
Vicinity Reconnaissance

The underground City of Ambeist is quite large. The city consists of different routes and districts with its large tall buildings all over the place. A person can be easily lost. Ray doesn't know where to begin his exploration. Adding to his concern, he is bothered by his companion. Since the start of their so - called journey, Nympha has been staring at him. Her eyes are definitely fix on his face. It never once move.

Ray: (Geez…this is killing me! I might as well ask her.) Nympha?

Nympha: *stared seriously* (What's the connection of this kid to the guild master?…hmm…Son? Nephew? Godson? No! No! No! It can't be…but…)

Ray: "Hey--" He stepped closer and waved his hand on her face.

Nympha: *pondered deeply* "!!!" …(Could it be that this kid is Miss Kara's?!!!) Her eyes widen. She remembered the face of the head receptionist. (…There's no way that this kid will be her child, there's no resemblance!) *sigh* She glanced once more at Ray. Their eyes met.

Ray: "Have you had enough of your staring session?"

Nympha immediately moved a couple of meters away.

Nympha: "Ye--yes? I mean no."

Ray: "I just notice that your eyes are entirely fix at my face. I admire that you never trip once."

Nympha: "Oh that." She scratched her head. "I was born here so I'm quite familiar with the roads and pathways."

Ray: "Okay?"

Nympha: "Yes, hehe." Ray sensed her uneasiness.

Ray: "Is there something wrong? You've been spacing out. Do you need to ask me for something?"

Nympha: "Ah that's---" (..I need to think of some excuse!!!…hmm..hmm…That's it!) "--That's because you're new from this place. You---you're quite different, I think."

Ray: (So that's the reason.) "I see. Well, indeed I am. And since you're a resident of this city, perhaps you can show me the way."

Nympha: "Ye--yes! That's my job…To…escort you along the way." She went ahead from him. "Let's go?"

Ray: "Do you always distance yourself when you're doing your job?" He can't help but asked.

Nympha: "No." She turned back.

Ray: "You never stepped out from your one meter distance pace, hence there's a big possibility that we can easily be separated from each other…" (..and I don't want that to happened…)"I suggest you need to at least walk beside me."

Nympha: "Ah sure." She straightens her posture and stepped a little closer.

Ray: "Great. So where is the place to start?" He eagerly asked.

Nympha: "Let's head first to the center of the city."

Ray remembered the recent fight he had in the labyrinth. The battle portals are located in the center of the underground city.

Ray: "Wait, are we going to step into a large circular energy field to transfer us to another place of the city?"

Nympha: "Of course not, we're not going to the labyrinth to battle monsters. We cannot step into the battle portals unless we get permission from the guild."

Ray: "Okay." *sigh* (I thought this was the right time to go back to the labyrinth to prove myself. Guess, it's too early.)

The two walked along side with each other until they reach the center of the underground city.

Nympha: "Can you see the large rectangular crystal stone at the center?"

Ray: "The thing that looks like a big stone plaque?"

Nympha: "Yes. That's where the map of the underground City of Ambeist is placed."

The map of the city is divided into five districts. The 1st District leads to the main entrance of the city. This is where mostly the nomads reside. The 2nd District can be considered as the metropolis. This is where the statue of the Goddess Aegis stood. The most busiest part. Guilds, apartelles, bars and other structures were mostly built here. Adventurers, travelers and even merchants come here for a certain business. The 3rd District is the training area. Factions come here to strengthen their power and improve their skills. The 4th District is the mining area and the production site. Here is where the depository of crystals is located. Research and Development happens in this place. Researchers, Higher officials and some of the elites have control in this area. The 5th District is where the largest eco park and green nursery are located. This is where they preserve and propagate different species of animals and plants.

Ray: "The city is quite sophisticated. It's very organized. I don't know where to start." His eyes are full of excitement.

Nympha: "Well you had seen the parts of the 2nd District. Hmm…mostly. So, that leaves the other four districts to explore."

Ray: "Okay. So how long will it take for me to explore the whole city?"

Nympha: "Hmm…days? Or weeks? It depends."

Ray's enthusiasm faded in an instant.

Ray: (Ugh! That's too long. I need to go back to the labyrinth faster.)

Nympha: "No worries! I will gladly accompany you along the way…" (…and I will have plenty of time to discover your identity.) Her eyes twinkled.

Ray: "Okay?" (She seems excited about this.)

Nympha: "Pick your choice."

Ray:"How about the 3rd District. I want to see what the training area look like…" (and maybe I can start to practice and hone my skills there…) "Is that good?"

Nympha: "That might be a bad choice." She quickly responded.

Ray:"Huh? Why?"

Nympha: "I don't know if a kid like you can go. The area is full of high rank adventurers who were there to train rigorously. The members of the five factions are there. It's a battle ground." She said firmly.

Ray: "Exactly. That's the reason why I want to go. I will go there to see the place and well yes…train."

Nympha: "It's still not a place for kids." (Why can't he understand that it's dangerous?)

Ray: "But I'm an adventurer! I'm also acquainted with the Guild of the Shield of Faction!" He protested.

Nympha: "You're still a rookie and you--you're a customer. There's the difference." She corrected.

Ray: "But you're the one who asked me to pick my choice? This isn't right."

Nympha: "I let you choose because I thought you will pick the most practical."

Ray: "…and the most practical place is?" He gave up.

Nympha: "The 4th District."

Ray: "What? Seriously?"

Nympha: "Yes. The mining and production site of crystals."

Ray: "I'm not interested in those things."

Nympha: "Don't you want to know why the Underground City of Ambeist is famous? The advance technology and developments are seen in that place. More so, you can see the crystals. "

Ray: "But I don't care about the crys--" (…on the second thought, I know someone who likes crystals.)

Nympha: "Hmm?"

Ray: "The crystals…"

Nympha: "Yes? What about it? "

Ray: "Is there a chance we can get rare crystals in that place?"

Nympha: "If you are persistent to search for it."

Ray: *sigh* "Okay, you win. Let's go to the 4th District."

Nympha: "Good." She got her triumphant smile.

Ray: "Un. Please lead the way."

Nympha: "Ray…"

Ray: "Yes?" He got startled. It's the first time Nympha mentioned his name.

Nympha: "It seems that you don't realize that I'm older than you. You just called me by my name when we're at the guild. And I just remembered, a moment ago, you did it again."

Ray: "You--you're older?!" He was shocked. "I thought we're on the same age." (I can't believe it! She looks young, though.)

Nympha: *smile* "Now, you know."

Ray: "Yes…sister Nympha."
