

Nicole smiled brightly and walked into the cell. "Are you not just dumb, Nathan? Can't you see those keys are not burning through you?"

I looked up to my hand, and for sure, it wasnt burning though. The keys were made of silver. So they were meant to burn through me. I had just been driven enough to not feel it. I thought it was the anger blinding it, I didn't realize it actually wasnt burning.

I dropped the keys, and looked at Nicole. "Morgan killed you." 

She laughed. "You're so dimwitted, Nathan. Its so hsrd to believe you're a child of your father," She walked into the cell laughing as I straightened and stood, anger filling me up agsin.

Wh can't all of them just die?

"What Is happening here?"  I asked.

"You don't quite know how to work sLa mind link, do you?" The cloaked man said, his voice errily Similar to my father's.

"Who are you?" 

"The man you just tried to kill." He raised two fingers of each hand and pushed the cloak away, revealing himself to me.

One brow raised, lips slightly spread in a mocking smile, eyes as dark as ever, my father stood before me in all glory, obviously showing that I had walked right into his trap.

"How many times did I teach you how to mind link, Nathan? But because you are a useless worthless vampire, you do not even know you're supposed to shut off your own thoughts. Even without a mind link, as a vampire living amongst vampires, you should shut off your thoughts!"

Did he hear my thoughts from the mind link? Had her found out about my original plan and staged it for me so I could walk into his trap?

I swallrd. "Nicole?"

"You mean thd guard dog who you are to dispose of once I complete your mission. I thought you were better."

"You are not any better too, Nicole. You know that."

My father looked between us and shrugged. "We'll, surprise son. You were at least ten steps behind us."

I blinded, refusing to believe my achievements were all going to blow up in a cloud of system now. I couldn't stop now, I know I can't. I already get some far just for thos revenge. I already tried so hard.

"You shoud try harder. you want revenge agsinst me? You want to make me pay? For what? For trying to make you strong?"

"You were weakening me! You were ruining me father, in more ways than one! You made me hate being your son, made me hate being a vampire, made me hate my existence. It was all you!"

"Morgan heard it too." My eyes widened

"heard what?"

"More than he should have."

My father glanced at his impersonator who was still lying, crouched on the ground.

"Take him away." 

I watched as two vampires came into the cell and ungrateful dragged the still unconscious man.

It was now just me and the man I dread the most.