
Growing up in a fantasy

Edward was born in a world that may seem supernatural to many but to him it’s just life at 17 everybody awakens an ability scaling of various ranges Edward has to deal with getting what seems like an awful ability in a world of people who can summon mountains or burn whole contenants Edward not wanting to be outdone by his friends works to become strong whilst he and his friends have to deal with the struggles of being a teenager

Jundodovah · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


As we walked into the gym it was nothing like normal it was covered in plastic and smelled like cleaning materials there were stations almost like if we went to go get school photos, but instead of a camera at each booth there was an assortment of needles and other medical devices such as an X-ray machine?

Then a voice appears on the gym speaker "Alright everyone please go sit on the bleachers than wait from your name to be called" it said as it abruptly cut off "alright then I think I see mark over there" drake says as he points to a tall yet kinda stubby looking kid with long brown hair and a superiority complex that made most kids avoid him. But I enjoy hanging out with him even if he can be kinda douchey. "So mark anything cool happen yet" I ask as we approach he looks kinda bored but responds with a hint of excitement "yeah some chick got rank 6! Then she turned into a fat ass elephant." We started talking about are predictions for what everyone was going to get, Marks name came over the loudspeaker "alright good luck man" I say as he heads off

a few minutes later a very brazen woman named Susie walks up to and practically screams "HEY WHERE IS MARK AT?" God why is she always so loud I think to myself as we try and calm her down her friends Charlotte and Jenny walked in, Jenny started to try and calm her down but the tall and angry Susie was having none of it especially since Jenny's method of calming her down was insulting her and telling her to shut the hell up Charlotte comes up to us "hey guys sorry about them you know how they get" drake responds "o-oh yeah w-we know of course we know you know" he says as he stumbles over his words. See drake is head over heels for Charlotte which I mean she is quite attractive she's a short blond who is very pretty but I find something about her just not attractive. We hang around and talk for a bit we all end up agreeing on heading to a combat school knowing mark would certainly agree and probably already choose one.

About two hours later everyone else went and I finally hear my name so I start to head to the booths. I heard there were a few really high scores so I was really hoping it was my friends but all of that aside I hope they did well but I want to get something at least 2 ranks higher than any of them as I fantasize what I could get I finally reach booth seven as I walk In three people in very rigid looking suits stare at me the pressure in the booth is almost suffocating as I feel I'm about to be crushed under the pressure of there presence a small nurse walk in with her hands behind her back I let out a sigh of relief and feel more comfortable not being along with these what I can only assume are government workers until she pulls out a GIANT ASS NEEDLE like the size of my finger!!?! I quickly feel a sense of dread as she says in a sweet voice "alright sweetie here's how this works I'm going to inject this into your arm and you will probably pass out for a few minutes, then we are going to scan you and give you a full physical to make sure everything works" her smile growing sadistic I'm sure if she stabs me with that I will die! She quickly jabs my arm injecting a strange liquid for what feels like forever but in all actuality was only a few seconds, she pulls out the needle and quickly heals the massive hole and then everything suddenly without warning goes black.

When I wake up the nurse barely gave me a second to breathe when she asked again in a sweet voice " Alright so we scanned that you have a high power rank 8 regeneration gift, but you fall under the miscellaneous category so which ever school you pick will rank you lower depending on your compatibly, Sorry." As I was trying to process this one of the men in suits came up to me and handed me a form which had three different school registrations and then I was ushered out.

Just wanting to think I avoided meeting up with my friends and headed straight home. I started talking

To myself "God fucking regeneration what the hell that's useless fucking useless!!" I thought for a moment "God alright at least it's a high rank but what does that matter if it's a miscellaneous?"his thinking was cut off as a giant elephant appeared behind him, making a huge and sudden dent in the sidewalk as he turned around the mysterious beast suddenly disappeared all that remained was a mouse that quickly darted away. "What the hell was that" I thought in utter shock and then a thought came into my head out of nowhere my saving grace"What if I can regenerate the sidewalk or other things that aren't just myself I am a high rank after all but it does technically start at rank one, eight is just the cap for my potential" then I muttered "Eh fuck it" as I tried to fix the sidewalk but to my dismay nothing happened.

When I got home I headed straight for my room said nothing to my uncle he was probably just blackout drunk on the couch anyway. I set the papers on my desk and layer down for bed. When about 20 minutes later there was a knock on my door.