you. I swear," he finished and looked at me like a teenager who has been denied the new shoe in the market that's trending.

"Why is it so important to you that I become your friend?" I asked because maybe I wanted to understand where he was coming from.

"You are the first person who has ever piqued my interest. From the first day I saw you, I felt a spark in my heart and.... I just don't know how to explain it to you. Just know that you are important to me and I can't lose you. Okay? So please don't find me weird or start ignoring me again. I promise I'm not a stalker. Just stay with me. Okay?" He finished and looked at me pitifully. "I only do these weird things to and for you only. So don't think me a weird person," he finished in a voice that was barely audible.

I tried to reign in the smile that wanted to crack my lips and took a deep sigh because I couldn't seriously understand this guy. Why was it so important to him that I become his friend? Did he know something I didn't? I wondered and decided that only time would tell.

"Okay. I won't be mad though I feel like there is a lot you aren't telling me." I said.

"Yes there is. And I promise to tell you everything on your birthday. Until then, just be patient with me please. Take this time to get to know me. Okay?" He asked again and I hated that he was so insecure. Did he think that I was so shallow as to just end our new friendship because of such a thing? Oh, come on! (Do you guys think I'm shallow?)

"Adrian, look here, I already promised to be your friend and I am a man of my words. So, I might get mad at you but that doesn't mean I will break it off with you or start ignoring you. So, relax," I don't know why but I hated to see his handsome face sad and so I had to reassure him. At that, he smiled. Ah! That smile (Ahem! Sorry)

"Let's go in. Those two must be wondering why I'm not home yet.

"I said and got out of the car and he also got out, locked the car and joined me and we walked towards the apartment.

We lived in an apartment complexion the seventh floor and I always took the stairs as a way of exercising. I don't know whether he was comfortable or not.

"I always take the stairs but if you want we could use the lift," I said though I knew he would choose to take the stairs with me.

"Let's take the stairs. I also want time to get used to the fact that I'm about to meet your family," he said and I smiled.

So, he can also get nervous? (Evil Smile).

That's new.