
Weird Awkward Bliss 1

          I sort of just melted in his arms. We never really hugged before it even have skin contact that was more than holding hands. But right now, he was caressing my face, his thumb just under my eyes, wiping the tears away, sending cold shivers down my spine. Sometimes, I don't know what I would do without him. What if I hadn't been there on the football match day? Would the universe had given me one more chance? Would.....the coldness seeped in through my forehead, and I shivered.  

          His lips were pressed against my forehead, his hand on either side of my face. I instantly closed my eyes. For once in my life, I felt protected, significant and above all, wanted. Wanted. By my best friend. My best friend Morgan. My best friend who I had no chance with. My eyes opened as I pulled myself away, my breath hitching. Morgan looked confused, his hands still hanging.


I blinked rapidly. It was Morgan. The person kissing my forehead....my best friend. I stood, dusting myself off. He stood with me. 

"Is something wrong? Do you have somewhere to be?" 

I shook my head.

 "Then what's wrong?" 

I looked up at him. "What just happened?"

 "What exactly?" He asked, looking lost. 

"What exactly happened between us?" I blinked after saying that. It hadn't come out the way I wanted it to. He sat back down, his head shielded away from me by his knee. "Sammy...we were talking about."

 "I know what we were talking about, Morgan. Just that, how? Best friends don't...don't kiss.."

 "I didn't kiss you." He said, looking straight into my eyes and I felt instantly stupid. It was just on the forehead, what was I thinking? He was just trying to console me. He was just..being a good best friend. I dace plane and sat next to him.

 "I'm sorry, I guess my guard is just...up and I was thinking things and..." 

"But I want to." I looked up at him sharply, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at me, but lower. At my lips. He then slowly looked back up, his eyes calm. "I want to kiss you, Samantha." 

          My breath hitched. No freaking way. This guy was desired by every girl like he had sprayed some Aphrodite spray or something. Here he was, looking at me, like that. Looking at me like...like.... He laughed and shook his head.

 "Sorry." He looked away from me, drawing his knees to him and straightening his arms on his knees. I didn't know what to say, so I kept mute. "Samantha..." He said, and smiled. "My nerdy friend." 

I almost hit him. 

"I wanna kiss my nerdy friend." I stopped. He was still looking away. He laughed hard, shaking his head all through. "I wanna kiss Samantha, my nerdy friend and not stop at that. I wanna do lots more, all with my nerdy friend, Samantha. I want to be at her eighteenth birthday, and be the man of the event." He stopped and sighed. "Anyway. You good to go?"