
City Of Beginners

A mercenary who leaves his family at home to go out to work.He is in good health, better than average, and lives a comfortable life with a good financial support.He doesn't mind becoming better than the others, but he has a history of regret, so he decided to live comfortably, with few responsabilities.Thanks to the nature of this universe, he doesn´t have to worry about the safety of his family, he and his wife are recognized mercenaries, so nobody bothers them, they have average appearances, so there are a few lustful people who get in the way.The wife stays at home looking after the daughter, and the daughter goes to school.It is the perfect environment for the average mercenary, without great ambitions.While he was away on a job, a traitor emerged in the empire.The traitor was an oversize existence, enough to open a crack in the universe towards the universe of demons.Then, the "Alliance", was enormously pushed.The casualty happened at that moment.The planet where the rift originated was where it lived.It didn't matter how many soldiers or mercenaries there were.Millions of demons overflowed through the crack.You could literally see how a black and red ocean appeared out of nowhere.4 days later, the mercenary received the news, at first he did not believe it, then, without completing the work, he returned as quickly as possible to his home.But 7 planets away, he found the new border of the demonic territory.Those who guarded the border (an entire planet) did not allow him to pass.He sent them to fly, they decided not to confront him, it was not worth it, he was already out of his mind, the "Alliance", had more than enough population, and hopefully he would kill about 3 demons, even some high-ranking men accompanied him by the portal, for personal reasons or to bet how many he would kill.Up to this point, it is a common story in the universe, with an incalculable population, situations like this are known to all, except for the high-level traitor.When they crossed, there were a few hundred demons guarding the portal. The high-ranking soldiers drew their weapons and prepared.The mercenary shot out towards the demons, forcing his body to the extreme.6 demons were beheaded instantly.The soldiers were shocked.And the mercenary continued the killing. The soldiers, without words, agreed to take advantage of the situation, no matter how strange it was that someone classified as a 2-star mercenary had so much power, as soldiers and people with grudges against demons,they took advantage of the situation to strike a surprise blow at the Demons base.3 hours later, they finished the demon camp, they had killed more than 400 demons, almost half were the work of the mercenary.They were exhausted, but the mercenary wanted to continue.They decided to knock him out and retreat before enemy reinforcements appeared.The mercenary woke up a few days later, very far from the border.His anger had not diminished in the least, on the contrary, it grew.He escaped from the military center where his wounds were being treated and went to make a pact with "Wrath".Then he returned to the border, there were many soldiers also blinded by anger, madness, and greed for military merits, some had accompanied him, others were waiting for him there.There were also the soldiers from that time.With more than 3,000 high-ranking soldiers behind him, he passed through the portal.They were even stronger than the previous time and the small army took advantage of the fact that the demons did not use tactics, in addition to the fact that the mercenary was making a mess within the demon army, creating chaos.They were able to kill more than 11,000 demons and annihilate the main border headquarters, although more than half of the soldiers died.But the mercenary continued deeper into the demon territory.At that time, only the soldiers who did not care about their lives followed him, they had decided to continue killing until the last breath.The story became a little known thanks to the fact that the mercenary was 2 stars and got a pact with "Wrath".But there the story ends, the population lost interest after that....'This is why I wanted to forget…''But to forget about my wife and daughter? I'm a real piece of shit…''Hmm, I can't move, I can't even open my eyes…'"It's been 15 days without waking up, will he be alright?""Physically he has recovered, but the mental damage was enormous, that´s why he doesn´t wake up""But how do you explain the first days, in spite of healing him, his whole body was breaking again alone?""Due to mental damage, the damage reached the subconscious, causing the brain to deceive itself, and recreating the wounds in its body""Shit..."'Natalie and Jazmín? Well, if Jazmín is right, then I will be able to move soon, I regained consciousness, I am already beginning to feel through the skin again.(Jazmín) "Well, I'll go find Hyuk to help me cook, he already has me tired that he is training even longer than when Shvarz trained us, I'm tired of his sweaty odor"(Natalie) "Ok"Before leaving, Jazmín gave Shvarz a deep look, she had been able to see some of that bottomless anger.She wasn't sure if he had already passed the point of no return.Once only Natalie was left, she took a sit to his side(Natalie) "Damn, how can you be so uneven? You can take care of the ones you care about and kill someone you barely saw."'...'(Natalie) "If he was your enemy, and you knew he would come, why didn't you make preparations?"'Sigh… I had forgotten that they were divided by sectors, I tried to block all memory of him'(Natalie) "Also, the difference in strength, you never made such a powerful attack and still you only did a little scratch on the head"'… what?''Wait, did I manage to hurt him ?, at this level?'Shvarz was in shock, obviously when he attacked, it was with the intention of killing him, but once he regained consciousness, he realized how stupid that had been.But now, he took damage?Even at his best at the first opportunity, he had barely made a cut with all his might.THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMPThe adrenaline started pumping throughout his body.One blow that cost him his life was enough to scratch him.That was more than enough for the current ShvarzIf it wasn't for Jazmín and the boys, he would have died a few minutes later.(Natalie) "Do you know how worried we were? If you died, we..."Natalie couldn't finish speaking, it was that Shvarz was making an expression.He was smiling.Smiling like a devil, with extremely furrowed eyebrows....The next day he was able to move his body again.ShvarzTitles:Strenght: 115 Vitality: 115Agility: 120 Mana: 160Control: 399 Phyical Resistance: 120Magical Resistance: 75 Shvarz Regeneration: 120Skills: Instant Move (Shvarz Version)Equipment:'Incredible'Shvarz was euphoric, his stats had increased again, due to the extreme effort he underwent.'The magic resistance surely increased greatly because I injected too much mana into my body''The mana increased both for using every last drop, and for being present before an existence in a completely different league than mine.''This level is too much to be a newcomer to the second universe.''I could easily deal with 3 2-star people at the same time in my current state, this progress is equivalent to 10 years of training…''HAHAHAHAHAHA, so it should be, I have to kill him before he betrays the "Alliance".Shvarz couldn't stop smilingAlthough he looked like a gangster that got a new territory, with that expression.(Natalie) "Are you sure you're okay?"(Shvarz) "Perfectly"(Shvarz) "We will cross as soon as you are ready"(Hyuk) "Are you sure?, and if that child is waiting for you?"(Jazmín) "I'm sure if he wanted to, he could have killed everyone on the planet"(Shvarz) "Exactly, don't worry, you probably won't see him again soon".....(Shvarz) "Do you have everything you want to bring?"(Natalie) "Yes, but it's night, shouldn't we at least go in the morning?"(Shvarz) "You slept all afternoon, didn't you? When we cross, it will surely be noon or something like that"While everyone was nervousShvarz was excited'At last…'And they crossed the portal...When consciousness returned to them, they felt dizzy and nauseous.(Natalie) "URK!"(Hyuk) "agh, everything turns me around"(Jazmín) "… same"Shvarz was also feeling the symptoms, but he had already experienced such a significant transfer, so he resisted it quite well.'The first time wasn't that hard either...'Then they looked around(Hyuk) "Shvarz, don't tell me they are all like us..."(Shvarz) "Obviously they are, don't you know how big a universe is? Why do you think it was considered infinite?"They were standing in the middle of an ocean of people(Shvarz) "There must be more than 100,000 people here, it is the average rate for each transfer"(Hyuk) "OMG..."(Natalie) "I don't feel special anymore..."(Shvarz) "You are correct, you are equivalent to a child who has just finished primary school, just as the child of Solomon said"'You can see the difference in the quality and quantity of mana in the air''My body feels really comfortable now'"Mmgh, very well, everyone, I welcome you to Solomon's school or to the second universe, whatever you want to call it, you have just arrived at what is called as a city of beginners"In the middle of the ocean of people, there was a tower about 200 meters high, where there was a man explaining the situation, despite not being screaming, his voice reached everyone present."You will have free accommodation in that building over there, you are obliged to attend a couple of information conferences, we cannot let them run around being ignorant and causing problems, do not try to run away or do something stupid like starting a fight for stupid reasons, for an example. 'Not to be treated like royalty or with enough respect', please, we are all in the same circumstances, I was the spear king of the planet I came from, I trained for 30 years to earn the right to reach this universe and the same day I arrived I had a practice duel with a military officer and it made me look like I was a child playing with a damn branch, sigh, well, the one who causes problems will have problems, control yourself and don't be idiots "'A good explanation so that they don't cause problems, but we are talking about a hundred thousand people, there are always problems.'"30 years? Look at me, I am 27 years old and I am already here, I have been training for only 12 years, it means that I am twice as good as you, so I hope you will give me a VIP treatment""Sigh... you won't have it, go to the building""Come on old man, don't be envious"BOOOM!"AAAAAAGGHH!!"The spear on the man's back in the tower disappeared and appeared piercing the young man's right knee, separating his leg in two due to the power of the shot.TukOut of nowhere, the man had appeared in front of the young man squeezing his leg to stop the bleeding."Didn't you hear what I said?""YOU! SON OF A BI ... AAAGH"Before the young man finishes speaking, the man grabbed his ear tightly."Are your ears for decoration?"And ripped it off"AAAGH, DEMONS!"And ripped the other one too"ENOUGH!, I ALREADY UNDERSTOOD!""Okay, go to the building to be assigned a room""I-I can't go like this""Crawl, once assigned as a beginner in the building, you will be able to receive medical treatment, or do you need to cut off your other leg to start crawling?""N-NO!, I'M OK, HAHAHA, right now I'm going sir" The man turned around carrying his spearShvarz was impressed'He moved really fast despite my perception, and that spear throw was almost perfect...''At least a 3-star, approximately 100 years old, must be of captain rank, he worked really hard, but he is close to his born limit'What is a high-ranking officer doing welcoming newcomers? ...'Then Shvarz realized that the officer was looking at him."You are really obedient compared to what they reported"'So that child talked about me'"I'm Shvarz, nice to meet you, don't worry, I won't cause problems, I just had a personal issue with that child""Hmm, sorry, I was told you would be dangerous, I am Captain Soren, I look forward to working together in the future.""Same"'Soren, I remember, the patriot soldier who was left alone to defend a planet until he died, his beautiful act was a little known''It seems that they were really worried that i would make a mess the moment i appeared'"Well, let's go to the building"(Hyuk) "Is it possible to call that a building?"(Natalie) "Rather, I would say mountain"In front of them was the "building" 1km high and 5km wide, it looked like a mountain range"What did you expected, you have to accommodate a hundred thousand beginners from one moment to another"(Jazmín) "Is really impressive, even if all beings are as strong as us, it must be really difficult to make such a structure""Do you remember everything we told you about our planet?"(Jazmín) "Yes, really fantasy like""Well, imagine that society here is 200 years ahead of our planet, maybe more, although it doesn't matter how much technology there is, everything becomes inferior once you reach the 3-star rank"(Hyuk) "Wow, hey, so virtual reality is already developed here?""Yes, there are training centers and virtual entertainment, they have better immersion than 'that' anime"(Hyuk) "Shit, yeah!"(Natalie) "Why are you excited?, What we are experiencing already exceeds any fiction"(Hyuk) "You wouldn't understand, it's a gamer's romance""They are really good, and the time is generally 4 to 1 with reality, so they are good to train, although it is always better to train with your body"(Natalie) "As soon as we get there, one begins to think about playing and the other begins to move the muscles..."(Jazmín) "Mens..."While chatting, they reached the entrance.Inside were over 1,000 computers and 200 receptionistsAnd a huge sign hanging from the ceiling.[Those who know how to use computers, go to one and fill in the details. If you don't know what a computer is, go to any employee at a desk to start entering it]While Jazmín was speaking to a receptionist, the others went to computers.It was a simple thing, name, age, putting your fingerprints and a blood sample.A camera scanned his body to save height and they were weighed on a scale next to the computer.At the end, they were given an electronic card that said that information and the number of their room.Since they were registered at the same time, there was little difference between their room numbers.Walking inside that building felt like being in a city."It is 3:00 pm, come to my room at 7:00 pm to share our information on our cell phones, you will find one in your room, meanwhile, do what you want, Natalie, help Jazmín with the cell phone issue."Once alone in his room, Shvarz sat down to think about the next steps.'The next must be... the beginners tournament, I need the pass to the tower of desire'A tournament that is held so that army battalions and independent guilds can recruit members.The prize is the pass for any difficulty of the tower of desire, the champion can win a good prize after overcoming the 20th floor of the tower accompanied by a team from the best battalion in the empire.The "round table" battalion, led by King Arthur's faithful knights.'Rather, Emperor Arthur ...''Will they give me the pass even if I am not affiliated with any group?''If that's the case, it doesn't matter, I'll find a way.'"so…"4 hours left until meeting timeHe went to the kitchen and took a knife, the largest of which there was to choose from.Stab!And he stabbed himelf in his left forearm"Mmm"It hurt a lot, that showed the difference of the materials in this place, it even went so far as to touch the bone.If it infused mana into it for a day, it would be better than Garrison's swordTwistHe started to twist the knife still stabbed in his forearmHis goal was to increase his physical endurance, regeneration, and vitality.He could no longer improve his cells simply by controlling them with manaHe needed to absorb to evolve, so for the moment, he would focus on his stats and not on the actual improvement of his being.This level of pain was nothing for a madman who lived fighting to the death for years in the territory of demons and monsters.BesidesNothing compared to the pain of the day that he lost everything...And the anger started to break out again.Crack!"..."He let go and cracked the bone.And he decided to stab into the bone crack and pry, to end up breaking the bone in two partsCrack crackAnd it started damaging the nerve, taking the pain to a much higher levelTo forget a pain, a stronger pain is necessary.And it continued like this for 4 hours, ruining his body in different parts.It was the only method he knew of to alleviate his loss, although it was never enough.When he remembered that he would never have his daughter again, all the physical pain disappeared and a depression mixed with anger erupted from within his.He knew he was crazy, that his mental health was damagedSo what?That same allowed him to fight again and again and again and grow enormously in just a few decades, which takes others centuries.Even if he can ensure a safe and happy life for his wife.He could never get his daughter back, even if they had a daughter again, Sara herself, would not exist again, after all, what forms a person is his personality, which develops according to his environment and memories...Tok tokHis line of thought was interrupted by the knock on the front door."Come in"Unconsciously he allowed them to enter.(Natalie) "AH!"(Hyuk) "What...?"Obviously they would react like thisUpon entering, they saw a Shvarz in his underwear, with dozens of wounds all over his bodySinkings could be noted through his rib cage, indicating that the some ribs were completely flattened and hurting the inside.From his left elbow to his fingers, they were completely flabby and full of deep wounds, it looked like a boneless mass of meatThe big toe of his right foot was parted to the side and you could tell it was cut cleanly.On his left thigh there was a cut big enough to put a fist inside.And a huge pool of blood under his feets.The most nervous of the 3 was Jazmín.After seeing his injuries, he saw what Shvarz was doing.At that time, Shvarz was stabbing himself in the left chest, at the height of the heart...Then hastily took a look into Shvarz's eyesFatigueIt was the best description for those eyes, they were the same as when he had woken up from a coma.Tired of living, he wouldn't mind dying right thenAt that moment, he discovered that her assumptions were correct.Shvarz was emotionally weak, very weak.It was not that it was difficult for him to forget the past, for him, there was no difference between the moment he lost everything and his current situation.Thanks to her high intelligence and adaptability, in addition to all the stories she have heard in recent months, Jazmín, thanks to Natalie's help, was able to learn to use the internet really fast.Concerned about Shvarz's emotional instability, she searched his condition online.What he had could be classified as a combination of post-traumatic stress and major depressive disorder.His desire for revenge was the only thing keeping him from committing suicide.But he didn't mind dying on the road to revenge, either.(Jazmín) "Stop!!"With that cry, Shvarz returned to his senses.And he pulled the knife from his chest, allowing a large amount of blood to flow out.He also realized that he was extremely pale from the loss of blood.When Jazmín was starting to use magic to heal him even a little bit, it would only be like putting water in a broken jug, her magic was far inferior to helping someone at Shvarz's level."Stop, I'm fine, I'll recover"Having said that, he started walking towards the bed and sat down."Could you pass me that toe?"(Hyuk) "Ye, Yeah…"As he got closer, Hyuk could see the wounds begin to heal, and the bleeding stop.He was using an incredible amount of mana to maximize his regeneration.With this situation he learned something important'If I am too depressed to want to die, the regeneration I created will not be activated.''I must be careful, I need a goal to not relapse in the same way'Prevail and win'I have to direct my existence in that path''Yes... win and never lose, regardless of the situation''Cut all my enemies''That must be my Destiny'The CHANGE Jazmín had felt was beginning.And that gave her chills all over his body, with her eyes, she could see a new image behind Shvarz, before she could only see eyes that hated everything.Those were the memories of Shvarz sealed, currently he could see the true image behind him.It was a planet with the red sky, and with endless mountains, mountains of demon corpses and Shvarz sitting on top of the largest mountain.With a crown of bones on his head.If demon and transcendental gods like Solomon were the definition of gods.Why couldn't he become the god of death?Death is absolute, the demon gods and Solomon, even they have an end.That was the destiny that Shvarz was aiming for, to be the end of all, to become the absolute.Death itself.And he would do it by force.