
One Man Army



Strength: 72 Vitality: 76

Agility: 87 Mana: 55

Control: 299 Physical Resistance: 48

Magic Resistance: 5

Skills: instant move (Shvarz version)



After recovering his breath, Shvarz checked his stats


He already had a physicist comparable to the top 10, adding his stat of control, he is practically invincible in the world

"Ugh, I can`t move, I better start the recovery"

Thump Thump

His heart began to pump blood in huge amounts

First he Infuses mana flows into his blood vessels, then into each red blood cell and finally into every cell of his body

Increased his metabolism to an insane level to accelerate the natural healing of his body

'Wait, what if I replace them?'

Then he changed his focus and started creating cells with his mana

It required practically all its concentration to simply make one cell

It take 50 seconds to do the first

48 seconds in the second

45 seconds in the third

And he kept improving, his talent allowed him to do what others could not even dream

Healing or regenerating limbs with just mana was common in the "high school" universe

But healing or light-type abilities were used and it required a higher consumption of mana than Shvarz was using

What Shvarz was doing was illogical and impossible for the inhabitants of "high school"

He was forcing mana to become cells and eventually flesh and blood

One hour later

He was creating more than 3000 cells per second

He no longer needed to concentrate, he did it instinctively as if it were breathing, as if he was an organ, involuntarily

Twenty minutes later he was like new, except for the fact that he was practically exhausted from mana despite almost doubling his mana ability before the fight.

Even his arm was healed ninety percent

[You have created a passive regeneration skill never seen, how do you want to name it?]


Shvarz froze in the spot

'Wasn`t it a requirement to name the ability to be created?'

'Then this can also happen, even if I do not understand the system, I should have taken the time to study it before'

"I'll call it Regeneration"

[You have created the Passive Regeneration skill (Shvarz version) successfully]

[A huge achievement that transcends the ignorance of the other students, Physical Resistance +20 Mana +30]

[You are the first lower being in history to make a huge rank achievement, Mana +40 Magic Resistance +20 Physical Resistance +20 Strength +10]

[The ability "Passive Regeneration (Shvarz version)" becomes a stat]


"I've never seen so many permanent stats increases in a single moment"

He was not surprised by the announcement of "huge achievement"

He had already obtained more than one before, like when he dominated Braxor

But so much increase of his stats and without items or ingesting potions or elixirs was abnormal

'Well, it's obvious to be an inferior being ... but so much?'



Strength: 82 Vitality: 76

Agility: 87 Mana: 125

Control: 320 Physical Resistance: 88

Magic Resistance: 25 Shvarz Regeneration: 85

Skills: instant move (Shvarz version)


'Well, very good, with this I can leave this world in a year or less, thank you'

'I think the time has passed since I told those two, I'll go see'

It took 5 minutes to get to the area where they should wait for it, but they were not


He was happy that they heard his words and they were gone in the time limit, but he was also a bit disappointed

'Why do I feel this way? We met very recently, they did the right thing '

'Remember Shvarz, your goal is something that nobody could, it's a lonely road, eventually everyone becomes a nuisance'

'In addition, the position of absolute is for a single being'


'Why do I want to become the absolute ...?'


'I should do it, but why?'


'Why do I have this need to become stronger than anyone?'


"I better go and look for them"

... ..

"(Hyuk) Shvarz !!, you survived !!"

40 minutes later he found them, they were walking exactly where he had told them

"Yeah, sorry for being late, it was harder than I thought"

"(Natalie) The important thing is that you're fine"

"Let's go back to the kingdom"

"(Hyuk) Are you sure? They are still searching for us "

"No problem, come on, I want to get out of this world as quickly as possible"

"(Natalie) Get out?"

"Ahhh, I will explaine it to you on the way"


4 days later, Shvarz became the king, killing all the governors who were needed and killing all the wizards capable of invoking earthlings, also burned all the information to carry out the invocation

If it wasn`t to train with Natalie and Hyuk, he did not leave his room in the palace

He was desperately trying to remember what was missing

Natalie and Hyuk were worried because he was even eating less and less, so they increased their training hours so that Shvarz spent more time outside


"Move your hand here and tilt your waist like that"

"Like this?"

"Yes, relax your legs"


"Hey, are you okay? You have the face red "

"Yes, Yes"

"Ok, I'm going to loosen the muscles that you have tense, do not move"


"(Hyuk watching from the side) ..."

"(Natalie) Hey! That's my ass! "

"... aahhhh, if you feel embarrassed by these things it is better to train alone, but concentrate on relaxing your buttocks, they make your frontal attacks more difficult and have less range, I`m going to my room"


"(Hyuk) Being a gentleman and having no hidden thoughts or intentions makes it more difficult for you right?"

"(Natalie) aahhh yes, is that his appearance changed after that fight with the strong subject"

"(Hyuk) I can`t deny it, besides, for you it's like the Charming Prince who rescued you, right?"

"(Natalie) shut up ... I can`t help it, besides, I want to reach him out even if it's just a little, it does not feel good at all to be a burden, right?

"(Hyuk) Yes ..."

Shvarz currently measures 1.93 meters and his body is completely defined, even areas like the forearms and his face, lost that color to tan by always wearing short sleeves, now his whole skin is uniform white, but without looking sick, except the dark circles under his eyes.

In addition to trying to remember, he trained the magic attribute of death, necromancy, curses, poisons, etc.

And he also modified his body with mana

He mutilated himself, centimeter by centimeter and rebuilt his body with new cells, in addition to increasing his statistics of physical resistance, his body evolved to something higher, the stats was not only a representation of your abilities, but also an added value to your body .

For example, a dragon with 500 strength is stronger than a human with 500 strength, speaking only in a case of pure physical strength.


Because this is not as simple and friendly as a videogame, the dragon in addition to having 500 stats in strength, it adds its size and weight, and that its muscles are of incomparable quality to those of a human being

That's why weak races like humans have their bodies modified to adapt to their stats, but if your body is optimal without having to evolve to match stats, you'll have better performance

And Shvarz knew all this firsthand.

That is why he resorted to this method, to make his muscles harder than diamonds and more flexible than those of a valet dancer.

And that's how 7 months went by


"An army you say?"

"(Natalie) Yes, weeks ago they were preparing and they already surrounded the city"

"How big is it?

"(Hyuk) According to what I saw, there are more than 500,000, also, according to the soldiers and citizens of the city, the rest of those" top 10 "are in the army

"(Natalie) Apparently ... you are the demon king who wants to destroy humanity and they are the heroes that will stop you ...

"Hm, that sounds funny, very cliché and at the same time not everything is a lie"

"(Hyuk) What? Why?"

"The top 1, Garrison, is an American, invoked like us, but he was invoked as a hero, he is very greedy, so even though he knows the truth behind the slaves, he does not care as long as he maintains his status"

"(Hyuk) What the fuck ...? We are dead, right? Or can we escape through some secret tunnel, or do you have another method? "

"Mmm? I will face them head on, I will kill anyone who does not surrender, it is their problem for facing me "

"(Hyuk) What!?

"(Natalie) You alone? It's crazy "

"It's easier than it seems, you have to kill the strongest, some important people and then some thousands, fear will do the rest"

"(Hyuk) But you told us that the last time, it was very difficult and that he was the ninth"

"I'm not the same as that time"



"It looks like it's going to come out"

While the doors of the wall opened, an old man spoke, that old man was called the Magician King, the best magician that existed in the history of that world, he even founded his own kingdom

"I do not think it was necessary that we all get together, even if it were really the demon king, it should not be that bad"

A man of 2.61 meters spoke, with a sword of 3 meters on his back, the human with more physical strength in the world, had blood of giants running through his veins.

"He's just a human, this demon king thing is just an excuse to conquer this kingdom and divide it among the others"

A beautiful woman with a rapier in the waist, was the princess of an empire, but among the plebeians she was called "Penetrating bitch" as it was a sadistic who enjoyed penetrating the ass to people with his rapier in the torture chamber



The silent ones were two skinny subjects with white masks and the rest of their bodies covered by black clothes,

They were the best killers specialized in poisons and traps hired for this situation

"Miss Jasmine, let us know if you see anything in that man that can help us solve this"

The Garrison man of whom Shvarz spoke, a tall man of 1.90 meters and blonde, that one with the title of "hero" and with the best equipment that one can find in this world.


A woman with black hair up to her back replied, Jasmine, 26 years old, a priestess, 1.70 meters, she was not one of the ten strongest people, she was special, a priestess who did not serve any god, something like the atheists, even so, she was practically a saint, a righteous and had to confirm with her own "eyes" this supposed demon king.

She was born with the "eyes of the world" that allowed her to see the authentic personality of all people, her eyes never lied and worked at all.

He looked at the man next to her, the supposed hero


That was him, he could see an image of him behind the original body swimming in gold and playing with women, he could even see that he wanted her.

The murderers were scared little children, if it were for them, they would kill all the people in the world because they fear humans, that's why they became murderers.

The princess ... there was no need for her eyes, it was identical to the rumors

The giant, just wanted to be stronger, to be recognized as a member of the unequaled race of giants

The magician ... was a psychopath, he wanted to grow and keep growing his mana pool, to explode the whole world with a spell, but he only had about a century to live and he would not be able to reach that point.


They began to listen to the footsteps of that man and she turned her gaze away from them to see him


For the first time, it was difficult to see the image, it looked extremely blurred, but with each step it took, it cleared up.


It was a black hole

Not a cheap imitation like the magician could do

It was a real black hole

And inside, a pair of eyes watching, with an intention to kill incomparable, it was as if he were in there, waiting to leave.

When those "eyes" crossed hers, she almost fainted, although she could not see the true form of that man, she could feel what those "eyes" represented.

Loneliness, anger, despair, frustration, a deranged desire for revenge.


She could feel that CHANGE would come when her authentic being comes out.

A change beyond her understanding, he instinctively knew that this planet was like a speck of dust for that being.

When the distance between the group and the man was 80 meters, she made a decision

"I'll be a spectator, bye"



The group was shocked, leaving her to walk away ...



'A pincer attack ?, no, is moving away ...'

"Are you retiring? Why?"

(Jasmine) "I have my reasons"

"... it's fine, better that way"

Shvarz had not seen her in his past life, he had only heard of her, by not saying her name and not knowing her appearance, he did not know that the person with the best buff skills in the world was getting out of the fight.

"Well, someone else wants to retire?"



Everyone wondered what she had seen to retire just before the fight.


The giant shot out towards Shvarz, despite his appearance, he had great mobility


Stopping it felt like hitting a mammoth with steroids, the veins bulged in the arms, shoulders and chest of the two

"You are the first to resist my blow in years, thank you!"

The giant was happy to find an opponent

But that lasted a moment

Because he began to be pushed back little by little

Shvarz muscles began to swell as he injected mana and forced them to exceed the limit


The giant used every ounce of his strength, but was overcome little by little

Puk puk puk

At that time 3 needles were embedded in Shvarz's back

One with a paralyzing poison, one with a deadly poison and the last with a hallucinogen


The magician cast a gravity spell, to increase the gravity in Shvarz's body by 3 times the normal

Garrison and the princess did not move, they thought it was more than enough for him

Everyone was sure of his victory, the only one who was not happy was the giant, to lose and finish depending on others

Contrary to expectations, Shvarz not only stayed, he kept pushing the giant, more and more

Taking advantage of the moment when everyone was stupefied, kicked in the testicles to the giant and sent him to fly a few meters, he could feel as the testicles exploded and the pelvis cracked

In the next moment he turned around


He went towards the assassins and made a horizontal sweep with his sword, he cut the middle one, but the second one managed to by dodge jumping in the air, Shvarz did not lose sight of him and threw a dagger at an insane speed with his left hand


His shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingers made strange noises when shaking too fast

The dagger not only embedded itself in the center of his head, it pierced the entire head

"Two down"


You could hear the scream of agony and anger of the giant in the distance

And he crouched immediately


Dodging the horizontal cut of Garrison

But the princess came behind him and managed to pierce Shvarz's knee with his rapier

While Shvarz retreated backwards, the princess shook her rapier to enlarge the wound

Before being able to stabilize, the magician launched a firestorm at high pressure, inflicting cuts and burns all over his body

But they were only minor injuries to Shvarz

Before they could attack again, they were surprised again, since the wounds were healing at first sight

But he had to spend approximately 15% of his mana

At that moment, the giant stood up with bulging veins all over his face and neck, resisting the pain and approaching to surround Shvarz with the others

The situation ended in a 4v1


"Make sure you put enough salt"



They did not know if he was an idiot, or if he had enough room to make jokes, they thought it was probably the latter


The magician continued to increase the gravitational pressure on Shvarz

Shvarz was already enduring 10 times the normal gravity, still there was no sign that it bothered him and that's why the magician was stupefied, he was spending a considerable amount of mana and concentration and that man seemed to not be affected

As for Shvarz ...

Not only was it blocking the poisons and purifying them, supporting the extra gravity and healing their wounds at the same time

He also continued with the process of cellular modification with mana

His brain was running at a thousand per hour

His eyes were turning red because of the abnormal amount of blood that was going to his head


Out of nowhere, he threw two knives imbued with mana towards the giant, while throwing himself again at the magician

Garrison and the princess moved to protect him

Shvarz threw a knife to the princess, since it would be more difficult to block him with a rapier

And he faced Garrison straight


His bones began to make noise, he wanted to finish it off with a blow, so it was at full power


But Garrison fought back, in return, he shot off in another direction, with minor wounds, like fissures in his hands.

All this happened in an interval of 2 seconds, and there were no obstacles to reach the magician

He could hear the footsteps of the giant approaching from behind, but he would be late to protect the magician

The magician, for the first time in many years felt fear, and that lack of habit was fatal in this situation

When scared he stopped using the gravity spell in attempt to escape while firing multiple magics towards Shvarz

Spikes came out of the ground, his staff looked like a flamethrower, poison and air blades were released

All lethal magics capable of killing several knights at the same time

But Shvarz jumped forward over the pinches, the blades left deep cuts in his body, the fire burned his skin and muscles below his neck and the poison only managed to irritate his eyes leaving him temporarily blind

But he was already in front of the magician, less than a meter away

"DO NOT…!"


And like that the Magician King lost his head…

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the headless body of the wizard and threw it behind him, and did a somersault forward.


In the place where he was, the giant had embedded his sword on the ground



On his left thigh, Shvarz received the thrust of the princess who had caught up

But he was expecting it

It was a fatal mistake in a fight against Shvarz to think about having an advantage because he was blinded

Before she could remove the rapier, Shvarz took it with her left hand and embedded it further, bringing it closer

And the princess, like a damn retarded, had let down her guard and was shocked by the action of Shvarz


Another beheaded

Now only two were left

And then he realized

While the Giant was charging towards him again

Garrison had retreated towards the army



The giant charging again like an imbecile


Shvarz simply evaded it and made a cut in his carotid

Before, he faced him simply to measure strength and the progress of his body

In addition, after having killed people of great caliber in a numerically disadvantaged fight, their stats continued to grow

The giant did not give up and kept attacking, Shvarz continued dodging and making cuts until he died


Jazmin couldn`t believe what happened in less than 4 minutes

The greatest powers of the greatest kingdoms had fallen before a single man in such a short time

Not only that, that man had already been cured of the wounds, which could leave a normal person crippled for life

'It was the right decision to get away from this fight'



'I spent 42% of my mana, it's enough to continue'

Then a black mist began to come out of his left hand and landed over the dead bodies

The magic of necromancy that he was training for 7 months paid off

Except for the murderer cut in half, the rest rose, regardless of whether they had the head or not

'I believe they are capable of using 60% of their original capabilities'

He had to spend 31% more of his mana, leaving only a remaining 27%

Necromancy was not unknown in this world, but extremely rare to see, therefore, instilled a deep fear in the army


At his command, the undead charged without hesitation to the army

The average soldier had a general stats of 25 points

While the undead, an average of 45 and perhaps more depending on their specialties, they also had no weaknesses, fatigue or fear

And so began a massacre

Meanwhile, Shvarz began to rest to recover mana


The undead were defeated approximately 45 minutes from the beginning of the confrontation, having taken more than 3000 infantry soldiers

Shvarz was more than satisfied with the result, he also made a great discovery, he gained stats while his undead killed his enemies, obviously it was a pathetic increase of +1 in mana, considering that he killed more than 3000 trained people

Even so, it was a splendid surprise

He had considered reviving more soldiers and repeating the method, but these soldiers were too weak, they were not worth it, the weaker the dead, the less mana is necessary to convert it, I could raise about 100, but 100 undead with such weak stats they would do nothing

He picked up a sword from the ground

Double grip style

His specialty is one-handed swords, but for the plans he had in mind in the future, he was going to use two swords at the same time

It's not like he isn`t capable

It is the undisputed genius Shvarz, of course he can use two swords, he just wanted to take advantage of this situation to get used to a long battle


1 hour after fighting the army, he had killed more than 7,000 soldiers, an average of two deaths per second

He felt that he had become accustomed enough to use two swords, so he decided to start raising the undead to accelerate the pace, it was barely noon and 10,000 had already died

... ..

3 hours from the beginning of the fight, Shvarz had already killed more than 30,000 soldiers, as he got used more and more, he accelerated the pace, in addition the numbers of undead continued to grow, as well as his adaptability to use two swords and the fear of the poor soldiers

... ..

5 hours from the beginning of the combat, 70,000 casualties by the army, and Shvarz already had some 3,000 undead with him, creating chaos in the enemy ranks, his handling in the magic of necromancy was growing by leaps and bounds, each undead cost less and less mana and had a strength more similar to what they had when they were alive and lifted them more easily


7 hours from the start of the fight, 150,000 casualties by the army, more than 10,000 undead on Shvarz's side, an ocean of corpses and blood behind him, combined with the sunset

At some point in the fight, Garrison tried to ambush and simply ended up dying, Shvarz had not even distinguished him from an average soldier, he was completely immersed in his swords.

He was completely bathed in blood, he really looked like a demon right now

The army retreated as quickly as possible, when Shvarz returned to himself, and noticed that the army was retreating, letting his undead die, there was no use for them

He turned around and walked calmly back to his kingdom.