

Rex was a poor orphaned man with three personalities. He was planning on getting a therapist but he died in a car accident as he was suddenly reincarnated to another world, by that world's system. His reincarnation wasn't normal though. Because he was reincarnated as one of the True Dragons. =========== Things to do before reading this. Lower your expectations. Know that I don't own anything. Know that I only made this for fun. Know that English is not my Mother Language. =========== The Mc will look like Zhongli/Morax/Rex Lapis, but he will have a different personality.. Or Personalities? he had three after all. And his Dragon Form will be Ghidora(Cover) as it is the reason why I made him have three personalities. There will be alot of differences between the original story of tensura and my fic. HoYoverse/Tensuraverse/Monsterverse: Crossover. *This FanFic is a nonsense. Mainly because I know nothing on Tensura.* *I also do not own the cover*

Leficioss · Komik
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15 Chs

Sibling Love.

Ahhh! It's so embarrassing! Schat was not Treasure in Spanish! It was Dutch Language! Thank god, someone pointed it or else....


[A/N:There will be alot of time skips till Satoru Mikami reincarnates as a Slime.]

Velschat looks at his sister who was currently sleeping peacefully and cutely of course.

Veldanava slowes his speed further when he noticed that Velzard was sleeping.

"We are here."Veldanava muttered and smiled at his siblings.

Velschat's smiled excitedly when he saw the floating castle.

"Heeh~ Brother sure is dope, never in my teenage life would I expected to see a floating castle."He said, leaking his third personality.

Velschat looks at the ground and used his intrinsic skill to zoom his view, and saw alot of towns and villages while some of them was in the place where they would offer something to the Creator/God.

"Welcome to my Dragon Nest, Velschat and Velzard. "

Veldanava gave a chuckle after and slowly landed to the floating castle.

He puts Velschat on the ground while he carried Velzard with two arms and slowly walks so he wouldn't wake Velzard up.

Meanwhile Velschat was looking around curiously with excitement.



Months Later.

Velschat was done exploring the whole castle and could only say it was amazing but he was immediately bored so he was now pampering his sister.

He was afraid of calling Velzard a little or big sister so he used sister to call her.

He then suddenly got an idea and walked out from the room where his sister was sleeping.

Of course he wouldn't left her without protection so he told Cia to put multiple barriers.

It was one of the skill <Mammon's> function.

'Hey, is a hundred barriers enough? I felt like putting more thousands though.'This was one of the few times he left his sister.

'Idiot, what are you waiting for! Put atleast ten thousand barriers. And make sure that half of it is protection barrier!'

'I agree with Second this time.'

Velschat agreed to his other personalities and set up ten thousand barriers to Velzard's room with the use of his Manas. He then started walking towards the place he wanted to go.

[....Is This Siblings Love?...]


[I see... But based on my common sense, you're being overprotective Master.]

'You wouldn't understand, Cia.'

[...I apologize then, Master.]

'It's fine, Since I knew you're trying your best to please me so your effort is much appreciated.'

[....That's good to know then.]

'Mhm..'Velschat nodded visibly and arrived at the place he wanted to go.

It was the kitchen, even though he knew Velzard didn't need to eat. He wanted to cook for her and as an orphaned, he had been cooking for himself so he knew basics about cooking.

And he also had another reason why he came to the kitchen.


His third personality was shouting and it was getting annoying for his Second.

'Shut! The! Fuck! UP! It's because you're like this we couldn't pay a therapist!'

'Sigh.. Fine, I'm going to make alot so he would shut up.'


'Tsk, make atleast millions of boba tea for Third and make him shut up.'

'Really!!!!! Millions??? Second...Sniff*.. I thought.. Sniff* Sniff* You were a bad guy...'

'Shut Up!!! I'm just being sarcastic fucker!'


'Sigh.. Don't worry, I'm going to make alot.'


If someone were to see Velschat now, they would be weirded out because every second, his expression would change and change suddenly.

It was also the reason why Velschat didn't have any friends in his past life because they would think he was crazy or weird.

He goes inside the kitchen and could only be amazed on how big and beautiful it was.

"My brother isn't a creator for nothing huh?"He muttered and started cooking. He didn't use any cooking material from the kitchen but in his <GoB>.

Each of it was very beautiful and with the use of <Morax>'s sub-skill <Contract>, Velschat could immediately tell that a single spoon from his <GoB> can buy a single building from his previous life.

But what he didn't know was that the Lord of Wealth's standards was just too high...

He was also flying because his height wasn't enough to reach even the table.

He took a golden plant pot from his <GoB> and created a <Geo/Earth> with his <Morax>. He then put the <Geo/Earth> to the golden plant pot and took out a small pot from his <GoB> and opened it and he saw alot of strawberry seeds inside.

He planted it and it grew immediately. The strawberry seeds was from his <GoB> after all so it's special.

He harvested the strawberries and quickly made a dairy strawberry yogurt for his sister...



"Now for the cookies and boba tea.."He then started making alot of boba teas and of course the recipes was from his <GoB>...



"This will be the 10 Thousandth boba tea.. Satisfying my Third personality sure is harder than my Second."

He then puts all the boba teas in his <GoB> but not where all of his weapons, equipments and treasures are in it.

He just created another space reality that only he, can open.

Velschat took the yogurt and cookies as he came back to Velzard's room and saw she was still sleeping.

He created a golden table but he colored it with Geo so it wouldn't shine too much and puts the yogurt with the cookies there.


[Yes, master?]

'Take all of my sister's gathered aura and release it on my Babylon where I putted all my boba teas.'

[....]A small golden portal appeared besides Velschat and it swallowed Velzard's aura.

Velschat's expression quickly turned into a bit lazy and relaxed.

He then took the cold boba tea because of Velzard's aura.

He started sucking the straw from the boba tea like there's no tomorrow.

"Ahh~ no one can defeat the cold boba tea~ I guess I should thank my little sister huh?"Putting more barriers in the room. He then flies to the sky and came towards his brother who said that he's making the world balanced so everything he created wouldn't collapse and the future generations could always come.

Slurping his boba tea and flying. He saw his brother and seven kids that would be in Velschat's age lining up and his brother was making some gestures that made it obvious he was teaching them.

"Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Violet, Black, and White... Ohh!!!"He flew immediately towards the place and landed in the grown with a Boom!

"...."8x The eight people in the area looked at the newly arrived person.

"...It's morphin' time."Velschat made a cool pose...

But it was only cool for him...

"What the fuck?"The girl said that would be the yellow ranger in Velschat's third personality Pov.

"Wait, what color would I be? Ahah! I'm the orange ranger!"Velschat talked to himself that made him more weird from the eight's eyes.

"The orange ranger has arrived to save the day!"He made another Jojo pose.

Veldanava covered his mouth to make his blush hide.

"What are you doing! It's so embarrassing!"

He ran towards Velschat and started shaking him but the Jojo post was more stronger.

"Heh, you can't understand anything brother."He slurps his boba tea again and looked at the power rangers in his Pov.

'Brother?'The seven thought and looked at Velschat curiously.

"So, who are they?"

"Sigh.. They are going to be the first of their race. The Demon race."

"I see.."Velschat didn't say anything after because he felt that he might destroy everything if he told them what Demons are in the future.

"Hello, Power rangers, my name is Velschat, one of the True Dragons, The Dragon Lord of Treasures."This was his third personality so he made a flexing tone.

"Power rangers?"7x The seven synched. They were just born not long ago so they didn't know anything and just followed the instinct that their race gave themselves.

Velschat puts the empty bottle to his <GoB> because a single one of it is expensive enought to by a human being after all. He then took a new one but he didn't suck it yet and said:

"Power rangers are the most powerful bei-Mhmm!"His mouth was immediately covered by Veldanava so he wouldn't influence the progenitors with his bullshits that would probably pass down to all the Demons in the future.

"I apologize about my brother..."Veldanava created a space crack and threw Velschat inside like a sack of potatoes but he took his boba tea first because he also wanted to taste it.

"He will comeback later so let's double speed things up."Veldanava slurped the boba tea and nodded.

'It's good...'

Veldanava continued teaching the first Demons some commonsense.




"Where the fuck is this?"Velschat's Third personality leaked out a bit because his boba tea was stolen and now he's in space floating.

He then took out his <EA> from his <GoB> and slashed at nothing but the space made an eye shaped cut and he goes inside it.[<EA> Image here.]

But Velschat didn't expect that he got into the wrong world. He looked around the forest and then closed his eyes to feel the mana in the area but it was so faint to the point of nothing and he could only guess that he was in a world similar to earth.

He walked to the forest further and felt alot of human presence faraway so he's planning on going there.

But then, he noticed something.


[Yes, you're right master. the time flows different here. It's three times slower from your new original world.]

"So if I stay here for thirty days, ten days would only pass in my previous world?"


"I see."Velschat thought it was good since he knew Velzard wouldn't want to be separated to him for long.

A screen appeared in front of him and saw his brother's face.

{I just threw you to space and now your in another world?}

"Whose fault do you think it is."

{Well... When are you coming back? you could just do it in a second right?}

"I could but staying in your castle bored me so I think world traveling isn't bad."

{Pff! Th- I can't deny that because it also goes the same for me.}

"Watch over Velzard for me, see you in a few days."When the screen was gone.

Velschat walked towards the one presence that he immediately noticed after coming to this world.

He saw a kid that would be in the same age and height as Velschat. She was wearing a ragged clothes and had a body that would collapse any moment.

She noticed Velschat and was mesmerized by his beauty but she didn't have time for that and quickly tried to runaway but her body was so weak so she just lied on the ground.

"Please don't hurt me..."She said in a dead voice.

Velschat's anger issues was almost to heaven but he took a deep breath. He really wanted to know who could make a little kid have that kind of tone...

And beating him or her up wouldn't be enough to satisfy his Second personality.

Dean used her skill <Midas> to make her wounds and pains into gold.

This skill could even make a soul into gold as long as Velschat could touch it. But he was only making something small such as wounds into gold so he didn't need to touch the target.

The little girl looked at her hand while still lying. She felt alot better but she didn't think it was real...

She thought that the time her pain was gone. Everything was a dream..

"Hello little girl.."Velschat softly muttered.

But the little girl didn't say anything and slowly looked at Velschat.

He then used his telekinesis ability to make her float, but she didn't react which surprised Velschat because seeing Supernatural for the first time would probably shock you, but this girl treated it like she was just dreaming.

What didn't Velschat know was that, his guess was correct.

He flew to the sky and looked around to find a lake to give the little girl a good bath. He then found one and immediately flies there in the speed of light and arrived immediately.

He manipulated the water with magic and in just a few seconds. The little girl was now clean and she was also wearing clothes from Velschat's <GoB>.

Velschat took a hair clip and put it in her head. He also bids her long purple hair into one.

Her appearance right now was of a cute girl that leveled Velzard but he wouldn't admit it since he never liked comparing and getting compared.

She was now wearing a purple yukata and now that she's clean. He could clearly see her shining but dead purple eyes.

Velschat have been observing her and now he could tell that she's seeing everything was a dream. But he used it to ask her some questions. He made a table and two chairs and sat there as he used his telekinesis to make the little girl also sit.

"What's your name little girl?"Velschat asked and it was pretty weird since he's calling someone a little girl but he was a little boy himself.

"E..."Her voice was so little that if Velschat wasn't a Dragon, he wouldn't hear it. But that doesn't mean he understood her words.

"Mhm?"Velschat inwardly thought. 'Is her name E?'

"Ra.y..de..n"She was trying so hard on saying her name.

And what's happening now made Velschat realized that he was the Dumbest person alive.

He really wanted to kill himself now.

He immediately took a holy grail of water from his <GoB> as the girl took it and drank it elegantly. And that didn't go unnoticed to Velschat so he thought she must be from a royal family or something.

It was from his <GoB> so he knew it wouldn't give a normal effect but it was good effect so it's fine.

It's not like she would become immortal or anything right?

But then, he noticed something.

What he gave her was a holy grail! It wasn't a bottle of water!!

He was panicking after all so he didn't noticed that he just gave her a bowl of energy worth a world!

"Sigh... But she's in a world that almost had no mana so it would take time for her to awaken."Velschat's voice was so low that the girl in front of him didn't hear it.

When she puts the holy grail in the table. She was surprised that it was immediately gone and she also felt alot more better than after her wounds was gone.

Velschat just made a small smile after regretting a bit because he wasted one of his greatest Treasures but...

But that doesn't mean he didn't get anything in exchange...

He looked at the girl and thought.

'You're one of my Treasures now... And I'm going to make sure that you would become one of the greatest treasure I would ever had...'

"What's your name again little girl?"He smiled and took a cookie from the time he was cooking for Velzard.

He puts it in the table and made sure that the plate would be close to the girl so she can get more easily.

She looked at Velschat and saw his smile saying that she could get one freely so she did.

Num* Num* Num* Num* She licked her thumbs and fingers and finally replied.

"Ei, My name is Raiden Ei."She replied and took another cookie again and inside her mind was from today onwards, cookies would be one of her favorite food.

(Raiden EI, Image Here.)

"So how did you get here Ei?"

"Because I had no home to stay."

"What happened to your parents."

She stopped eating and looked down.

"They are dead."She replied in a depressing tone.

Somehow, Velschat could feel her maturity even from someone in her age.

"You're still thinking that you're in a dream aren't you?"

"Eh...I'm not?"

"Yes you aren't dreaming. I'm real."The table was fairly small so he could reach her face and pinched it but he still needed to stand up.

"So, you are real? papa said, fairies that can woosh woosh a water like that isn't real."She made a gestures of someone thinking they can do magic but it really looked cute for Dean.

"Mama said they are real but I don't like fairies now, I like Dragons more."She took a cookie again and ate it.

"Why do you like Dragons?"He said putting both of his hands in his cheeks while his two elbow was in the table.

He's currently enjoying the cute sight of his new treasure.

"Because they are big and can protect their families."Her depressing atmosphere came back but it quickly disappeared after hearing Velschat's next words.

"What if I told you that I'm a Dragon?"

"Eh? then, can I ride your back?"

"Sigh.. You're still thinking that you're dreaming again aren't you?"

"No- I, if all this is real then. I.."She started tearing up and cried. Weeks of her life was hell when her father the ruler of her city died so she have been trying to survive in the last weeks in the middle of the forest.

But when the guy in front of her came, she just thought it was so unreal.

Her experience made her more mature enough to understand that a miracle won't just knock suddenly and come.

Ei was still a kid after all, so Velschat came towards her and slowly hugged her..

Velschat noticed alot of people coming towards the place so he killed them secretly. He wasn't a psychopath so he wouldn't kill someone that didn't meant any harm to him but...

He knew they were for his precious treasure..

So of course, all of his personality agreed to kill them.

He patted Ei's head slowly to make her feel..

'My precious Treasure... Ei..'

"Hey, Ei, you wanted to ride on my back if I was a Dragon right?"

"!! Yes?..."She slowly stopped crying as she looks at Dean with a questioning face because she hadn't known his name yet.

"Oh, I haven't introduced my self aren't I?"He stepped backed far away from Ei, which made her confused.

His Dragon form was big after all, even if he hasn't fully matured yet. And it would take time for him to mature.

He was even curious of how big he will become after a few thousand years or more.

His humanoid figure started becoming more unhuman, his transformation also started giving an earthquake that made the people even if they are faraway panicked.

When he was now on his Dragon form.


He roared with all his might that made the people heard it pee but...

Ei just got excited...

"HaHaHa~ I'm one of the True Dragons, The Dragon Lord of Treasures, Velschat!"Velschat's second personality said.

He moved all of his head to Ei and looked at her with the six of his eyes.

Ei got taked back a bit but she walked towards Velschat and slowly touched him.

Velschat moved his head and let her touch him.


"Yes, Ei?"Velschat's voice was so demonic but it was music in the ears of Ei.

"Can I ride now?"She was both embarrased and excited.

Velschat's dragon face smiled and used telekinesis to put Ei, on his back.

"Hold my horns properly okay?"


Velschat flapped his wings and started flying to the sky and enjoyed his stay to the world.

He even forgot that he's in the world with no supernatural and magics..


I'm shameless. So give me all your powastone! It would also encourage me writing and at the same time you will receive my Eternal LOVE!

We are currently in the Childhood friend/Raiden Ei route!

I'm not good at writing romance so I apologize if things are too fast.

[More Raiden Ei Images Here]

I. Am. Not. Simping. Zhongli. And. Ei. Honestly. It's. Just. That. Our. Mc. Had. The. Same. Appearance. Of. Our. Geo. Daddy.