
Chapter 1:

My vision was shrouded by darkness when a sudden shout echoed louder and louder.

"Willow get up already!!"

I was jolted awake by the shout of my mother. "Yes, I'm already up, no need to shout!!" I said while I continue to lie down and close my eyes hoping that the time will freeze.

But that is impossible, after 5 minutes of dilly-dallying I finally decided to leave my bed and started fixing it.

"Why must students need to wake up early in the morning? Can't we just study at noon or night? They said having rest were very important for student," I mumbled while complaining as if the world was at fault.

I dragged my exhausted and lethargic body to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. While brushing my teeth I walked out of the bathroom and walk to the table beside my bed and checks the time.

"6:20 am," I whispered inaudibly. I open the curtains of my room and check the surrounding. The light blinded me for a second, after adjusting my eyes I open the window and breath deeply while the cold breeze of the wind rashly enter thru the window.

It was currently early December. So, the wind was colder than usual. It's just a few months when the semester and the school year will be closing.

I walk towards the bathroom to finish my business. After dozen minutes, Willow exited the bathroom while rubbing her hair using a towel.

"Willow, did you go back to bed again?" My mom shouted outside the room. Her name was Eva Williams. "Aren't you going to school?!!" continued nagging by my mom. "If you don't want to go to school then just quit already, do you think you will achieve something if you keep doing this?" nagged again by my mom while preparing a meal for breakfast.

I exit my room and rush into the dining room to have my breakfast. "Mom, can you stop nagging it was still early in the morning and I just finish some school papers yesterday late at night," I said while casually sitting down.

"If I won't nag at you then who will? You should be thankful that you have a mother who cares and nagged at's you" My mom said while fixing the utensils.

"Okay fine, are we good now?" I forcefully said while eating her breakfast.

"Honey breakfast is ready, Let's eat while the food were still hot!!" my mom shouted to call my dad, Mr. Robert Williams.

"Mom, what time is it already?" I asked while picking a hotdog and scooping some rice.

"Huh, time? Well, it's already 7:50" My mom said while looking at her phone.

"What!!! Why didn't you tell me the time, I'll be late already" I shouted while choking from the water.

"When then I didn't tell you the time, didn't you hear me shouting at you to wake up already?" My mom said.

"It has already become your daily routine to complain that I didn't wake you up early in the morning, if you can't even wake up early in the morning then you won't achieve anything" nagged by mom while shaking her head as if she was greatly disappointed.

"Mom I have to go tell dad that I'll be going, bye," I said while rashly picking up my bag and a piece of bread.

"Okay, bye," Mom said. I rashly exited outside the house when I suddenly remember that I forgot something.

So, I rushed back inside the house and shouts "Mom my allowance" I said while offering her hand.

Mom grab some money from her pocket and give it to me when I saw how much the money is I cheekily asked her "Mom can you add a little bit of money to my allowance Please".

"There, that was where you are good at. Asking for additional money" Mom said while complaining but eventually she still didn't give additional money.

"Get going already or you will be late for your classes," Mom urged me to rush out. I pouted a little bit while complaining about how stingy my mother is. But it was just a mere thought.

I rush from my home to school. My school was just close to my home. So I always walk as a means of transportation to arrive at school.

After running for more than ten minutes, I finally arrived at my classroom and the class already started.

The professor was already started discussing the lesson for the day. Insenakily walk to the back door when my gaze and teacher's gaze met.

"Ms. Willow you're late again, this is already the sixth time of the month. Can you pls stop being tardy Ms. Willow!!" My teacher said reprimanding me. His name was Mr. Santos, my chemistry teacher, and our homeroom adviser.

"Hihihihi, sorry sir but the traffic was getting worse these days," I said while fidgeting.

"Lies!! Who doesn't know your home was just near the school. And you walk from your home to school remember?" Mr. Santos said while smiling sarcastically.

"Uhhh did I say that?" I dumbly asked Willow my nearest classmate.

"Pfffftttt" laughter echoed thru the whole classroom.

I scratched the back of my head out of embarrassment and hurriedly rushes to my seat.

The teacher completely ignore me and continue the lesson that was interrupted.

"Nuclear chemistry is the sub-field of chemistry dealing with radioactivity, nuclear processes and transformations are the nuclei of atoms, such as nuclear transmutation and nuclear properties," Mr. Santos said.

'Oh, what a great way to start the day I mumbled.

"Ms. Willow, are you saying something?" Mr. Santos asked while raising his brows.

"Uhhh nothing sir," I said while putting up an innocent act and feigning ignorance.

"If you don't have questions regarding our lessons stop mumbling at your seat and get out, you are disturbing the discussion" Mr. Santos scolds me.

I embarrassingly bows my head and started scribbling in my notebook.

'Chemistry early in the morning and start of the class, wtf' I thought.

"Class dismiss," Mr. Santos said.

I was woken up from my stupor when I heard Mr. Santos dismissing the class. Well, the chemistry was meant for dazing off.

"Uhhh, remember you are all graduating in just a few months so think about your future and think what courses you should take for college," Mr. Santos said while fixing his things.

"Consult and talk to your parents thoroughly, it was for your future so take it seriously." Mr. Santos naggingly said.

"The school year was coming to an end so let's hang in there, okay? Fighting" Mr. Santos cheered.

"Willow what course will you take in college?" asked by my seatmate named Blake.

"Uhmmm" I forced a stiff smile and said, "I'm not yet sure".

Sometimes when people ask me what plans I have in college, I just find myself being stomped on and can't properly answer.

And then there are parents, who instead guide and help you to figure out what you like. They instead pressure you to do this or that.

The ring bells when I started to overthink a lot of things. "Willow let's go to the cafeteria now before the snacks will be all bought, Hurry!!" Sydney one of my classmates and also my childhood friend hurriedly pulled me out of my seat.

"Huh? What snacks? Aren't we still in class?" Where is the teacher? I ask confusedly while looking around.

"Huh? Are you dazing again in class? Didn't you hear the bell just rang a moment ago" Sydney said while mocking me?

"Uhh, did the bell ring? I think it's not working because I didn't hear anything" I ask while blinking innocently.

"The bell was doing its purpose but your ear and brain don't," Sydney said while laughing at me.

I scratched my head and said "Fine, at least I got the physical appearance to back it up, right? " I flipped my hair while nodding continuously and putting on a lopsided grin.

"Eww, Willow stops spouting nonsense or I might throw up," Sydney said while acting like she was throwing up.

While she's busy acting up I run outside and said "Bye, I'm gonna go buy some snacks first"

"Heyyy, Willow you freaking betrayer! Do you even treat me as your friend? " Sydney dramatically said while catching up with me.